Well now it is unanimous. The judge, her father and the convicted woman all agree that she should be caned in the name of Islam. Just for drinking a beer.
Sharia is spreading and the sooner the non-Muslim world realizes that "moderate" Islam is not coming to the rescue, the better. Sharia in non-Muslim countries should not even be considered. It must be fought at all costs.
Malaysia caning sentence upheld
A Malaysian Islamic court has upheld the caning sentence for a Muslim woman convicted of drinking beer at a hotel, local media reports have said.
If the punishment is carried out, Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, a 32-year-old mother of two, will become the first Muslim woman to be caned in the country.
She had originally been due to be caned late last month, but at the last minute the sentence was put on hold during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
At the time the government asked the Sharia High Court Appeals Panel in Kuantan, the capital of the eastern state of Pahang, to review the verdict.
But late on Monday a chief judge with the court announced that the sentence would be upheld.
Reacting to the news Kartika's father, Shukarno Abdul Muttlib, said that while the family had yet to be informed of the court's decision, his daughter "accepts the punishment" and would like it to be carried out as soon as possible.
"We obey the law [and] it's a challenge ... [but] it's the way of my life," he told the Associated Press.
No date has yet been set for the caning.
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