It is funny how Muslims do not care for the laws of the West until they can use them against us to enforce their religion. All we have to do is look past the day that we are in to see where all this is heading. Actions like the one in this article lead to this. Which will eventually lead to an Islamic call to ban alcohol in the UK completely. Do Muslims ever ask themselves why so many people are speaking out against them, or do they just not care?
Thanks to Mewzilla.
Forced out of job by alcohol beliefs
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A Muslim from Derby is suing supermarket giant Tesco for religious discrimination because he was asked to handle crates of alcohol against his beliefs.
Mohammed Ahmed, of Upper Dale Road, Normanton, also accused Tesco of victimisation and harassment during a three-day employment tribunal.
Mr Ahmed was employed as a warehouse operative, which included driving fork-lift trucks, at the firm's Lichfield warehouse in September last year.
The 32-year-old told the tribunal he was not made aware he would be required to handle alcohol when he started the job, a claim denied by Tesco.
Mr Ahmed refused to touch alcohol because it was against his religious principles as a Muslim, he said, and asked to be found other work.
He told the tribunal that the firm failed to co-operate and alleged he was told by a supervisor, "you do the job or go home", a claim also denied by the store.
Another supervisor, Steve Watts, allegedly shouted at him and said "do not take the p***", while line manager Deb Ryan was accused of being aggressive towards him.
The situation reached a peak during November and December as more alcohol came into the warehouse for Christmas, said Mr Ahmed.
The claimant, who grew up in Saudi Arabia and moved to Derby in 2006 and now works for a city agency, lodged a grievance with Tesco in February but said he was treated unfavourably as a result.
After eight months of working at the supermarket chain, he left in protest.
Laura Canham, for Tesco, said Mr Ahmed had indirectly been made aware at his induction that handling alcohol would be one of his tasks.
She denied supermarket bosses had failed to help him, saying every effort was made to find him an alternative role in the warehouse.
"At no stage did he raise the fact he could not handle alcohol," Ms Canham said. "He was advised at the outset what the job would entail.
"Bosses went to see if there were any other roles available for him. He applied for a maintenance job but was unsuccessful. All other roles, in some form or other, came into contact with alcohol."
Ms Canham alleged the claimant gave "mixed messages", once saying he was able to touch Budweiser beer.
Mr Ahmed said he had not visited any of Derby's three Tesco stores and was unaware alcohol was served by the shop. He admitted, however, that he had been to Sainsbury's, Asda and Lidl stores.
"It would be reasonable to expect him to be aware of what Tesco did," Ms Canham said.
Asked why he took so long raising a grievance, Mr Ahmed said: "Many meetings were being held in the meantime to discuss the situation."
The tribunal, in Birmingham, heard that Tesco's induction process now makes it clear that alcohol is involved as part of the job.
Tribunal chairman David Kearsley said: "The trigger for that has obviously been Mr Ahmed's complaint."
A decision by the tribunal is expected next week.
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Boy are the British stupid! It's time to say 'piss off' to the Muslims. Is there no party, no leader other than the BNP willing to stand up to the Muslims? Anyone?
They obviously need some kind of nationalist party to take over there. Most Brits that I speak to our sick of the whole thing with Muslims and the Labour Party who keep on inviting them in.
MOSES WAS TOLD TO DRINK LIQUOR AND SAY THANKS. God only told the Jews the Law of Moses not anyone else.
This in the UK happens to be a Christian country and Jesus, the son of OUR God gave wine to his disciples at the last supper, celebrated in OUR Churches on Sunday to represent the Blood of Christ.
Our tradition of Christian Church and Worship will continue.
It is also written in the Koran that Muslims must remain in Muslim countries and if in other lands to emigrate back.
If Muslims live by that book they should leave and then not be surrounded by alcohol they will not move.
This Muslim should be sacked for refusing to carry out his duties. He should then not be given state benefit as he has made himself intentionally unemployed by refusing to work.
Fear a tool which leaves a population into submission.
Fight with islam one can end up being buried. So courts rather than fight islam give in with hope a bomb dont go off some place or they find themselves being a target of a contract. No backbone in England.
It's the same here in the U.S al talk and no action.
No backbone. Kick them out back to where they come from, or we will end up like Britain.
The strange thing is, many Muslims in the UK own small local stores. Many of these sell alcohol to the infidels - the alcohol doesn't seem to be a religious problem then.
Anonymous said...
MOSES WAS TOLD TO DRINK LIQUOR AND SAY THANKS. God only told the Jews the Law of Moses not anyone else.
HANDLING alcohol is NOT the same as DRINKING it.
As for the US we are heading in the same direction as the UK. Our so called leaders are ignorant when it comes to Islam.
Ship the Camel Jockey off to the Middle East. :(
My opinion: I think they take these jobs knowing what they will be required to do; knowing they can sue; knowing the Brits will bend over and take it; knowing eventually the law will be changed or Sharia will take over. God help us all.
Right Truth
I agree they are just looking for any reason to sue Britain. As for the Brits themselves, I would not count them out yet. If you surf across the message boards their blood is beginning to boil. The real problem there is the Labour Party. They are for mass immigration and would never say or do anything to offend the Muslims. Even if it destroys Britain. I have a lot of friends there and hopefully they will get organized and start protesting against Muslim immigration.
All supermarkets sell Alcohol, this is the uk, why do you think it would be different for you?
Our relgion confirms we can not handle alcohol, so why did you accept a job that does?
Your Naivety is false and the UK should not entertain your clearly stupid claim.
Your time would clearly be better served in common sense and deep prayer!
I have to agree, If I went to another country, I would have to respect their ways and laws.
I certainly would not expect them to change them for me!
The UK laws are church of England based. Whilst England respects other reglions, the law is the law and not to be bent to suit.
If anyone can any not abide by theses, then they have the choice to leave and seek a country that Fulfils their requirements.
I have to agree, If I went to another country, I would have to respect their ways and laws.
I certainly would not expect them to change them for me!
The UK laws are church of England based. Whilst England respects other reglions, the law is the law and not to be bent to suit.
If anyone can any not abide by theses, then they have the choice to leave and seek a country that Fulfils their requirements.
If Muslims cannot handle alcohol, why do so many Muslim run shops sell the stuff then ?
could it clearly be for financial gain ?
Muslims clearly have no respect for the ways of the UK. Let them move to Islamic countries.
Plenty of them drink alcohol.You see them with their drink wrapped in a brown paper bag.Do they think we're all stupid?.It was a Muslim who won the first big Lottery jackpot.I thought gambling was against their religion.They're all hypocrites.
One day I was in M&S.A Muslim shop assitant working at a till refused to handle a Bible which a customer was trying to pay for.She wasn't disciplined.Just sent on her lunch break.We bend over backwards so as not to offend them.
Time to stop frivolous lawsuits like this one! Muslims are hypocrites who use religion as an excuse to get easy money. It's time for the West to recognize Islam as the enemy and to place all Muslims now in Western countries in camps pending deportation.
Richard in Toronto
The solution is simple, don't hire Muslims.
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Nice posting
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