After years of threats to Hirsi Ali, the death of Theo Van Gogh, and Muslims not assimilating by creating their own Islamic communities within the Netherlands, the government has finally seen the mistakes that they have made in regards to Muslim immigration. They were an open and overly tolerant society, but now they are going to be setting some guidelines for the Muslims immigrating there.
They have admitted that their biggest mistake was being politically correct when it comes to Islam. They have gone as far as saying "to become Dutch, you must in principle give up your old nationality." Also telling Muslims to stop playing the victim card. There is still hope for Europe.
Labour: Tolerance has Hampered Integration
AMSTERDAM, 24/12/08 - Labour (PvdA) appears to want to take a different direction regarding the integration of immigrants. In a new memorandum on the subject, the party urges confronting intolerance. "The mistake that we should never again make is swallowing criticism of cultures or religions because of tolerance."
The memorandum was drawn up by PvdA chairwoman Lilianne Ploumen, indicating it is a document from the entire party leadership including PvdA leader Wouter Bos. The memorandum, entitled "Divided past, shared future,' will be presented to the PvdA members at a congress next March and then, if adopted, become the new PvdA policy.
According to the party chairwoman, the government should no longer try to encourage integration by information campaigns. The government should only provide the conditions in which integration can take place by itself. On the one hand, the law must be maintained and on the other, opportunities must be offered to everyone via education, youth guidance and activating labour market policy.
Toleration has not done integration of migrants in the Netherlands any good, the memorandum concludes. The PvdA considers that in future, newcomers must opt for the Dutch society. "We all speak Dutch, know the basic forms of behaviour and the democratic constitutional state."
Nonetheless, the PvdA wants to continue to tolerate headscarves in classrooms and mosques with an Arabic architecture. It will become somewhat stricter on wearing of burqas or refusing to shake hands with someone of the opposite sex; immigrants that do that should be told that it is abnormal in the Netherlands. Finally, there is a third category, setting explicit boundaries, under which the PvdA is thinking of female circumcision and violence to save damaged family honour.
Ploumen terms this three-prong policy norm-setting, confrontation or tolerance. In the past years, tolerance has been over-emphasised, including tolerance of behaviour that was actually not acceptable, the chairman says. In the memorandum, she also calls on Muslims not to take on a victim's role any more.
Ploumen gave an interview yesterday in De Volkskrant, traditionally a PvdA-minded medium. According to the paper, the PvdA sets out "a friendly but strong vision." "An iron fist in a velvet glove, beyond tolerance and cultural relativism."
"The mistake we must never again make," says Ploumen in the interview, "is choking back criticism of cultures or religions for the sake of tolerance." For a long time, it was thought that "it would all eventually turn out well by itself." In practice, that meant looking away from problems. "Feelings of loss and worry were suppressed. And (..) these feelings were not recognised by government and politicians."
The theme has been dividing the PvdA, Ploumen acknowledges. "Earlier reports identified the problems, but offered no solutions. There was no party view to guide local politicians. This there now is. (...) I assume that this resolution will get through at the congress in March."
To De Volkskrant's question about whether the problems caused by children of Turkish or Moroccan parents are not actually already empathised too much, Ploumen answered: "No. It is sometimes painful, but it is necessary. We do have to make progress now. After the confrontation, the ultimate goal is acceptance. That everyone can respect one another."
Among migrants, 80 percent have dual nationality. Ploumen says the "grip of countries of origin" on immigrants "must disappear." She considers that "to become Dutch, you must in principle give up your old nationality." But at the same time "loyalty (to the Netherlands) for me has nothing to do with nationality."
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They are trying to take back their Country which I applaud. But it will probably be too little too late. Once a foothold has been established it's hard to break. Will be interesting to see.
We on the other hand in the USA have another problem, the terrorists disguised as lawyers known as CAIR.
Let's see if they even actually enforce what they are saying.
Hopefully CAIR is on their way out.
For this to work they need to suspend immigration from Islamic countries in general, Turkey and Morocco specifically. This was Americas immigration pattern, that is why America successfully assimilated so many immigrants until recently.
Did you see the latest HLS report? It said that more and more Muslim illegals will be coming here. Will they do anything to stop them? We are heading in the same direction as the UK.
The key to any of it is to be less tolerant of unacceptable behavior from muz. Just refuse to take any crap, even to the point of violence. After all, that's exactly what they do in their rathole countries. Confrontation works!
Nice shirt there. Are some people really naming their dogs Mohammad?
Az Zaqqum has self published the first book on islamic humor called;
The Humor of Islam...you'll die laughing.
The title is a twist on sharia law, where laughing too much is forbidden, not by Allah, but by Muslims.
Much of what some muslims do is not islamic, it's muslamic and we need to know the difference.
The Quran tells women to cover their pockets (bosoms), unless they grow on their head, head scarves are not islamic, it's muslimatic.
Ditto for handshaking, mingling and the part I liked best was towards the end of the book, where Allah commands muslims....if you don't like living with non muslims, go live in muslim lands or, go to hell. I agree.
You can find the book on Amzon.com
a very informative book and surprisingly funny.
I'm so sick and tired of muz this and muz that, mostly some new atrocity that would make a maggot puke. Why does anybody allow these animals into their country? Chris is right. We need to kick them out and refuse entry to any more. And profiling for middle easterners should go into full effect immediately. Rock on Israel!!
Thanks for the info on the book. Does the Islamic world find anything humorous?
Unless Western Civilisation returns to its roots of Christian Charity, instead of government Welfare -- there is nothing to force these miscreants out of swarming and undermining it. When my family emigrated from England, we needed a Sponsor who proved to the US Govt. that we would not be in any way dependent on any welfare system, and could provide for us for at least one year. Now our vaunted State Department details the 'help' the Government will provide in their entrance.
If those vaunted bureaucrats won't shut off the access to the Federal Trough, then 'We the People' will have to do it for them, and the current recession can only help.
When will we follow the Netherlands lead?
Great article from the Brussel's Journal!! A breathe of fresh air.
I am not religious, but I agree that Christianity is what will stop Islam. As for our State Dept. they have no idea of what we are up against.
This is a wonderful site. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.
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