The concept of child workers or slaves is nothing new to Islamic countries such as Yemen, Egypt, and in parts of Africa. Some of these children have to work because of poor economic conditions, others are forced to work and many are beaten to work harder. They are basically treated no better than slaves.
Now American Muslims are once again bringing part of the Islamic culture here. As more and more cases of children being imported here to work are being reported. This is besides the uptick of Islamic "honor killings" that we have seen in America. Let me get right to the point, all cultures are not equal and some have no business being here at all.
Child maid trafficking spreads from Africa to US
IRVINE, Calif. – Late at night, the neighbors saw a little girl at the kitchen sink of the house next door.
They watched through their window as the child rinsed plates under the open faucet. She wasn't much taller than the counter and the soapy water swallowed her slender arms. To put the dishes away, she climbed on a chair.
But she was not the daughter of the couple next door doing chores. She was their maid.
Shyima was 10 when a wealthy Egyptian couple brought her from a poor village in northern Egypt to work in their California home. She awoke before dawn and often worked past midnight to iron their clothes, mop the marble floors and dust the family's crystal. She earned $45 a month working up to 20 hours a day. She had no breaks during the day and no days off.
The trafficking of children for domestic labor in the U.S. is an extension of an illegal but common practice in Africa. Families in remote villages send their daughters to work in cities for extra money and the opportunity to escape a dead-end life. Some girls work for free on the understanding that they will at least be better fed in the home of their employer.
She arrived at Los Angeles International Airport on Aug. 3, 2000, according to court documents. The family brought her back to their spacious five-bedroom, two-story home, decorated in the style of a Tuscan villa with a fountain of two angels spouting water through a conch. She was told to sleep in the garage.
It had no windows and was neither heated nor air-conditioned. Soon after she arrived, the garage's only light bulb went out. The Ibrahims didn't replace it. From then on, Shyima lived in the dark.
She was told to call them Madame Amal and Hajj Nasser, terms of respect. They called her "shaghala," or servant. Their five children called her "stupid."
While the family slept, she ironed the school outfits of the Ibrahims' 5-year-old twin sons. She woke them, combed their hair, dressed them and made them breakfast. Then she ironed clothes and fixed breakfast for the three girls, including Heba, who at 10 was the same age as the family's servant.
Neither Ibrahim nor his wife worked, and they slept late. When they awoke, they yelled for her to make tea.
While they ate breakfast watching TV, she cleaned the palatial house. She vacuumed each bedroom, made the beds, dusted the shelves, wiped the windows, washed the dishes and did the laundry.
Her employers were not satisfied, she said. "Nothing was ever clean enough for her. She would come in and say, 'This is dirty,' or 'You didn't do this right,' or 'You ruined the food,'" said Shyima.
She started wetting her bed. Her sheets stank. So did her oversized T-shirt and the other hand-me-downs she wore.
While doing the family's laundry, she slipped her own clothes into the load. Madame slapped her. "She told me my clothes were dirtier than theirs. That I wasn't allowed to clean mine there," she said.
She washed her clothes in a bucket in the garage. She hung them to dry outside, next to the trash cans.
In 2006, a U.S. district court in Michigan sentenced a Cameroonian man to 17 years in prison for bringing a 14-year-old girl from his country to work as his unpaid maid.
That same year, a Moroccan couple was sentenced to home confinement for forcing their 12-year-old Moroccan niece to work grueling hours caring for their baby.
In Germantown, Md., a Nigerian couple used their daughter's passport to bring in a 14-year-old Nigerian girl as their maid. She worked for them for five years before escaping in 2001. In Germany, France, the Netherlands and England, African immigrants have been arrested for forcing children from their home countries to work as their servants.
For months Shyima lied to investigators, saying what the Ibrahims had told her to say.
She went without sleep for days at a stretch. She was put on four different types of medication. She moved from foster home to foster home. Her mood swings alarmed her guardians. In school for the first time, she struggled to learn to read.
