In the past we have heard of Muslim cab drivers who would not allow a passenger into their car who was being accompanied by a seeing eye dog . Now we have a blind man in the UK who was trying to take his girlfriend out for her birthday being barred from a restaurant because of his dog. The reason was that the Muslim staff said it was against their religion to be near dogs. The blind man was also with his five year-old daughter. How nice.
Blind man's guide dog barred from restaurant for offending Muslims
A blind man has been turned away from a fashionable Indian restaurant because his guide dog offended Muslim staff.
By John Bingham
Last Updated: 3:30PM GMT 15 Dec 2008
Alun Elder-Brown was barred from bringing his guide dog, Finn, into Kirthon Restaurant
Alun Elder-Brown, a recruitment executive, said he was left feeling "like a piece of dirt" after being barred from bringing the animal into Kirthon Restaurant in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, on religious grounds.
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association said the decision was illegal under the Disability Discrimination Act and Mr Elder-Brown, 51, is now considering suing the establishment in The Pantiles.
It follows a series of successful prosecutions of Muslim taxi drivers who refused to carry guide dogs in their cars because they considered them unclean on religious grounds.
Mr Elder-Brown was taking his girlfriend out to celebrate her birthday with her five year-old daughter last week when he was told he would have to leave his dog, Finn, tied up outside.
He showed a card issued by the Institute of Environmental Health Officers certifying he and his dog were allowed into any premises but an argument ensued and the owners threatened to call the police if he did not leave.
"It was humiliating and degrading, especially as there were a lot of people around me," he said.
"I was made to feel like a piece of dirt. They told me I couldn't come in because it was against their religious beliefs to have a dog in the restaurant.
"They then said I could leave Finn tied up outside. I stayed calm but when they threatened to call police I left."
He added: "It was horrible. It put a dampener on the whole celebration."
Under the Disability Discrimination Act it is illegal to refuse to serve a disabled person of give them a diminished level of service because of their disability.
Chris Dyson of Guide Dogs for the Blind said: "We are extremely concerned and disappointed that Alun was refused access to this restaurant.
"We very much hope that this restaurant will reconsider its decision and get in touch with the charity so that we can give them a better understanding of their requirements under the law and explain the important role that the guide dog plays for Alun."
The restaurant's owner, Amenur Abdussamad, was not immediately available for comment.
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i trust seeing eye dogs
islam not so much
yochanan of LGF
Me too. Thanks for dropping by.
You guys are intolerant. A pederast and a brigand starts a religion to kill everyone who believes differently, and you guys get all uppity.
The acommodations>appeasment of these people is just awful. HOW
ABOUT SOME COMPASSION & CONCERN FOR OTHERS, ISLAMISTS? Oh, I forgot thats the Christian Judaic,Buddist, all other religions,not the religion of peace, not Islam. id
Sorry for getting uppity!!
Muslims - such lovely people, aren't they?
(linking you, Sir!)
My god! Is it racial discrimination? Aside from the dog being black, are people with service dogs racially discriminated against by muz because dogs are haram and therefore the blind guy is haram? This guy would retire rich (or own a restaurant) in the US with the lawsuit he'd whoop on 'em. Be interesting to see what the Brits do with this one. I'd love to be this guy's lawyer (or solicitor).
Thanks Dinah!!
If he sues and the judge sides with Islam, that will open the door for more oppression of non-Muslims there.
If they want to set up shop and take money from country's that have laws to protect handicapped peoples rights.then they must fallow those law's ! and not be allowed to break them ! if they do not obay them then they should have there license pulled!and if that is uppity well I am
Hey Miles,
I was wondering where you have been.
This foolishness has gone way too far and is really getting out of control, try a little bit of tolerance people!
Events like this will happen more frequently as their % of the population rises.
TOLERANCE hiddenface7...!!!!???? Did the restaurant owners and staff show tolerance towards the blind man?? I find your backward prehistoric faith insulting to me and my core values. There is NO place in a developed society for your values.
Hiddenfaces7 was talking to the Muslims. But I love your passion.
Thanks for the comment, but that picture is really not for here.
Maybe the mooslimes were upset by the fact that the dog excretes higher life forms than they {mooslimes/mudslimes is-slime/whatever} than they could ever hope to be.
Just a thought.
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