Friday, October 31, 2008

UK:Muslims Lose bid to Stop Supermarket From Selling Alcohol

The good news keeps on rolling in today as this is the second story about Muslims getting told no to their demands in the UK.(Just scroll down for the second one.) As common sense is slowly taking place over catering to Islam. This is an update to this story in which Muslims had petitioned to try and stop a Tesco Supermarket from selling any alcohol at all. The whole idea was very selfish if you ask me. I do not smoke, but I am not looking to stop stores from selling tobacco products. If someone needs to live under Islamic rules, they might be happier in an Islamic country. Two cheers to the UK today.

Thanks to Joan from the UK.

Protestors lose Bury Park booze battle

31 October 2008
By Sally-Anne Johnson

Tesco Express given permission to sell alcohol

High street giant Tesco has been given a licence to sell alcohol at its new Express store in Bury Park, Luton, despite strong objections from Muslims living nearby. Some residents were worried about the prospect of alcohol being sold at the Dunstable Road store, which is due to open in November and will be near the Rabia Islamic boys' school.

More than 150 people signed petitions opposing the supermarket giant's bid, complaining it would mean an increase in anti-social behaviour, litter and vandalism, and would divide the community.

But members of Luton Borough Council's licensing panel gave the application the green light at a meeting at the Town Hall on Tuesday morning. The store will be able to sell alcohol from 6am until 11pm, seven days a week.

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UK:Muslim who Sued Supermarket Because he had to Handle Alcohol Loses Suit

Here is an update to this story. About Muslim man from the UK who sued the Tesco Supermarket chain because he had to handle cases of alcohol. Thankfully he has lost his lawsuit and he has said that it is unfair. Well Mr. Ahmed, what is unfair is that so many Muslims think that the non-Muslim world has to change to suit Islam. One for the good guys.

Thanks to Joan from the UK.

Muslim worker loses out in Tesco booze bid
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A DERBY Muslim who sued Tesco for religious discrimination after he was asked to handle crates of alcohol has lost his case.
Mohammed Ahmed, who worked in a warehouse, said the job was against his Islamic beliefs. The 32-year-old, of Upper Dale Road, Normanton, also accused Tesco of victimisation and harassment during a three-day employment tribunal in Birmingham.

His job at the supermarket giant's Lichfield depot involved the transportation of various goods, including alcoholic drinks, on fork-lift trucks.
The Saudi Arabian national told the tribunal he was not informed that he would be handling alcohol when he started the job last year.

He said he was considering appealing against the decision after being told his legal action had failed.
He said: "It's not fair but what can I do? They [Tesco] were not taking into account my religious beliefs. I will consult with solicitors."

The situation came to a head before Christmas last year, when more alcohol was ferried to the Tesco warehouse in preparation for the festive season.
Mr Ahmed told the tribunal that he was not made aware he would be required to handle alcohol when he started the job, a claim denied by Tesco.

He also said he had not visited any of Derby's three Tesco stores and was unaware alcohol was served by the shop. He admitted, however, that he had been to Sainsbury's, Asda and Lidl stores.

He refused to touch alcohol because it was against his religious principles as a Muslim, he said, and asked to be found other work.
He told the tribunal that Tesco failed to co-operate and alleged he was told by a supervisor, "You do the job or go home", a claim also denied by the store.

Mr Ahmed, who moved to Derby in 2006, complained to Tesco but claimed he was treated unfairly as a result. After eight months working for the company, he left in protest.
Speaking after the three-day tribunal in Birmingham, he had said: "It's in our religion that we are not allowed to handle alcohol. In the UK there's equal opportunities that should protect me and my beliefs."

Tesco said Mr Ahmed was made aware during his employment induction course that he would be handling alcohol, and that every effort was made to find him an alternative role in the warehouse.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quebec Demands Immigrants Sign-off on 'Shared Values'

When it comes to immigration, most of us see that a melting pot for the most part works. While the idea of multi-cultural-ism does not work, as it is just a fact that some cultures clash as they stand for opposite ways of life. Many Islamic laws and cultures are against the laws of West. Examples of this are "honor killings", forced genital mutilations, and being stoned to death for adultery. Now Quebec has seen the problem and is demanding that all immigrants sign off on agreeing to adhere to the values of Quebec with include men and women being equal and a separation of Church and state. This is clearly a step in the right direction.

Hat tip to Barry from Canada.

Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on 'shared values'
Graeme Hamilton
MONTREAL -- Future immigrants to Quebec will be required to sign a declaration promising to learn French and respect Quebec's "shared values," the government announced on Wednesday.

In a document with echoes of the controversial code adopted last year by the rural town of Hérouxville, immigrants will be informed that Quebec is a democracy where men and women are equal and violence is prohibited.

"Quebecers have said yes to immigration, but they said yes to immigration on the condition that these immigrants integrate into our society," Immigration Minister Yolande James said as she announced the policy, which takes effect in January. She added that immigrating to Quebec "is a privilege not a right."

With Liberal Premier Jean Charest expected to call an election next week, critics denounced the initiative as an attempt to undermine the opposition Action Démocratique du Québec and Parti Québécois, which have both made defence of "the Quebec identity" a battle cry.

"There is a political calculation here that the Liberals want to make sure they have arguments to get PQ and ADQ support," said Daniel Weinstock, a professor of philosophy at Université de Montréal. It is aimed at voters in the Quebec hinterland who approved of Hérouxville's initiative, which among other things informed newcomers to the town northeast of Montreal that it is prohibited in Canada to stone women or throw acid on them.

While the content of the Quebec government declaration is banal enough to be rendered meaningless, Mr. Weinstock said, it sends a negative message to newcomers.

"It's as if the Jews, the Muslims, the whatever who come here are all indisposed to the equality of men and women, and we have to tell them what's what," he said. "It's cheap symbolism, and I can't express how depressed it makes me."

The shared values spelled out in the declaration are: Quebec is a free and democratic society; church and state are separate; Quebec is a pluralist society based on the rule of law; men and women have equal rights; and rights and freedoms are exercised while respecting those of others and the general well-being.

It also stresses that French is the official language of Quebec, as laid out in Bill 101. Signatories will declare their intention to learn French if they do not already speak it.

The Immigration Department plans to bombard potential and new immigrants with messages stressing Quebec values. There will be a section on values added to the immigration forms filled out overseas and an explanatory pamphlet will be distributed. Immigrants will also receive a DVD on shared values and be directed toward a new Web site whose name translates as "shared values of Quebec." Information sessions on shared values will be offered to immigrants after they arrive.

"Once our new Quebecer has got off the plane at the airport, she will follow a course on how to live in Quebec, how things work here, what the socio-economic realities are," Ms. James explained.

Victor Armony, professor of sociology at Université du Québec à Montréal, said he is disgusted by the government's approach. Many immigrants to Quebec are successful businesspeople or professionals in their native countries. "They don't need Quebec society to patronize them," he said.

He immigrated from Argentina in 1989. "When I came here, I valued democracy perhaps more than many Canadians, because I grew up in a dictatorship," he said.

Mr. Charest first raised the notion of forcing immigrants to sign a declaration last May when the Bouchard-Taylor commission released its report on reasonable accommodation. The issue of integrating cultural and religious minorities had been an emotional topic in Quebec since late 2006, and it gave the ADQ a boost in the March 2007 election. After a year of research and public hearings, the commissioners did not recommend such a declaration for immigrants.

