As Israel continues to bomb the Hamas in the Gaza section of Palestine , Muslims in London have taken to the streets in protest. They are of course calling for Israel to stop killing their terrorist brothers. Since Israel is continuing with their military operations, the Muslim protesters have turned to rioting. Just like they have in the past in Denmark, Brussels, France and Denmark again . This behavior is apparently all part of what is known as the "Islamic assimilation process".
Palestinians to vent their fury in London all week
Rashid Razaq and Felix Allen
PALESTINIANS and their supporters are planning a week-long series of protests in London ending in a Trafalgar Square rally of up to 5,000 demonstrators, the Standard can reveal.
Riot police have been placed on standby after about 1,000 protesters besieged the Israeli Embassy in Kensington for the second day of angry and heated demonstrations.
Seven people were arrested for public order offences, including assault on a police officer, after violence flared when a group of men attempted to scale the embassy gates on Palace Green.
Fireworks, sticks and smoke bombs were hurled at officers guarding the building and one policeman's helmet was set alight to loud cheers from the crowd.
The largely peaceful demonstration flared when protesters kicked down safety barriers after the police tried to hold them back from storming the embassy.
Holding placards, waving Palestinian flags and chanting "Free, free Palestine", the rally attracted Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and anti-war groups as well as nine rabbis from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.
Nahla Fareed, 22, a masters finance student from Saudi Arabia who lives in Kensington, claimed she was assaulted by a police officer as he tried to disperse the crowd.
She said: "I asked for a policeman's help to get out because I didn't want to be in the crowd. It was out of control and I was scared. He started hitting me and pushing me when I said I didn't want to be there. I also saw four policemen hitting and kicking one man on the ground as they were arresting him. The protest was supposed to be about peace."
Kensington High Street was brought to a standstill for more than five hours, disrupting traffic and hitting businesses again after Sunday's demonstration, which drew more than 2,000 people and led to a dozen arrests.
Mounted police were brought in to force the crowd away last night with around 150 hard-core protesters penned into Earl's Court Road where they were eventually released at about 8pm.
Central London could become gridlocked on Saturday with thousands of protesters from across Britain set to descend on Trafalgar Square to call for an end to the Israeli military strikes in Gaza.
Sabah Jawad, of the Stop the War Coalition, said supporters would continue to picket the Israeli Embassy every day this week until Friday, when attention would shift to the Egyptian Embassy in Mayfair, in response to its government's "collusion" with Israel.
Mr Jawad said: "There is a sense of anger and injustice that is mobilising people to demonstrate. It is not just Arabs or Muslims, but large sections of the British public, who want to call upon Israel to stop the bombing.
"There is a lot of emotion, but most people have been very peaceful. The Israelis and the British government have to see how strongly people feel. People are also concerned about Egypt's support of the Israeli government. We will keep on protesting for as long it takes."
Ishmail Patel, chairman of Palestinian group Friends of Al-Aqsa, said the campaign's intention is to force the British government to intervene. He said: "Britain is a pivotal player with the ability to put pressure on the Israeli government to stop the killing of innocent civilians. Hopefully these protests should make an impact on the British government that not enough is being done to stop the bloodshed."
Among the crowds in Kensington were several Jewish groups voicing their anger at the Israeli government. Rabbi Eleazer Hochhauser, said: "We have come to show our solidarity with the Palestinian people. What the government of Israel is doing is completely wrong. This is not a religious conflict between Jews and Muslims. The biggest traitors against the Jews are the atheist Zionists who occupied a country which they had no right to do."
Retired railway inspector, Jim Currin, 60, from Pimlico, attended the demonstration in a "show of solidarity" with the Palestinians.
He said: "I believe in freedom for Palestine as I do for my country, Ireland. It is important that we come here and demonstrate peacefully and lawfully. We can affect policy in a democracy and I would like to see the EU impose sanctions against Israel."
Adam Shaw, 24, from Ladbroke Grove, a graduate trainee at City law firm Clifford Chance, said: "I've taken a week off work so I can be here. It's important to make our voice heard because the West is paying for Israel to massacre innocent people in Palestine and we want Gordon Brown to say it has to stop.
"This is going to go on all week. If the Israeli embassy thinks it can carry on business as usual they are wrong because we will be back tomorrow and the next day until the killing ends."
Jawad Samad, 25, a management consultant from west London, said: "I respect Israel's right to defend itself but their response has been disproportionate. Hundreds of people have died and there's no evidence it is reducing rocket attacks. Israel are trying to break the spirit of the people of Gaza, but it's only going to strengthen support for Hamas."
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It says they are peaceful, they have not been very peaceful tramping through here to get to London, i have been jammed in for 2 days.
They do not care.
I know, just like savages they are.
They should deport each one that causes physical harm or damage to propety during one of their 'peaceful' demonstrations. Europe has screwed up big time.
The palestinians are getting what they deserve. They have been trying to kill Israelis for 60+ years, and frankly, the Israelis have been too soft on them. All over the middle east muz keep talking about destroying Israel and killing "Juice" and Americans....screw them!