Investigators arranged for her to speak to her parents. She told them she felt like a "nobody" working for the Ibrahims and wanted to come home. Her father yelled at her.
"They kept telling me that they're good people," Shyima recounted in a recent interview. "That it's my fault. That because of what I did my mom was going to have a heart attack."
Three years ago, she broke off contact with her family. Since then she has refused to speak Arabic. She can no longer communicate in her mother tongue.
During the 2006 trial, the Ibrahims described Shyima as part of their family. They included proof of a trip she took with the family to Disneyland. Shyima's lawyer pointed out that the 10-year-old wasn't allowed on the rides — she was there to carry the bags.
The couple's lawyers collected photographs of the home where Shyima grew up, including close-ups of the feces-stained squat toilet and of Shyima's sisters washing clothes in a bucket.
In her final plea, Madame Amal told the judge it would be unfair to separate her from her children. Enraged, Shyima, then 17, told the court she hadn't seen her family in years.
"Where was their loving when it came to me? Wasn't I a human being too? I felt like I was nothing when I was with them," she sobbed.
The couple pleaded guilty to all charges, including forced labor and slavery. They were ordered to pay $76,000, the amount Shyima would have earned at the minimum wage. The sentence: Three years in federal prison for Ibrahim, 22 months for his wife, and then deportation for both. Their lawyers declined to comment for this story.
"I don't think that there is any other term you could use than modern-day slavery," said Bob Schoch, the special agent in charge for Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Los Angeles, in describing Shyima's situation.
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Let us hope the Liberal left take up the cause, or will it be another case of not wanting to get involved with another culture.
The Muslim culture has no place in the west.
Where are the feminist groups standing up for Islamic women? I guess it does not suit their agenda.
Though much older, Islam is the new Marxism where some brothers and sisters are more equal than others. However, since it is not descended from Europe, Islam is to be accepted, enforced.
Who are we to question child slavery, especially when it comes from a "superior" culture?
Well said Roger.
Muslims have been in the slave trade for hundreds of years. They never stopped, just learned to hide it better. Chechnyans steal girls in Georgia on their way south and sell them for arms to go north to support their jihad. Slavery for prostitution is a mainstay in the underground muslim world. To the muz, it doesn't matter what a country's laws say. If sharia says it's OK or a muz custom, they ignore the law. I personally knew muz that had extra wives.....they cost around $30,000 each in Yemen, and one guy brought one over that was only 13. The ease with which they do these things is almost laughable.
They believe that Islamic laws are made by God and that they trump our man made laws. It is just a matter of time until they feel that they are strong enough across the West and claim our lands as Islamic. Demanding that Islamic law is the new law of the land.
For anyone that thinks slavery isn't alive and well, visit the Middle East... There are hardly any local families that do NOT have two or three workers [maids, nannies, drivers] in their households. No, not all do; just most.
The history of slave trading in Islamic nations goes way back.
Among the three books which most influenced Lincoln's condemnation of slavery was a travelogue by Captain James Riley, who was captured after a shipwreck by Moslems. He got an up-close look at slavery in Northern Africa. Lincoln couldn't get the images of what Riley described out of his mind.
When we read about Lincoln today and the books which influenced him, the two books mentioned are the Bible and The Pilgrim's Progress. Rarely is that third book mentioned.
BTW, the tavelogue by James Riley is still available to read.
Gee lets let more of these asshats into the country. They bring so much culture to us. Not!
At least this POS is back in Egypt. Too bad she was not found floating in a vat of pig lard.
EPILOGUE: On a recent afternoon in Cairo, Madame Amal walked into the lobby of her apartment complex wearing designer sunglasses and a chic scarf.
After nearly two years in a U.S. prison cell, she's living once more in the spacious apartment where Shyima first worked as her maid. The apartment is adorned in the style of a Louis XIV palace, with ornately carved settees, gold-leaf vases and life-sized portraits of her and her husband.