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Indonesia:Christianity Under Attack

During the month of August it was reported that Christians, their schools, and Churches were under attack in Indonesia. Now the persecution of Christians there has become systematic.
Isn't Indonesia supposed to be moderate Islamic country?

In Jakarta Christian priests and activists first target of Islamic terrorists
by Mathias Hariyadi
Police spokesman reports that following the arrest of dangerous terrorists it is becoming evident that some groups are shifting strategy, focusing primarily on domestic targets, like Christians, in order, among other things, to prevent inter-faith dialogue.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Islamic terrorists are moving to a new strategy, opting for attacks against Christian clergymen and activists, targeting vital installations across the country instead of US interests, this according Police spokesman Inspector General Abubakar Nataprawira. Equally the threat of attacks linked to the November execution of three men sentenced for the October 2002 Bali bombings remains high.

Inspector General Nataprawira spoke at a press conference, unveiling the results from investigations sparked by the arrest on 21 October in Kelapa Ganding (North Jakarta) of members of a new terror group called Tauhid Wal Jihad.

“They were planning attacks against Christian priests and peace activities involved in peace actions and interfaith activities against terrorism,” the inspector said.

North Jakarta’s main fuel depot in Plumpang owned by Pertamina was also the group’s target list. Also the group was planning to bring weapons into the country and launch a six-month mass drive to recruit new members.

Wahyu, who has been involved in various terrorist attacks in Poso and Ambon (during the 2005-2006 sectarian clashes) and against the police, is among those arrested. He had been on the run since 2005.

Meanwhile some people are wondering whether the brutal assault against Fr Benny Susetyo was part of this strategy.

The clergyman, who is the secretary of Interfaith Dialogue Commission of the Indonesian Bishops of Conference, was savagely beaten by unknown assailants on 11 August in South Jakarta.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Hazards of Hiring Muslims

Besides all the threats and imposing that the Islamic community brings to non-Muslims there is also another problem that they bring, lawsuits. Lawsuits claiming discrimination against them. Most recently we had the lawsuit happy Muslim from Brooklyn and the UK Muslim who sued the Tesco Supermarket chain because as a stock boy he had to handle unopened bottles of alcohol. Today we have female Muslim twins that are stockbrokers from the UK who have filed over 200 allegations of religious and race bias. One of the charges is that they have had their Jewish clients taken away from them and given to a Jewish broker. The brokerage company Tradition Securities and Futures has said that many clients were reallocated to different brokers to try and get maximum results but the Muslim women are seeking the largest tribunal payout is UK history. I believe that many Muslims seek employment with the intention of looking for any reason to sue. It is clear that the Islamic way of life and non-Islamic way of life do not mix. Besides them disrupting the work place, if we do not want to cater to Islam, is it fair that we should be subjected to lawsuits from them? They are once again using our way of life against us, to destroy us from within.

Ex-Muslim Tells the Pope That Islam is a Religion of war

Magdi Allam the Egyptian born ex-Muslim who the Pope had sensationally converted to Christianity on national TV last Easter, has come out against one of the Pope's Cardinals, who has said that Islam is a religion of peace and that some Muslims have betrayed Islam. Mr. Allam has said that terrorism is breed from Islam and the actions of Mohammad. I say that we take the word of the ex-Muslim over the either politically correct or ignorant Cardinal.

Muslim convert to Catholicism tells Pope Islam is not inherently good

By Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Muslim-born journalist baptized by Pope Benedict XVI at Easter asked the pope to tell his top aide for relations with Muslims that Islam is not an intrinsically good religion and that Islamic terrorism is not the result of a minority gone astray.

As the Vatican was preparing to host the first meeting of the Catholic-Muslim Forum Nov. 4-6, Magdi Allam, a longtime critic of the Muslim faith of his parents, issued an open letter to Pope Benedict that included criticism of Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.

In the letter, posted on his Web site Oct. 20, Allam said he wanted to tell the Pope of his concern for "the serious religious and ethical straying that has infiltrated and spread within the heart of the church."

He told the Pope that it "is vital for the common good of the Catholic Church, the general interest of Christianity and of Western civilization itself" that the Pope make a pronouncement in "a clear and binding way" on the question of whether Islam is a valid religion.

The Catholic Church's dialogue with Islam is based on the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions ("Nostra Aetate"), which urged esteem for Muslims because "they adore the one God," strive to follow his will, recognize Jesus as a prophet, honor his mother, Mary, "value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting."

The council called on Catholics and Muslims "to work sincerely for mutual understanding" and for social justice, moral values, peace and freedom.

Allam told Pope Benedict he specifically objected to Cardinal Tauran telling a conference in August that Islam itself promotes peace but that "'some believers' have 'betrayed their faith,'" using it as a pretext for violence.

"The objective reality, I tell you with all sincerity and animated by a constructive intent, is exactly the opposite of what Cardinal Tauran imagines," Allam told the pope. "Islamic extremism and terrorism are the mature fruit" of following "the sayings of the Quran and the thought and action of Mohammed."

For the Rest of the Article

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

UK:Worries That the London Olympics Might Offend Muslims

Over the years the United Kingdom has made a habit of catering to Muslims more than any other group of people in the UK. Some extraordinary examples of this are giving Muslims special housing with toilets that face away from Mecca and kitchens that are specially designed for halal cuisine . The UK has refurbished prisons by making sure that the toilets do not face Mecca.

More and more public schools there are only serving halal meat with no concern for the beliefs of the non-Muslims who attend the school .

The UK has even built a cemetery where all the deceased including Christians and Jews are buried in accordance to Islamic tradition as Muslims believe that the dead have look over their shoulder towards Mecca.

Now the Kingdom is considering taking the catering to the Islamic community to a new level, as talks are being held to discuss on how to reduce tensions between the police and Muslims during the upcoming London Olympics in 2112. They are concerned that the games will clash with the Islamic month of Ramadan.

Scotland Yard has even joined in with the bowing down to Islam by hiring Islamic scholar Michael Mumisa on how to deal with the issue, the issue which should be a non-issue. Mr. Mumisa has said that the commemoration of 11 Israeli athletes killed during the Munich games by Palestinian terrorists might offend Muslims. Maybe the Islamic scholar would like for the UK just cancel the Olympics, this way Muslims are not offended. Before it is too late the leaders of the UK need to realize that the UK is their country and stop asking Muslims what needs to be done to please Islam.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dutch Police Officers Swear Allegiance to Allah

It seems that almost everyday the politically correct Europeans find new ways to cater to Islam. This time the Dutch police department is allowing Muslim police officers to swear in using the Koran, swearing an alliance to Allah. Obviously who ever runs the police department does not know that Islamic laws and the laws of the West contradict one another.

Dutch police in the Gouda region have sworn in police officers who swore allegiance to Allah. The small Christian party SGP has demanded an explanation from the government.

Under current arrangements, police in the Netherlands can choose between the Christian oath ('So help me God Almighty) and the neutral vow ('I declare and promise...'). But it has been revealed that n Gouda, the option has existed for years for Islamic officers to use the oath that runs: 'In the name of Allah, the Merciful Compassionate, and he is my witness that I promise this.' The hand must be placed on the Koran for this.

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UK:Govt Gives Stamp of Approval to Chain of Sharia Courts

The government of the UK has given its stamp of approval by allowing sharia courts to deal with such matters as divorce and family disputes. The politically correct government obviously did not listen when a group of ex-Muslims came out and warned the country about sharia law. Nor did they listen to the speeches of Muslims who are holding conferences across the country calling for Muslims to reject UK law and for sharia to be the only law of the land. On top of this the government is spending millions of dollars to try and put a positive image on Islam. Personally I do not see anything positive about sharia courts and obviously the UK has just put another nail in its coffin.

