I am sure that most of the readers have seen that Islamic foot washing basins have been added to various airports such as the Indianapolis airport and the Kansas City airport. Universities that have installed them include the Minneapolis Community and Technical College and the University of Michigan in Dearborn. In many cases public funds have been used to pay for the installation which makes this a clear violation of separation of Church and state.
Now a moderate Islamic group called Muslims Against Sharia has issued a statement that they support the US Constitution and are against the basins being installed. They are encouraging people to use them as urinals to offend the sharia loving Muslims. I applaud them for coming out with such a strong statement.
Offend a Radical - Urinate in a Footbath
As a staunch supporter of the Constitution, which expressly states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...," I am embarrassed by many of my countrymen who are bending over backwards to accommodate radical Muslims by installing religious ritualistic devices in public places.
As a Muslim, I am embarrassed, as well, by many of my co-religionists who attempt to impose their radical religious agenda on American society by installing the same ritualistic devices in these same public places.
As an American Muslim, I am personally offended when I read about footbaths on public property, i.e., municipal airports, state colleges, etc. I think that the best way to combat these blatant Constitutional violations is by turning the aforementioned footbaths into urinals.
Our government seems to have neither brains nor balls to combat the advance of stealth Gihad, but I believe that American people are smart enough and courageous enough to handle the threat of Sharia.
I am asking every American patriot to place this (see image) or similar note above every footbath located on public property, then take a picture and email it to us at INFO at REFORMISLAM.ORG.
Khalim Massoud
Muslims Against Sharia
Link to Article
Thank you for speaking out and protecting and preserving the America you love! You are brave!
This is great and long overdue.
at least, a nice blog against the worst spreading bacteria in the world.. +1 for your nice blog Chris.. frm mumbai, (India)
This is an other time that your heading in the email had nothing to do with the content of your blog. The email said “Top Muslim Calls for War with the UK”. Your blog had nothing on the topic. This way of operating is a turn off to serious bloggers. Please stay on topic.
You are brave...Keep it up...
Good site....
Thanks Saajan,
I do not recall that happening before, it was just a mistake.
"Top Muslim Calls for War within the UK" is the top story on blog. Since it is impossible to mail out every story, sometimes I just put the main link to the blog and all you would have to do is scroll down one or two stories, as I have added more.
Thanks for reading.
Thank you Christian Soldier.
I start laughing when I saw this! I went to school at UofM Dearborn, but it was years ago. I was long gone when the footbaths arrived. The muz heavily infest Dearborn, and this footbath thing was one of their antics. Pissing in a footbath is kinda gross, and unlawful, however, if one were to accidently drop a bacon strip in all the footbaths......well that would make them "haram" wouldn't it?
Apache Man,
I was laughing also. I believe that would make it "haram."
call it 'emergency' toilet...
'haram' lol :D
You know, they don't even have foot baths in the Middle East! So why must Christian America have them? When the Muslims treat Christian fairly maybe Westerns will respond in kind.
Thanks for that information.
Hi Christ,
Your site is pretty interesting.I found your blog 2 weeks ago and have been reading it and will keep reading it.It makes me know the real situation that is happening in the world especially in UK who caters to Islam too much.It's sad to know about it because i once admired UK because of its richness of cultural heritage but now,they are sinking and drowning.Islam is the problem and the Brits need to not just waking up from sleep but they must realize and combat the never-ending demand of Islam.Neway, I'm from Malaysia and am sick of Islamisation here.It's too sad that Malaysian non-muslims know nothing about Islam.
May i ask you...
have you ever heard of Ali Sina's book entitled understanding muhammad? How can i get a copy of it because FYI,in Malaysia,such book that is un-Islamic is strictly banned.
Here is my email if you do have some time to reply me: nomike_565@yahoo.com
I only have one comment. The idea that any of the founding documents use the words "separation of church and state" or anything even implying what that phrase means to most Americans is a myth. As this article states the first amendment stops congress from making laws in regard to religion, that's it.
The phrase was used by Hamilton (maybe Jefferson, can't remember for sure off the top of my head) in a letter, it is not part of our constitution or any amendments.
The Founding Fathers of nation fully intended for this to be a religious nation, hence the words "all men are created equal."
Most came to America to escape religious persecution not religion itself. However part of the first amendment is to guarantee that laws were not enacted to treat any religion, or lack of religion differently than another. It is intended to protect christians, jews, hindus, taoists, buddhists, agnostics, atheists and yes, even muslims.
Two deranged individuals, Jim Sutter (supported by CAIR) and Bill Warner (claims Geert Wilders is a Nazi), are joining forces to defame Muslims Against Sharia. Before you buy into their lies and distortions, please consider the sources: http://www.phonyrev.com/ & http://insanepi.blogspot.com/.
yeah truly a great site.I really enjoyed my visit.
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