The epidemic of rapes by Muslims continues across the world. These are two recent cases, the first taking place in the UK. Where a Muslim man was hit with four counts of rape and two counts of detaining a child.
The second taking place in the land of Oz. Where a Muslim cabbie turned off his surveillance camera and raped an intoxicated woman in the back seat. He was sentenced to the maximum of ten years and eight months in prison.
This all part of a the great multicultural experience which has turned out to be a failure. The reason being that the Islamic world holds men above women and the mistreatment of women there usually goes unpunished. Just in Pakistan alone there were over 7000 cases of rapes and murders of women reported between 2005 and 2007. That is besides 53 cases of acid attacks. These numbers are just what is reported, as many times the rape victims are blamed for the rape so they are afraid to go to the authorities. They are either punished by the law or ostrazised from their communities.
OK, do you have some statistics like rape per capita in the Muslim and other populations to compare the numbers? Without this your article is worthless. Or do you pretend that white men don't rape? If so, let me laugh.
White men, Black men, Asian men do rape women and that is terrible, but Muslim men are worst as they will kill a raped victim to cover up someone else's crime in the name of Justice! They would not know Justice if it bit them in the arse. That is the scary part of their society.
Did I say that white men do not rape? No I did not and anyone with common sense knows that most Islamic women would be too afraid to report being raped. I have a feeling that the non-Muslims across Europe who are dealing with higher rape statistics do not find this laughable at all. Excusing one bad behaviour with another does not cut it. The West has enough problems of its own, we do not need to import more.
There is rape by white men, and we do not need to import savages from Islamic nations adding to this already problem.
The difference is that Muslim women are accepting of the fact that they will be raped, cannot report it or they are at risk of being stoned to death, or flogged, without the witness of 4 men Muslim women cannot report rape.
The article and blog brings to the surface what Muslims are about and what the justice would be for women in the west if the Islamification of the west goes on, so it is very far from worthless.
Muslims and their supporters always come up with the same excuse....
yes but we are not the only ones you do it also...
The priests abuse....
The crusades.....
etc etc
Muslim immigration needs ending now before it is too late.
They always have excuses but they take no action to try and change things in the Islamic community.
JP, you asked for some numbers, that compare between Muslim and other populations. Unfortunately, as not everyone yet understand that the problem is islam, there are no official statistics. Also because there is the false concept that this would be islamophobia or racism.
But please JP check this site, the blogger has published some statistics on crime based on numbers issued by the London Police (2000-2006) and the 2001 census:
His findings show that more other religions fewer sex offences and more Muslims more sex offences.
Of course most of the Muslims are good people. It is despite their "religion". But if they happen to follow too much islam, some will understand that Non-muslim women as there to satisfy sexual needs: The "best" man ever, the "model" for all mankind/all time/all places, mohamed, has raped Non-muslim women, including those taken as booty of jihad, and as everything he did is good/halal...
As the goal is to enforce islam on the world (allah ordered it in the koran), immigration/demographies/dawah etc are ways to do it, they are all jihad, Non-muslims are allways potential right-hand-possessions, it's up to the Muslim to decide to act or not. Afterall, it is all but 3 options for Non-muslims in islam: convert, slavery (including the dhimmi status that is to accept islam superiority) or death.
I think it is not really evil, it is brainwashing/upbringing/culture. The same way that some Americans saw black people as slaves, Muslims are taught by allah to see Non-muslims as beasts, inferiors to subdue. But while Americans were able to change their beliefs and reject slavery and seek and see equality between men, Muslims can't because to reject slavery and sex slavery is to reject allah's laws, islam's morals and mohamed's actions. If a Muslim rejects slavery, he is against allah's ruling and he withdraws from mohamed his title as best man ever etc. Can he then be called a Muslim as per islam?
Something allowed by allah and done by mohamed cannot be not allowed as per islam. The law is only from allah and the koran claims to be eternel/perfect/complete. Laws cannot be from men (moreover Non-muslims). Slavery, sex slavery, pedophily in marriage, punishments like stoning etc are halal so cannot be haram. The bottomline will always be allah/islam, not men's conscience, knowledge, feelings or ethics.
In my opinion, any compromise to suit islam therefore are defeats that weaken us and subdue us gradually more to islam (like stoping ads of piggy banks or building footbaths). For islam there are no status-quo but one that is islamic, except if it is for deceit and then only momentary. Any compromises that doesn't suit islam completly are never to hold long, because the only status of the Non-muslims in islam can have is described in the koran and is to be a dhimmi Christian/Jew or a slave. That's it. Nothing else. The earliest people learn what islam is, the earliest there is a chance for the Non-muslims to be united and defeat islam.
Anna doe,
Very impressive!!
jp, you just don't get it. Rape is culturally accepted in the Muslim world while here its treated as a crime. And as was pointed out, most often its the woman that gets punished not the rapist in muslim countries.
Exactly, and the west does not want to live under those conditions.
I can't believe how much of this I just wasn't aware of. Thank you for bringing more information to this topic for me. I'm truly grateful and really impressed.
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