Islamic courts cleared to deal with family and divorce disputes as Government endorses sharia
By Steve Doughty
25th October 2008
Islamic courts have been cleared to deal with family and divorce disputes.
Islamic courts will be able to decide how a Muslim couple divide their money and property and who gets the children.

Sharia tribunals will be able to decide how a Muslim couple divide their money and property and who gets the children.

The sole proviso from Jack Straw's Justice Ministry is that a formal law court must rubber-stamp the ruling.

This would be in the form of a two-page form sent to a judge sitting in a family court. The divorcing couple would not need to attend.

The decision follows nine months of controversy over the role of tribunals run according to Islamic strictures.

In February, Downing Street slapped down the Archbishop of Canterbury when he suggested the rise of sharia law seemed 'unavoidable'.

But in July, Lord Phillips, who has since retired as Lord Chief Justice, said sharia principles could be the basis for resolving family and business disputes.

Muslim ministers have warned that sharia should not have an official role because it accords unequal status to men and women.

Giving more weight to evidence from men could hand them a greater share of property and enhanced custody rights.

Lawyers said yesterday that using the secretive family courts to endorse sharia decisions would draw a veil over matters of wide public interest.

Critics of the idea said yesterday advancing the role of Islamic tribunals would further marginalise isolated minority communities.

The endorsement of sharia was announced to MPs by Bridget Prentice, a junior justice minister.

She said the councils would still have no jurisdiction in England and that rulings by religious authorities had no legal force.

But Miss Prentice added: 'If, in a family dispute dealing with money or children, the parties to a judgment in a sharia council wish to have this recognised by English authorities, they are at liberty to draft a consent order embodying the terms of the agreement and submit it to an English court.

'This allows English judges to scrutinise it to ensure that it complies with English legal tenets.'

A consent order allows couples to have a 'clean break' divorce in which there are no long-term maintenance payments.

The orders can be approved only where a couple have negotiated and agreed all aspects of their break-up such as money, debts, property and children. The family court judge must decide whether the agreement is reasonable and ensure no side has been disadvantaged.

The great majority of consent orders are approved.

Barrister Neil Addison said yesterday: 'If the system works, the judge will not allow an agreement where there has been pressure on one party. He allows a consent order only if the agreement seems reasonable.

'However most mediation of disputes takes place in private and agreements are approved in open court. This is different - the original sharia law is secret and so is the judgment.'

Robert Whelan, of the Civitas think-tank, said: 'The problem with the Government's attitude is the big question over how far submission to sharia courts is voluntary among Muslim women.

'Women who live in some communities may have no option but to go to the sharia court. The case is then rubber-stamped by a family court without any of us knowing how the decision was reached.'

Islamic tribunals have authority to make decisions in business and financial disputes where both parties agree to accept arbitration.

Five sharia courts operate mediation systems under the Arbitration Act of 1996.

But financial disputes are less controversial because they are much less likely to raise problems over the status of women.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Afghanistan:Man Gets 20 Years in Jail for Insulting Islam

An Afghanistan man has been sentenced to twenty years in jail for "insulting Islam". All for downloading and handing out papers at his university that spoke of women's rights, rights that Islam obviously has a problem with. Actions like this and the Christians of Iraq being under attack are why I am against nation building with Muslims. While our troops should be sent in to take out those that would do harm to America. Nation building with Muslims is costing us hundreds of billions of dollars and we are just creating Islamic countries which limit the freedoms of the non-Muslims living in and visiting these countries.

Sentence of 20 years for insulting Islam
by Laura Jean Karr
Kabul, Afghanistan - Balkh University journalism student Seyyed Perwiz Kambakhsh was arrested a year ago on the grounds of insulting Islam.

Twenty- four year old Seyyed first stated that he downloaded information on women’s rights from an Iranian blogger’s website and distributed the papers to students and teacher’s at the university. After spending the last year in jail waiting for an appeal, Seyyed admitted under torture to being the author of the printed information and he said that his reasoning was to start a discussion on women’s right at the school. The first judgment, sentenced when he was arrested was death.

An addition to Perwiz’s information crime was from printing and distributing a report that stated Muslim fundamentalists used the Koran to justify the oppression of women, which goes against the view of the prophet Mohamed.

Seyyed’s defense attorney, Mohammad Afzal Nourestani stated that "We will appeal to the Supreme Court. During the hearing they did not consider that my client is not the author of the article that it was downloaded from an Iranian site and he had to ask several friends to read it."

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

UK:Labour Party Plans to Change Islam in 30 Years

The foolishness of the Labour Party never ends. (No offense to my British friends intended, as Obama will be just as bad.) The ruling Labour Party intends to talk Muslims out of what they call "radicalism", which is really just Islam. They are even willing to discuss changing the UK's foreign policy with the Muslims of the UK. I guess Labour is too blind to see that Muslims will use this dialogue against them and what makes them even begin to think that the Muslims of the UK will listen to non-Muslims over their Imam leaders? My message to the Labour Party is, either end Muslim immigration or Islam will end the UK within the next 30 years.

'30-year wait to tame young extremists'

Ending the radicalisation of young Muslims in Britain could take 30 years, the Security Minister warned today.

Lord West of Spithead said authorities had opened up a dialogue with the Muslim community but he stressed there were no quick solutions to the problem of extremism in the UK.

"This isn't going to change just like that," he told the Commons Defence Committee.

"To stop this radicalisation of extremists is going to take about 30 years I would think," he added.

"But it will become a virtuous circle. It will start getting better and better."

Lord West, a former head of the Royal Navy, said radicalisation could not be dealt with through security policies alone.

"We cannot arrest and protect ourselves out of this problem," he said.

He acknowledged the Government's foreign policy was an issue for many Muslims, but insisted efforts to promote a dialogue were producing results.

"We would accept that certain aspects of our foreign policy have caused difficulties with them but now at least we are engaging in a debate with them," he said.

"I have found that when you talk to them the first discussion with a group is pretty hardcore stuff for you, but actually the second and third time they are beginning to understand, once you explain why you are doing things."

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

China's Islamic Crackdown has Begun

Several months ago I had predicted that there would be a huge crackdown on Islam in China. This was right after Muslims in China had bombed some buses there. Now the crackdown has begun as hijabs and Islamic beards have been banned, along with Muslims praying in public. Also students and government officials who are Muslims were not allowed to fast during the month of Ramadan as they were forced to eat. China has now joined Italy as the leaders in the worldwide battle against Islam . I doubt that many Muslims will be wanting to move to China anymore.

China Restricts Islam
CAIRO —With prayers banned in public areas, private hajj trips not allowed, teaching of the Noble Qur'an not allowed in private and students and government officials forced to eat during Ramadan, China in enforcing laws and regulations restricting the practice of Islam.

"Of course this makes people angry," Mohammad, a teacher, told The New York Times on Sunday, October 19.

"Excitable people think the government is wrong in what it does. They say that government officials who are Muslims should also be allowed to pray."

In recent week, Chinese authorities have enforced laws restricting the ability of Muslims in the northwestern region of Xinjiang from practicing their faith.

In Khotan, signs posted in front of the grand mosque say the weekly Friday prayer sermon must not extend beyond than a half-hour.

Prayers in public areas outside the mosque is forbidden and residents are banned from worshipping at mosques outside their town.

