Just as President Obama announced that he will close Guantanamo Bay and bring the prisoners to the USA. Al-Qaeda has announced that a previously released Gitmo prisoner is now the No. 2 al-Qaeda terrorist in Yemen. I feel so much safer knowing that people like this will be brought into our country. Thanks Obama.
Report: Ex-Gitmo detainee joins al-Qaida in Yemen
The Associated Press Published: January 23, 2009
CAIRO, Egypt: A Saudi man released from Guantanamo after spending nearly six years inside the U.S. prison camp is now the No. 2 of Yemen's al-Qaida branch, according to a purported Internet statement from the terror network.
The announcement, made this week on a Web site commonly used by militants, came as President Barack Obama ordered the detention facility closed within a year. Many of the remaining detainees are from Yemen, which has long posed a vexing terrorism problem for the U.S.
The terror group's Yemen branch — known as "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula" — said the man, identified as Said Ali al-Shihri, returned to his home in Saudi Arabia after his release from Guantanamo about a year ago and from there went to Yemen, which is Osama bin Laden's ancestral home.
The Internet statement, which could not immediately be verified, said al-Shihri was the group's second-in-command in Yemen, and his prisoner number at Guantanamo was 372.
"He managed to leave the land of the two shrines (Saudi Arabia) and join his brothers in al-Qaida," the statement said.
Documents released by the U.S. Defense Department show that al-Shihri was released from the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in November 2007 and transferred to his homeland. The documents confirmed his prisoner number was 372.
For the rest of the article
What...is the No. 2 a relative of b. Hussein?
That's change for ya.
Well, that is OK i thought they would be all headed here to the UK.
Years ago there was a liberal judge in NYC nick-named "turn'em loose Bruce"----now we have the all powerful (for now) "Let'em free Barry'" Crazier & Crazier!! id
I do like the idea of converting Alcatraz back to a prison for the jihadists. I really can't think of a better place to put them if Obama and the leftists want to bring them to America.
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