This is a repost of an excellent article written by D.L. Adams of Stop the Islamization of America.
November 06, 2009
Resolving the Cognitive Dissonance of Islam
By D.L. Adams
The negative spiritual and intellectual consequence of believing two mutually exclusive concepts is "cognitive dissonance." Our interaction as a society with Islam is a direct cause of "cognitive dissonance" for us as individuals and as a culture.
Resolution of the contradiction requires the rejection of one of the concepts as false. If we continue to ignore our cognitive dissonance about Islam the consequences are dire: we will lose our civilization.
Islam is much more than a religion; it is a complete civilization that includes politics (caliphate), jurisprudence (Sharia law), war (jihad), and a deliberately misleading "religion of peace." The doctrine of Islam is found in three books: Koran (the literal word of Allah as "revealed" to Mohammed), Sira (Mohammad's biography), and Hadith (stories about and sayings of Mohammed by contemporaries). The definitive text of Sharia law is "Reliance of the Traveller." Allah and Mohammed are to be obeyed, not questioned. "Islam" means "submission;" a Muslim is "one who submits." "Islam" does not mean "peace."
For The Rest
This unfavorableD3 Gold psychic in addition to mental response to trusting two mutually special methods is definitely "cognitive dissonance.Inches Our interaction like a society with Islam is usually a one on one reason for "cognitive dissonance" for GW2 gold all of us since persons and as some sort of lifestyle.
The negative spiritual and intellectual consequence of believing two mutually exclusive concepts is "cognitive dissonance." Our interaction as a society with Islam is a direct cause of "cognitive dissonance" for us as individuals and as a culture.
GW2 Gold
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