Under the rules, imams are banned from teaching the Qur'an in private and only official versions of the Qur'an are allowed.

Studying Arabic is only allowed at special government schools.

Government workers are banned from showing the slightest sign of religious devotion.

For example, a Muslim civil servant could be sacked for donning hijab.

Many of the rules have been on the books for years, but local authorities have publicly highlighted them in recent weeks with banners hanged in towns.

They began posting regulations mandating women not to wear hijab and men to shave their beards.

Uighur Muslims are a Turkish-speaking minority of more than eight million in Xinjiang, a northwest vast area that borders Central Asia.

Atheist China recognizes five religions — Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Taoism and Buddhism — and tightly regulates their administration and practice.

Official Hajj

Under the rules, two of Islam's five pillars – the Ramadan fasting and hajj – are strictly controlled.

Students and government workers are compelled to eat during the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

China has also revived a law prohibiting Muslims from arranging their own trips to Saudi Arabia to perform hajj.

Signs painted on mud-brick walls in the winding alleyways of old Kashgar warn against making "illegal" hajj.

"Implement the policy of organized and planned pilgrimage; individual pilgrimage is forbidden," reads a red banner hanging on a large mosque in Urumqi, the regional capital of Xinjiang.

Authorities have also confiscated passports of Uighur Muslims across Xinjiang to force them to join government-run hajj tours rather than their own trips.

Once a person files an application, the authorities do a background check into the family.

If the applicant has children, the children must be old enough to be financially self-sufficient, and the applicant is required to show that he/she has substantial savings in the bank.

To get a passport to go on an official hajj or a business trip, applicants must leave a deposit of nearly $6,000.

Now virtually no Uighurs have passports, though they can apply for them for short trips.

This has made life especially difficult for businessmen who travel to neighboring countries.

Critics say the government is trying to restrict contacts with world Muslims, fearing that could highlight the sufferings of Muslims in Xinjiang and possibly build pressures on China.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Islamic Leaders to Non-Muslims: Do not Question Islam

As we surf across net it is very clear to see that the criticism of Islam is on the rise. This is obviously because the non-Islamic world has become more aware of the threat that Islam brings to our way of life, as the Islamic way of life and our way do not mix. When there is a problem people have every right to speak up and try and deal with that problem, but according to Islamic leaders we do not have that right. More and more high ranking Muslims are coming out and basically telling us to shut up and not to question Islam. Here are some examples of this type of behaviour.

Non-Muslims in Malaysia have been warned by state rulers not to question the supremacy of Islam or the special privileges given to the Malay Muslim majority there. The Muslim rulers have said that questioning of Islam and the superior standing of Islam "can lead to disunity and racial strife that can undermine the peace and harmony". In other words just shut up, convert or live like a dhimmi.

This week a fatwa issued by a committee from the highest authority in Sunni Islam, Egypt's Al-Azhar University in Cairo has stated that Muslims have the right under Islam to hack into the websites of non-Muslims that are fighting back in the information war.

Approximately two months ago the Human Rights Council at the United Nations had banned any criticism regarding Sharia Law and human rights in the Islamic world. Muslims are obviously very worried that the ugly truth about Islam is getting out to more and more people, which means that we are doing a good job. Keep up the good work everyone!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

UK:Muslim Postal Workers Demand 3 Extra Breaks a day

The list of demands by Muslims goes on and on and on. This time Muslims in the United Kingdom have demanded that the Royal Mail postal service give them three extra breaks a day, to accommodate their Islamic prayer schedule. The Muslims who speak no English at all, quickly dropped their case after being told by their legal representative that they had no shot at winning the case. What will their next demand be, how about not having to deliver the mail to the houses of kafirs, because the Muslim workers are offended by them?

Thanks to Joan of Ark of the UK.

Thursday October 16,2008
By Dan Parkinson

TWO Islamic postal workers launched legal action against Royal Mail after being refused extra breaks to pray up to five times a shift.

The devout Muslims were told they were not entitled to more rest periods than non-Muslim colleagues.

Abdinour Omer and Guled Bashir, who insisted they had insufficient time for prayer, took Royal Mail to an employment tribunal, claiming religious discrimination.

The hearing in Bristol was told that the Somali agency workers, who cannot speak English, wanted three additional breaks during their 4pm-to-midnight shift at the city’s main sorting office.

But they dropped their claim just hours into the case, after being told they had “no chance of winning”.

The postal workers’ legal representative was warned that tribunal chairman Clive Toomer would “almost cer­tainly” reject their claim.

Earlier this year Mr Toomer found in favour of Royal Mail when he dismissed similar claims of religious discrimination from the pair’s former ­colleague Abukar Jimale.

Speaking at the start of the hearing for Omer and Bashir, Mr Toomer criticised the case and said it should have been combined with Jimale’s to save money.

An unnamed translator said: “They have withdrawn their case because they were told by their solicitor that they have a very, very slim chance, almost no chance of winning.

“The chairman had heard a very similar case a few weeks ago and he found in favour of Royal Mail so he was certainly going to do the same in this one.”

He added: “They haven’t been given any money and no changes have been made. They are very fortunate not to have to pay the legal costs for Royal Mail.”

Mr Toomer told the tribunal this week: “The claimants wish to withdraw their claims in the proceedings and the respondents have agreed.

“I propose on the respondent’s undertaking to make no application for costs provi­ding those two claims are ­withdrawn.”

A spokesman for Royal Mail yesterday described the decision on Monday as a “victory for common sense”.

He said: “The two men were agency staff who were hired by Royal Mail to work in the distribution centre.

“They worked the night shift between 4pm and midnight and, as any employers would do, we gave them breaks in that time, during which they could have prayed.”

Omer and Bashir, who worked at the South West Distribution Centre in Severn Beach, have since left Royal Mail’s employment.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Truth for Muslims Organization

I would like to introduce an organization called Truth for Muslims. Their goal is to help free Muslims from a life of oppression and hate by introducing them to Christianity. The organization is lead by John Marion who had a ministry directed toward Afghan refugees in the Washington, DC area for many years and he had also lived in Afghanistan for a couple of years in the mid 1990’s. He has made Bibles translated into the language of Dari available at AfganBibles, and here is an outline of their mission.

Truth For Muslims is bringing a comprehensive, biblical response to Islam in America. We do this by addressing three critical areas:

Evangelism – Telling Muslims about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We distribute material to Muslims in America in their mother languages, such as Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, Somali, and Turkish among others. A 16-language DVD, The Life of Jesus Christ, is one example of what we are distributing. The rationale behind our evangelism is that Islam is a spiritually dark ideology which entraps Muslims while the Gospel of Christ brings light and changes the hearts of people from hatred to love. I have heard many stories of former Muslims who have become Christians and their changed lives powerful testimonies to the fact that evangelism works. Evangelism impacts the lives of ordinary Muslims, who may or may not understand their own religion very well.

Apologetics – This answers the theological challenges of Islam. Apologetics comes from the Greek word in the New Testament where Christians are exhorted to give a defense, to provide and answer, about the Christian to those who ask. Since Islam questions the core teachings of Christianity, the person and work of Jesus Christ, Truth For Muslims is teaching Christians how to answer the attacks of Islam against the Christian faith. Apologetics confronts the Muslim religious leadership which trains Muslims to attack Christianity.

