What was originally being billed as a 50,000 Muslim prayer gathering, has now been documented as approximately 1000 Muslims showing up today at Capitol Hill. Muslims are stating that reason for the low turnout was that they were in fear of showing up because of the conservatives who have spoken out against the event. Christians even counter protested there today. I applaud everyone who has spoken out against this event. Remember we still have the numbers here, and within the law we can win this.
Muslims Gather at the Capitol for Prayer Event
About 1,000 people gathered Friday morning on the west front lawn of the Capitol, with more streaming in via charter buses and Metro, for a day of Muslim unity that organizers said was about prayer, not protest.
"We are decent Muslims," said one of the organizers, Imam Ali Jaaher from Dar-ul-Islam mosque in Elizabeth, N. J. "We work, we pay taxes. We are Muslims who truly love this country."
Organizers had said they hoped 50,000 worshipers would show up for the traditional Muslim afternoon prayer at 1 p.m. But they said many people have been frightened away by the backlash against the event. Some conservative Christian groups and bloggers have been calling it anti-Christian and un-American.
Two groups of protesters gathered across the traffic circle from the gathering, waving banners and flags and passing out flyers with crosses and pro-Christian messages. One group, which stood next to a large wooden cross and two giant wooden tablets depicting the 10 commandments, was led by the Rev. Flip Benham of Concord. N.H.
"I would suggest we convert to Christ," Benham shouted over a megaphone that was barely audible from the Muslim gathering. Islam "forces its dogma down your throat."
Benham said he heard about the event last week and brought about a dozen supporters from around the country to protest it. He called Islam a "false religion."
"Unfortunately, our president has opened up the door to this," he said, gesturing toward people streaming toward the gathering. He "has prostrated Christianity to the level of other religions. That's just stunning to me."
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The muz just don't get it. The BS they talk is no longer being bought by the American public...we know they lie.
"Bad" muslim do love this country. understand tolerance and multiculturalism, but they do not follow the quran.
The "good" muslim is intolerant and does follow the quran.
I went to observe this and support the Christians who were proselytizing. I can confirm that the turnout was very low. The muslims didn't even fill the grassy area in front of the steps. I wish there were more Christians there. Some were witnessing to individual muslims. Also, I met Flip Benson and he is from Concord, North Carolina.
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