If the BNP hand out fliers they get arrested, and here we have a near full scale riot, not a word said.Blatant favouritism shown to Muslims and their supporters.
Joan, Tonto and all the Anonymous characters, you all lack basic historical knowledge aswell as the ability to observe what you see and apply it to the reality.
Firstly, Palestinians have not been trying to kill Israeli's for the past 60+ years. Have you even studied the history of Israel and how it came to be? Israel came to exist in 1948, during which it FORCEFULLY pushed Palestinians out of their own homes so they(the Zionists) could accommodate themselves. They used mass terror and fear campaigns which involved violence. So please, don't talk about being too soft. In the past 20 odd years less than 40 Israeli's have died, in the last 4 days more than 400 people have died in Palestine, which included many women and children, who are HUMAN BEINGS. Using disproportionate and indiscriminate amounts of violence is cowardly and also evil. I'm not saying Palestinians have never responded in a wrong way, but don't be a zealot and talk rubbish. Israel is far from a nice neighbor. And lets see how accepting you would be if someone forcefully took your house, divided it in two and gave u one room? And you use terms such as Savages? Savage is speaking about people without knowledge, being a brain dead product of the media garbage we see and thus supporting the terroristic actions of Israel and anyone else for that matter, be they muslim and non-muslim.
Secondly, in most cases, Muslim protest are very peaceful. If u actually look at the study of protests, you'll find that other protests resort to violence alot more than ones held by muslims. So lets deport those people too, it shouldn't just be for Muslims, but where will u deport them? They like muslims are British citizens and love living in the UK/US, but are against the actions of violence.
Secondly, it's not only Muslims at the protests, non muslims are there too. But u guys fail to realise, is that muslim or non-muslim, we are all human, and we should stand up to injustice together.
Look guys, we must use our minds and not fall victim to the propaganda we see, everyone has their own agenda. It's just disappointing when people speak about people like they are not human and don't even care to research what the truth is.
Peace to you all and may God move the world towards peace and unity among all humans.
Truth seeker,
You fail to mention the Palestinians sending rockets into Israel on a daily basis killing women and children. You fail to mention that although children in Palestine are killed and i am not denying that, those children are the responsibility of their parents, who choose to shield the terrorists who fire the rockets into Israel, the choice is clear, give up the terrorists and stop firing in the rockets.
While Palestinians deliberately target Israeli women and children,then dance in the streets on killing them, the difference is that Israel do try to avoid the killing of non combatant civilians.
The obvious problem is that Hamas hide behind the women and children of Palestine and are difficult to root out.
The answer to avoid unnecessary killing of Palestinian children is for these terrorists to be decent human beings and hide on their own, where women and children are not.
It seems to me that Palestinians actually look for innocent non combatant peoples to be killed so they can stand up and wave the pictures of the dead around.
It is the Palestinians therefore who are killing the children and using Israeli soldiers to carry it out.
There is still no end to the destructive thugs getting to London here today.
These thugs, the majority Muslims, should be arrested and made to pay for the trail of destruction they are leaving in their wake.
They are behaving like savages.
Truth Seeker,
Save the Islamic propaganda for your fellow Muslims. Palestine voted in Hamas and they do not even attempt to stop the rocket attacks on Israel. They are a terrorist state that deserves no concessions.
Muslim protests are not peacefully, all we have to do is look at France, Denmark etc. Yes there are non-Muslims at the protests. They are ignorant and naive leftists. Muslims count on them for support.
Your "we are all humans" is obvious attempt to con us to try and garner support for Palestine. When non-Muslims are treated as equals in Islamic countries let us know, until then save the propaganda and change your name. The world will never unite because of Islam.
Israel has existed nearly 3,000 years now since the time of Abraham you knownothing!
Israel has had King Saul, King David, King Solomon, King Josiah and others.
If Palestine existed who was the FIRST minister of defense, minister of economics, minister of education, minister of foreign affaris?
Israel was destroyed by Babylon and later by Rome but came back by 1948 you LIAR!
Palestine was a term invented by the Romans to demoralize and culturally destroy any Israeli heritage or feeling of patriotism.
In 70 AD Jerusalem was destroyed during another rebellion and the survivors were deported.
No Israelis....no more rebellions.
The same needs to be done today to you muzzie terrorists for attacking Israel in their own nation.
Palestine was a political name and not a nation for muslims you pigeating twad.
Another fact that destroys you is that muslims claim Jerusalem is a muslim city.
Why, because how could Jerusalem be muslim when JUDAISM PRECEDES ISLAM BY 1,500 YEARS?!?!
Even your Turkish-Ottoman brothers DID NOT ESTABLISH A MUSLIM NATION as it was just another part of many connected to the empire.
Blame your muslim friends as Israel belongs to the Jews.
I just DISMEMBERED your pathetic statements.
Hungarian Crusader-1453
Everyone know, isreal killing muslims and american hleping.
We beleive at the end, Muslims won the war.
May Allah help Pelestini Mujahdeen.
This is a wonderful site. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.
It can't succeed in fact, that is what I think.
Here, I do not actually imagine it will have effect.
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