Accountability – This involves speaking out in the public forum to fight against the injustice of Islam in society and to hold our leaders accountable for the things they say about Islam, such as “Islam means peace,” or “extremists have hijacked a great world religion.” Islam at its very core is diametrically apposed to the United States Constitution. Our leaders must understand and speak out against Islamic sharia law, the law of apostasy, and Islam’s determination to rule the world. Truth For Muslims is providing a public voice for these important issues through our 2008 Voter Leadership Guide, educational newsletters, books, media, and website content. Accountability holds both political and religious (Muslim or Christian) leaders accountable.

Our online shop includes resources to help equip people to respond to Islam in each of these three critical areas.

Truth for Muslims

Iran's Vice President Sets two Preconditions for Talks with US

It is well known that the Democratic presidential candidate Obama has said that he would meet with the leaders of Iran without preconditions. Well Iran has come out with two preconditions before meeting with us.
It's your move Obama....

Iran's Vice President Sets two Preconditions for Talks with US

TEHRAN (FNA)- Vice President for Media Affairs Mehdi Kalhor said on Saturday that Iran has set two preconditions for holding talks with the United States of America.

In an exclusive interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency, he said as long as U.S. forces have not left the Middle East region and continues its support for the Zionist regime, talks between Iran and U.S. is off the agenda.

It is the Americans who are in dire need of reestablishing ties with Iran, he underlined.

Iran is not obliged to reestablish ties with the U.S., he said.

"If they take our advice, grounds for such talks would be well prepared," he said.

It is stupidity to hold talks without any change in U.S. attitude, he underlined.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

UK:Ex-Muslims Come out Against Sharia law

While Christian leaders are in support of Sharia law being allowed into the UK, a group of people who actually understand what Sharia law is all about has spoken up. The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain have stepped up to the plate and have come out against Sharia law coming into the UK. The group's leader Iranian born Maryam Namazie has said that fighting Sharia is not racist, but that calling for Sharia is. I have always said that if you want to learn about Islam, just ask an ex-Muslim.

Shari’a Law Called ‘Racist, Backward’ at Meeting of Ex-Muslims
Monday, October 13, 2008
By Kevin McCandless

London ( – Sweeping legal challenges must be made against the creeping introduction of Islamic law (shari’a) in the United Kingdom, the head of a new body of former Muslims said here Friday.

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, a group bringing together former adherents of the Islamic faith as well as humanists, held its first international conference in London. Several speakers decried the rise of what they called “political Islam” across Europe.

In Britain, Muslims increasingly and controversially have turned to religious courts to decide civil matters under religious law.

Since 2006, the largest such body, the Islamic Shari’a Council in east London, says it has handled around 1,000 cases, mostly dealing with divorce.

While most shari’a courts have no binding legal authority, a growing network of arbitration panels applying Islamic law have been set up around Britain since 2007, and their decisions can be enforced by regular British courts.

Proponents of shari’a courts argue that they help preserve the Muslim identity of a minority community and create a protective environment for young and old alike.

Members of the Islamic Shari’a Council said earlier this year that the vast majority of their cases deal with getting women out of marriages that have gone bad, thus enabling them to remarry under Islamic law.

“We try to reconcile, but in cases where a marriage was enforced on a girl against her wishes, against her own opinion, we don’t want to negotiate,” council president Maulana Abu Sayeed said at the time.

Archbishop Rowan Williams, head of the Church of England, was sharply criticized in February for suggesting that the establishment of shari’a in Britain was “unavoidable.”

However, Sadiq Khan, the recently-appointed government minister for “community cohesion,” told The Times of London last week that the Muslim community in Britain was not “advanced enough” to have its own system of courts.

Such courts could also enforce a system of discrimination against women, said Khan, who is himself a Muslim.

Maryam Namazie, head of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, told Friday’s audience of several hundred that shari’a courts were part of the growing influence felt by politically motivated Islamists.

Namazie, a feminist and communist activist who left her native Iran several years ago, charged that the courts victimize poor, immigrant women, forcing them to remain in situations where domestic abuse was common.

By bowing to political correctness, she said, the British government had abetted a terrible situation.

“Opposing shari’a is not racism,” she said. “It’s racist to demand backward, medieval laws for people living in the 20th century.”

The council wanted humanists and secularists to band together to legally challenge Islamic tribunals, taking their argument to the European Court of Human Rights.

Namazie and other speakers said countries such as Germany and Sweden were becoming more accepting of Islamic law.

Roy Brown, who represents the International Humanist and Ethical Union at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council, said influential Islamic countries have been successful at shaping debate in the Geneva-based council.

“We’ve been told not to mention Islam,” he said. “We’ve been told not to mention shari’a.”

Members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), a grouping of Islamic countries, hold one-third of the seats in the 47-member Human Rights Council. The OIC has come under fire for promoting resolutions at the council and other U.N. bodies seeking to oulaw what it calls the “defamation” of Islam.

Brown said the spread of fundamentalism in Britain had been sparked by massive donations coming from Saudi Arabia to fund religious schools and mosques.

“One of the reasons that political Islam has been so successful in this country is because it’s awash with Saudi money,” he said. “They have been spent literally billions.”

Throughout the day, speaker after speaker railed against the British government’s decision to increase the number of state-funded faith schools of all religions.

To combat the rise of shari’a, they agreed that humanism should be promoted both in Britain and around the world, sidelining the influence of religion.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

U.N. Bans its own Leader From Criticizing the Islamic World~Video

Back in August when the U.N. Human Rights Council banned the criticism of Islam at the U.N. they were not kidding. The Muslim lead Human Rights Council which clearly is one-sided on the Israel-Palestine issue was questioned by the UN leader Secretary General Ban Ki-moon about their agenda. The Human Rights Council led by Elchin Amirbayov of Azerbaijan has said "that the agenda should not be questioned". It is clear who runs the U.N., and it is not the good guys.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Iraqi Christians Told to Convert, pay Jizyah or die!!

Several months ago I reported that Iraq was turning into the Islamic Republic of Iraq , as Christianity is clearly under attack there. Today a new report comes out showing that the situation for Iraqi Christians has gotten even worse. They have been told to convert, pay jizyah or die. We have let the Islamic genie out of the bottle in Iraq.

Sat October 11, 2008
Christians flee Iraqi city after killings, threats, officials say

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- At least 900 Christian families have fled Mosul in the past week, terrified by a series of killings and threats by Muslim extremists ordering them to convert to Islam or face possible death, officials said Saturday.

The attacks may have been prompted by Christian demonstrations ahead of provincial elections, which are to be held by the end of January, the deputy governor of Nineveh province said.

Deputy Gov. Khasro Goran said 13 Christians have been slain in the past two weeks inMosul, about 260 miles (420 kilometers) north of Baghdad. Fleeing Christians have sought refuge in monasteries and churches and with family members in other towns, an Interior Ministry official said.

The attacks began after hundreds of Christians took to the streets in Mosul and surrounding villages and towns, seeking greater representation on provincial councils, whose members will be chosen in the local elections.

Duraid Mohammed Kashmoula, Nineveh's governor, told The Associated Press that the exodus was "a major displacement."

"Of course, al Qaeda elements are behind this campaign against Christians," Kashmoula told AP.

The Interior Ministry official said the homes of three families were destroyed with explosives Saturday after the occupants left. No injuries were reported.

A week ago, leaflets were distributed in several predominantly Christian neighborhoods, threatening families to "either convert to Islam or pay the jizyah or leave the city or face death," said the Interior Ministry official.

Historically, jizya is a tax paid by non-Muslims in exchange for protection.

