This is a follow up to the section on Yemen in this story. Everyday the "religion" of peace shows us just how violent and threatening it is. I would like to know where is the massive outreach program by "moderate" Muslims to try and change this line of thinking?
Dec 23, 2008
'I warned Jews to convert to Islam or leave'
The suspected murderer of Yemeni Jew Moshe Yaish Nahari told a court on Monday that he had warned Jews to convert to Islam or leave the country and that if they didn't, he would kill them.
The court ordered the suspect, Abdel Aziz Yehia Hamoud al-Abdi, to go for a psychiatric examination to determine if he is competent to stand trial.
The lawyers for the accused had appealed that he was mentally unfit and that he had no understanding of what he had done. They claimed that he had recently also killed his wife.
Judge Abdel Bari Oqba adjourned the trial until a report about al-Abdi's mental health is made.
Al-Abdi allegedly gunned down Nahari, a teacher at the yeshiva in Raydah, on Dec. 11.
Nahari was one of the roughly 400 remaining Jews still living in Yemen, mostly in Raydah, a small town north of the capital San'a.
Yemen was once home to about 50,000 Jews in the early 1950s, but most emigrated to Israel.
Link to Article
More proof that the muz feel their "Religion of Peace" gives them a license to kill. I like Texas' idea better.
Im moslim and i belave thats is stuppid to say thats islam is (religon of pease) Duh :) .
Islam is just a constitution from the god (god of mosses )pease got nothing to do with its about right and wrong thats all.
I love america verry much becouse its prove thats islam is right vilonce can resolve issues , and im sure america is the biggist islamic countrey in the whall world they just need to admit it and thats may be soon...
Allah bless america.
more please visit my blog :
So, read-ma-lips, are you going to convert to American? Smart move, cause between the jews and us, we'll probably have to obliterate the muz. Merry Christmas!
HAHAHAAA A muz killed his wife and a jew OH YEAH he MUST be insane. ROFLMFAO In that case, lock them all away. We already knew they were nuts.
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