Just a few weeks ago a teenage girl in France was attacked
for no other reason than being Jewish. The time a Jewish man was stabbed four times just because he was wearing a Jewish symbol. How come we do not see Jews attacking non-Jews for no reason at all across the world?
Man wearing Jewish symbol stabbed near Paris
The Associated Press Published: January 16, 2009
PARIS: France's interior ministry says masked thieves who attacked a young man east of Paris to steal his car repeatedly stabbed him after noticing he was wearing a Jewish symbol.
Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie has condemned the "revolting attack" in the suburban town of Fontenay-sous-Bois and says authorities are working to find the perpetrators.
The ministry said in a statement Friday that the attackers shouted anti-Semitic threats at the man as they stabbed him four times with a knife in the Thursday evening attack.
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Christopher Logan when do u think they will start blowing themselves in Paris?
This story just gives reason for anybody, in areas where muz animals are running loose, to go armed and to be ready to put down any muz animals that harass them. The muzzle of a .45 usually will give pause to most muz(or other idiots) intent on acting stupid. Of course, if that doesn't work, firing certainly will. No worries however, some of them WANT to be martyrs.
I believe that if Muslim immigration is not stopped eventually we will all be living like the people of Kashmir.
living ??????????
May God Make you see the beauty of Islam
I will pray for you.
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