Goran said that a few days after the leaflets were passed out, gunmen set up checkpoints in parts of Mosul, stopping vehicles to inspect identification papers, searching for Christian names or other signs of religious affiliation. Many of the Christians killed were targeted in this way, he said.

Bashir Azoz, 45, told AP he fled his Mosul home after gunmen warned a neighbor to leave or be killed.

"Where is the government and its security forces as these crimes take place every day?" asked Azoz, a carpenter who is staying with his wife and three children in a town about 25 miles (40 kilometers) east of Mosul, according to AP.

The Rev. Bolis Jacob, of Mosul's Mar Afram Church, told AP he couldn't understand the attacks.

"We respect the Islamic religion and the Muslim clerics," he said. "We don't know under what religion's pretexts these terrorists work."

Goran said police have set up security checkpoints in Christian neighborhoods.

In response to the violence, Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul Qader al-Obaidi visited Mosul on Saturday morning, conducting meetings with local authorities and military commanders.

His spokesman, Mohammed al-Askari, said that in addition to ordering more checkpoints in Christian neighborhoods, al-Obaidi ordered more troops deployed, additional security patrols and an increase in aerial surveillance of Christian areas.

Al-Obaidi also ordered more guards for Christian clerics, al-Askari said.

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U.S. Muslims Attack gay man in Washington~Video

The attacks that we see across the Islamic world on non-Muslims by Muslims are once again on the rise in the USA. The Muslim attackers even told the gay man that he would be stoned to death in their country. Such a "peaceful" religion.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Church of Scotland Backs Islamic Sharia law Courts

Europe continues with its slow suicide, as they continue to bend over backwards for a group of people who want to destroy them. All of this is being aided by Christian leaders. Earlier this year the Archbishop of Canterbury UK took a stand for the introduction of Sharia Courts into Britain which has led to Sharia courts actually handing criminal cases instead of just civil cases. It has already been proven that Muslims in Britain are not happy with having their own courts along side British law, as they are preaching to make Sharia law the one and only law for the UK. But that does not seem to matter to the Church of Scotland as they have come out in support of bringing Sharia courts into Scotland. Does the Church of Scotland realize that Muslims would not accommodate Christianity like this in Islamic countries? Do they realize that Islam is there to take over and not just be another religion there? I guess not.

Church of Scotland backs Islamic sharia law courts

10 October 2008
THE Church of Scotland last night welcomed the possibility of introducing sharia law courts in Scotland.

Rev Ian Galloway, convener of the Church and Society Council, said sharia courts had been unfairly portrayed following the Archbishop of Canterbury's comments in February that it "seems unavoidable" that parts of Islamic sharia law would be adopted in the UK.

Yesterday, The Scotsman revealed the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, based in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, was holding secret talks with lawyers and community groups about setting up sharia courts north of the Border.

Mr Galloway said: "What is being brought to us is not some kind of parallel jurisdiction that replaces our legal system; rather it is a space, within a given community, for disputes to be resolved."

But he added that sharia courts must meet three crucial standards – they must not preclude recourse to the courts, must not break fundamental tenets of the Human Rights Act and the rights of women must be respected.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

U.S. Court Blocks Judge's Order to Release Chinese Muslim Prisoners

This is a follow up to yesterday's story "U.S. Judge Allows 17 Muslim Prisoners to Roam Free on our Streets". Which can be read here. With a show of common sense the White House and the Justice Department have come out against having them from being released here. The prisoners are pro-Sharia detainees, who have even admitted that they under went weapon training in Afghanistan. I have just one question for the judge who ordered the prisoners to be released in our backyard. What where you thinking? Apparently you were not.

U.S. court blocks judge's order to release Chinese Muslims
Wednesday, October 8, 2008Associated Press

A U.S. federal appeals court on Wednesday temporarily blocked a judge's order to immediately free 17 Chinese Muslims imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay and allow them to settle in the U.S.

In a one-page decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued the emergency stay at the request of the Bush administration.

The three-judge panel said it would postpone release of the detainees for at least another week to give the government more time to make arguments in the case.

The appeals court set a deadline of next Thursday for additional filings, but it is up to the judges to decide how quickly to act afterward.

"The decision is quite a blow," said Emi MacLean, an attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, which is representing many of the detainees. "We basically have to go to the men after telling them they would be released and say that their detention is once again indefinite."

"It's hard to believe there is any sense of justice in a situation like that," she said. "We will continue to argue strongly that the judge's order is meritorious and continues to stand."

The three-judge appeals panel that halted the detainees' release included Judges Karen Henderson and A. Raymond Randolph, both appointees of the first President George Bush, and Judge Judith W. Rogers, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton.

Judge's order undercut immigration laws: Justice Department

The appeals court's move comes after U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina on Tuesday made a dramatic decision ordering the government to free the detainees by Friday. Urbina said it would be wrong for the Bush administration to continue holding the detainees, known as Uighurs, since they are no longer considered enemy combatants.

"We are pleased that the Court of Appeals granted our request for a temporary stay, and we look forward to presenting our case," Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse said in response to the appeals court decision.

The Bush administration had asked the appeals court to block Urbina's order no later than Wednesday. The detainees were scheduled to arrive in Washington early Friday and appear in Urbina's courtroom for release to local Uighur families who have agreed to help them settle into the United States.

The government says the detainees at the U.S. naval base in Cuba had admitted receiving weapons training in Afghanistan and were a national security risk.

Earlier Wednesday, lawyers for the detainees urged the appeals court in filings not to interfere with Urbina's decision, which is the first court-ordered release of Guantanamo detainees.

The detainees said they have been cleared of wrongdoing and have waited long enough for their freedom after being held at Guantanamo for nearly seven years.

"The government would prolong by months, and perhaps years, an imprisonment whose legal justification it has conceded away," the detainees' lawyers wrote in court filings.

Meanwhile, the Bush administration said it was continuing "heightened" efforts to find another country to accept the Uighurs since the detainees might be tortured if they are turned over to China.

"There are extensive efforts. We oppose the idea of their release here," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said.

Albania accepted five Uighur detainees in 2006 but has since balked on taking others, partly for fear of diplomatic repercussions from China.

The Justice Department criticized Urbina's decision as undercutting immigration laws that dictate how foreigners should be brought into the country. It also cited security concerns over weapons training the Uighurs received at camps in Afghanistan.

Such a potential security risk outweighs the inconvenience the detainees might suffer in waiting longer at Guantanamo, government lawyers contended.

The Uighur detainees were captured in Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2001.

China has long said that insurgents are leading an Islamic separatist movement in Xinjiang. The Beijing government has repeatedly urged the U.S. to turn the Uighurs over to Chinese authorities.

The Uighurs' case is among dozens of Guantanamo cases currently being reviewed by federal judges after the Supreme Court ruled in June that foreign detainees at Guantanamo have the right to appeal to U.S. civilian courts to challenge their imprisonment.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

U.S. Judge Allows 17 Muslim Prisoners to Roam Free on our Streets

U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina has ordered 17 Chinese Muslims to be freed from Guantanamo Bay and be allowed to take up residence within the USA. This must be some kind of liberal logic. We capture them on the battlefield in another continent and then we allow them to roam free here. This sure sounds like a good deal for them, but not so much for us. Did it ever even cross the judge's mind that they might not be so loyal to our country after being locked up for nearly 7 years? They come from the ethnic group called the Uighurs (WEE'-gurs), who are from the northwestern Chinese province of Xinjiang. The Uighurs in China are causing the same problems Muslims are causing across the world in non-Islamic countries. They want their own state within China . I am sure that they would not follow that line of thinking here in the U.S. Here is an idea, how about we send them back to where we found them?