She did not agree to be interviewed for this story.
Before the door closed behind her, a little girl slipped in carrying grocery bags. She wore a shabby T-shirt. Her small feet slapped the floor in loose flip-flops. Her eyes were trained on the ground.
She looked to be around 9 years old
Okay, reading that EPILOGUE ticked me right off...
The so called feminists of the left turn my stomach. You are right about it not fitting their agenda. Let me tell you, if it's not about their vagina they don't want to hear anything about it.
Just for grins I went to the National Organization for Women's website and searched for "child slavery" and got a big goose egg. (Most of the 18 hits using just plain "slavery" were related to George Bush or sex slaves.)
I searched for "abortion" and got over 5000 hits.
(Very interesting tidbit about Lincoln and slavery, Always on Watch. Thank you.)
'Always On Watch' mentioned the travelogue by Captain James Riley, and I did find it listed at Amazon:
http://is.gd/e10x -- in the Irish History section!
These scumbags should have been dropped in the middle of the Sahara shorn of any worldly possessions.
Good work, that is very telling of their true agenda.
Welcome mate!!
NOTHING could be worse than doing something like this to a child.
It is absolutely disgusting and disturbs me to the bone.
I was referred to an Opinion article (12/22/08) in the Cape May County Herald (NJ) by the Publisher, Art Hall: Keep the Muslims Out?
He writes:
As we gather to celebrate the birth of Christ from a religious perspective, it is also worth pausing to consider what structure civilization would have attained, had he not come.
When large groups of people live together in close proximity, there must exist a code of conduct separate from the law, which establishes how we interact with each other. Are we polite, or are we rude? Are we refined, or are we vulgar? Are we truthful, or do we lie? Do we tip the waitress, or do we stiff her? Are we honest, or do we steal? Are we respectful of other people’s things, or do we abuse them? Are we true to our spouse, or do we cheat?
A nation of upright citizens thrives; a nation of vulgar, lying, dishonest cheats, declines.
There is more, along with a goodly passel of commentary from some supporters, and of course the CAIR defilers. Please let him know that most freedom-loving Americans, and those of us schooled in Western Civilisation, are not believers in the false propaganda espoused by the Maggot Media and its bribers.
"In dictatorships you need courage to fight evil; in the free world you need courage to see evil."
~ Natan Sharansky
Here you go.
Thanks TT - should have guessed you'd all be on top of it!
Cheers. :^)
That is OK, please send in any new information that you come across.
Note that religion is not mentioned
nor was the epilogue published in todays paper...
Note, it is not hard to figure out.
Note, your smokescreen will not work here.
Here Chris, smoke this...
The point is that AP treats this as new(s). The Quran has been used to justify slavery for centuries. Most slaves transported to America were sold into slavery by their families to north african arab slavers.
Smoke this,
Stop with the excuses, people are concerned with what is happening today.
I am not making excuses. As far as today is concerned, the IDF should push them into the sea and be done with it. But likely won't...
Agreed, Israel will have to back off and then the whole thing will happen next year also.
Of course the world will pressure Israel to stop and then Hamas will just regroup.
Happy New Year!!
Joyous New Year to you too, Chris, and to all. I sincerely hope it to be not as trepidatious as 08. The way things are going in the world,
though, western leadership and diplomacy better learn the concept of "hudna"
Ah, you are informed. Hudna is what has been keeping them going for centuries.
"And the beat goes on" at the UN
Yes it does.
Do you agree with the sentiment;
"There are no moderate muslims, there are only jihadis and apostates"?
"Moderate" Muslims are irrelevant and are not true Muslims.
This was really sad..We should not allow it here.
Well i see it's not just my country England that has this Islamic-muslim problem. I find it strange they don't like us or are way of life but they seem to like the country and it's benifits but still want to keep and practice its dark age way of life
We have the same problems here with the Muslim community. It is not just as bad yet. They like the economic opportunities of the West, but they still want to dominate us under Islamic rule.
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