Hat tip to Kao the owner of Infidelnation

D.C. Area Families Are Ready to Receive Uighur Detainees

By Steve Hendrix
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 8, 2008; Page A08

When U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina was looking for a place in the United States to send 17 Chinese Muslim detainees he wants released from Guantanamo Bay, the Washington area was an obvious choice. The region is home to the country's largest concentration of refugees from the men's ethnic group, known as Uighurs, and members have promised to help resettle the prisoners.

"Our community said: 'We are here to help. Release them into our custody,' " said Nury Turkel, a Washington aviation lawyer and past president of the Uyghur American Association, a District-based human rights group that uses another spelling of the ethnic group's name. "We have people offering them places to stay, English training, employment. We don't want anyone to think they will be a burden on society."

Urbina has ordered the men, who have been held at Guantanamo for almost seven years and are no longer considered enemy combatants by the United States, released into the care of 17 volunteer Uighur families by Friday. According to one of the detainees' attorneys, the presence of a local community willing to receive the detainees was key in the judge's decision that they be released on U.S. soil.

"The local Uighur presence is critical," said Susan Baker Manning, an attorney for the detainees. "These men are halfway around the world from their home and their families. They've been held in grinding isolation, many of them in solitary confinement for about a year and half. They are going to need some help."

The Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking people and the largest ethnic group of the northwestern Chinese province of Xinjiang, which Uighurs refer to as East Turkistan. The group has long complained of repression by Chinese authorities.

A few Uighurs settled in the Washington area as students in the 1980s, Turkel said. The number of asylum-seekers picked up in the mid-1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union and amid increasing political pressure in China. Turkel came as a law student to American University in 1995 and was subsequently granted political asylum.

The refugees, who tend to be college educated, are attracted to the nation's capital because they often remain active in the Uighur cause and other human rights issues.

"They tend to be very political," Turkel said. "They will talk to anyone, the cashier at the grocery store: 'I'm from the northwestern part of China that has been occupied by communist China for 50 years. We've suffered just like the Tibetans, but nobody knows about us because we don't have a Dalai Lama.' That's a common daily conversation, and it's a lot easier to have it here than in Lincoln, Nebraska."

Elshat Hassan, 46, of McLean was a professor of chemical engineering for 15 years in China before he fled with help from the United Nations. He was settled in Buffalo but moved to Virginia after only a few months in 2006.

"I wanted to be with other Uighur people," said Hassan, who has volunteered to host one of the released detainees and plans to cook him a polo, a ceremonial dish of lamb, carrots and rice. After working in a Uighur-owned frame shop for six months, Hassan is now an information technology specialist for Booz Allen Hamilton. "I didn't know anyone when I came, but they all helped me. And now I will help him."

Turkel said the local group is close-knit and active, and the court was crowded yesterday with area Uighurs. They gather several times a year, often at a rented hall at George Mason University, for ethnic celebrations. The largest is Nations Day, Nov. 12, a mix of political seminars and a traditional dance party.

If the legal system delivers the detainees to Washington in the next several weeks, next month's gathering promises to be the biggest ever, Turkel said.

"It will be huge," he said. "Having them released into Washington is more than just having some guys released from prison. It sends a big signal to China."

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

UK: New Immigration Minister Vows to Take Control of Mass Migration Problem

Newly appointed UK Immigration Minister Phil Woolas has vowed to set limits on those migrating to the Kingdom. Mr. Woolas who in the past has angered Muslims by stating the Pakistanis are increasing the risk of birth defects by marrying their first cousins (obviously even giving Muslims good advice angers them) and that burqa wearing Muslim women could spark resentment throughout the UK has quickly been labeled by Muslims as an Islamophobe. It is estimated that 55% of the Pakistanis there are married to their first cousins. Mr. Woolas has even spoken of the anti-white racism that is taking place in the UK. Hopefully he will stick to his guns.

Hat tip to Joan of Ark of the UK.

Migrants arriving from overseas will be brought 'under control' hints new Immigration Minister
By James Slack 06th October 2008

Outspoken: New Immigration Minister Phil Woolas has indicated the influx of arrivals from overseas will be brought 'under control'

Within hours of his appointment, the new Immigration Minister indicated that the influx of arrivals from overseas will finally be brought 'under control'.

Phil Woolas dropped broad hints that he supports a policy of 'balanced migration', and an upper limit on migrant numbers.
The outspoken MP added: 'Community cohesion is crucial. After the economy, this is probably the biggest concern facing the population.'

Campaigners gave Mr Woolas's remarks a cautious welcome as a sign that Labour is at last preparing to abandon its controversial 'open door' policy.

They have also been heartened by his strong track record as a politician willing to confront uncomfortable subjects.

In the past, he has warned that first-cousin marriages in the Pakistani community are increasing the risk of birth defects, and that Muslim women wearing the veil could spark 'fear and resentment' among non-Muslims.

The Oldham East and Saddleworth MP, who has faced down BNP activists in his own constituency, told the Sunday Times on Sunday that it was vital to 'provide confidence to the indigenous population that migration is under control'.

He expressed sympathy with a cross-party campaign by MPs, peers and former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey calling for a statutory limit on the number of foreigners allowed to settle in Britain.

Mr Woolas added: 'On a common sense level there has to be a limit to the population.

'You have to have a policy that thinks about the population implication as well as the immigration implications.'

A recent European Commission report predicted that unless trends change immigration will drive a surge in UK population from 61million to 77million by 2060.

The Government's response to enormous public concern over this mass migration has been limited to the introduction of an Australian-style points system.

This will make it harder for most migrants to obtain visas, but sets no upper limit on numbers. Ministers have doggedly refused to do so, claiming it could be harmful to the economy.

But Mr Woolas suggested they might have to go further.

He said: 'On the one hand is the rationale that we have got to strengthen our economy. But we have got to provide reassurance to communities that the numbers coming in are not bad for us.'

Whitehall sources said that, while Mr Woolas was making no firm commitments at such an early stage, he would review what action was required.

They made clear that, if he believed the Government had to go further, he would be prepared to act.

Mr Woolas has also signalled new restrictions on those coming from overseas to get married.

These could include tougher requirements for a spouse to pass an English test.

Observers believe Gordon Brown is sending out a deliberate message by appointing Mr Woolas that Labour recognises it must address voter concern over migration and community cohesion.

Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve said: 'We cautiously welcome the sentiment but we have had plenty of tough talk from New Labour before, which was followed by zero action. A great deal of damage has been done by Labour's refusal to face up to this issue.'

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of MigrationWatch UK, said: 'This could be a turning point. It is just possible that common sense is at last bursting into Government policy.

'But this is a Government which has ducked the hard issues for ten years, so we need to see concrete proposals to bring immigration, and therefore the population of Britain, under control.'

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Brooklyn:Lawsuit Happy Muslim Busted With Terror Literature

For years I have telling people in the United States to look towards the United Kingdom to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. It is obvious that suing organizations in the name of their religion and obtaining terror literature are common plays out the Islamic game plan. Just about a week ago I reported about the UK Muslim who is suing a supermarket because he had to handle alcohol while working there. This past weekend Brooklyn Muslim Hisham Khaleel, 35 was busted with fake id's, terror literature and he has a past history of suing organizations in the name of religious discrimination. No matter what part of the world you look at, the Islamic community brings us the same problems. Lawsuits, death threats and terror plots. When will the world wake up?

Hat tip to Robert the owner of the ~Vision-4-Freedom~ site.


Last updated: 3:39 am
October 5, 2008

Authorities busting a suspected ID thief in Brooklyn stumbled upon a possible terrorist nest full of al Qaeda news clippings, chemical manuals and weapons literature, sources told The Post yesterday.

Cops made the disturbing find Thursday evening after a landlord found the photocopied IDs inside the apartment of a former tenant on Classon Avenue in Prospect Heights and dialed 311.

The tenant, Hisham Khaleel, 35, had been evicted.

Responding officers found 13 copied licenses, all of which appeared to belong to customers from the Vanderbilt YMCA on East 47th Street in Manhattan, where Khaleel worked briefly as an unarmed security guard.

They also found news clippings about al Qaeda, literature on chemical purchasing and processing, an owner's manual for a Beretta handgun, a reference guide for modern airplanes, a video on rifle-shooting fundamentals and a sniper's manual.

Cops also uncovered lab glassware catalogs and a book, "Hostile Planet: The Essential Guide to Surviving Natural Disasters, Pandemics and Terrorist Attacks."

Khaleel's former co-worker Pierre Andre Leonard, 35, said the suspect worked for six months on the 3-11 p.m. shift.

"He didn't hang with the crew," he said, adding that Khaleel seemed to disappear one day.

Khaleel was awaiting arraignment last night in Brooklyn Supreme Court on charges of criminal possession of stolen property and unlawful possession of personal identification.

However, sources said the materials found in the apartment had piqued probers' interest, and a full-scale investigation was under way.

According to federal court filings, Khaleel has been a frequent - if unsuccessful - litigant.

A 2005 lawsuit against the staffing company Metro One Loss Prevention Services alleged that he had been discriminated against on the basis of his Egyptian background when he was let go.

The suit was dismissed, as was a nearly identical claim against the US Postal Service, where Khaleel worked from 2001 to 2004.

Additional reporting by Matthew Nestel

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Islam4UK: Out With UK law, in With Islamic law

The UK Islamic group called Islam4UK has been holding lectures across the UK Midlands. Islam4UK is preaching for Muslims to bring violent jihad to the streets of the UK as their leader is the hate preaching exiled Omar Bakri Muhammad. One of the lectures was billed as “Kufr Laws to be Extinct”. The group was even so kind enough to lay out how a comparison chart showing the differences between the current UK law and the brutal laws that Islam will bring. This can be seen here. Obviously Muslims there are not happy with getting their own Sharia Courts. Now they want to do away with UK law all together. Big surprise.

Islam4UK: Hate on our Street
October 5, 2008 by Lee Hancock

An Islamofascist group has organised a series of lectures across the Midlands where vile preachers of hate are espousing the violent doctrine of jihad.

Islam4UK, an offshoot of the banned Al Muhajiroun group, are conducting the lecture tour to spread the message of hate to young Muslims. The group, followers of exiled fanatic Omar Bakri Mohammed, recently caused outrage when they arranged a public meeting in the Midlands where posters advertising the event carried the message “Kufr Laws to be Extinct.”

One such star of the Prat Pack tour is Abu Waleed, who has given speeches in Birmingham, Derby and Leicester. His rants are one of over 140 extremist speeches that have been put on Youtube by the Islam4UK group.

In his lectures on Youtube, entitled “Youth Sparks of Fire”, Waleed gives a chilling insight into the violent and hate filled rhetoric being peddled on British streets by extremist Muslims.

Hat tip on the video to Right Side News.

In one speech he ridicules the British intelligence services and says that they have vastly underestimated the number of members of the jihad movement in the UK:

“MI5 got it wrong when they said there is 2,000 so-called radicals within Britain and they all got trained in Afghanistan.

“Really? And you’re supposed to be intelligence and you saw them all go there and come back. What are you going to do about it now?”

Waleed then pours scorn on the Government’s attempts to tackle the problem of him and his ilk:

“They say Muslim groups will be given £70 million to help tackle extremism in ungoverned places.

“What are ‘ungoverned places’? Internet chatrooms, snooker halls, youth centres? As if there’s going to be someone from Al-Qaida saying, ‘I’ve got a couple of rucksacks there in the back, do you want one, what size are you? Obviously not.”

He also called on his listeners to reject the laws of Britain and chastised other Muslim groups for handing terror suspects to the police, telling his audience to “stand with your brothers” no matter what they had done.

Saleed was quite candid about his intention of bringing Islamic rule to Britain: “The Government knows we are a threat because they’ve studied our history.

“The British, they always have this strategy of rule and divide. But we the shabab (youth) will wake up here in the West and we will bring the Sharia here to the UK.”

Birmingham City Council has recently earmarked £3 million to try and tackle extremism in local Muslim youth. Saleed mocked this piece of appeasement, saying, “This just goes to show how desperate these Kuffar are.”

Abu Waleed is not the only hate peddler on Islam4UK’s tour. Another of their speakers, Abu Uzair, gave this message to the people of Britain:

“We don’t live in peace with you anymore.

“The banner has risen for jihad inside the UK, which means it’s allowed for bombers to attack.”

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Muslims have 6 Flags ask Employees not to Wear Shorts on Muslim Day

This Saturday is Muslim Day at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Los Angeles.
Six Flags spokeswoman Sue Carpenter has said that Six Flags employees have been asked not to wear shorts that day out of respect for Islam, although she said it is not mandatory. Two things come to mind here. The first is that obviously the Muslims requested this, because I doubt very much that asking the employees not to wear shorts would of ever crossed her mind. Secondly what will the demands be next year, headscarves for all women who attend the park that day? I urge everyone to pitch in and let Mrs. Carpenter know about the ideology that they are catering to. She can be reached here. Also if anyone can go to the amusement park that day, please show up in shorts and bring a couple of Hooters girls with you. This is the land of the free, not the land of oppression.

Six Flags asks workers not to wear shorts on Muslim Day

By Melissa Gasca
Signal Staff Writer
Posted: Sept. 30, 2008 9:48 p.m.
Updated: Oct. 1, 2008 4:59 a.m.

It's Muslim Day at Six Flags Magic Mountain on Saturday and Santa Clarita resident A.J. Jones is curious to know if the park hosted other religious events in the past.

This is Magic Mountain's first year hosting Muslim Family day. It is far from its first time hosting a religious event, said park spokeswoman Sue Carpenter.

"I think it's great as long as they open it up to everyone," said Jones, whose friend works at the park.

Jones is concerned the park's supervisors asked the employees to wear pants Saturday to cover their legs despite the unusually high heat. "I think its kind of strange," Jones said. "It's been so hot for pants."

But Carpenter said not to worry.

"Out of respect, we request the employees wear their uniform pants, instead of their shorts," Carpenter said. "It is only a request, it is not mandatory."

The Islamic Circle of North America requested the day as a celebration for end of Ramadan. Muslim Family Day comes just five days after the end of Ramadan, a Muslim religious observance in which participating Muslims fast from dawn until sunset.

Park officials will try to meet the Muslim group's needs as it does with any other group, Carpenter said.

"There will be a plethora of things to do for the youth and the entire family including halal food stalls, ethnic bazaar and family entertainment" the event's Web site states.

The group is hosting Muslim Family and Youth Days in seven other United States cities this fall.

All those who attend will take part in what the group claims is "The largest American Muslim event."

The theme park expects a busy day Saturday and the park will remain open to the general public and host the first day of its annual Halloween Fright Fest, Carpenter said.

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