Yesterday I posted a video which showed some of the media turning on Obama and Co. I stated that Obama should enjoy the next 3 1/2 years, because the country is already becoming fed up with him and his policies. Now Our Country Deserves Better has come out with a great video attack on Obama and here is a preview. You guys will love this, the tide is turning on Dictator Obama.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
UK Sharia Courts:Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war

When the Sharia Courts in the UK were first announced, anyone who can see past the day that they are in knew that this would lead to nothing but more demands and trouble. In a followup to the "85 Sharia Courts in UK, Says Report" story we learn what the UK Sharia Courts are calling for.
Hat tip to Roland.
Muslims in Britain Have Religious Duty to “Fight the British and Americans” says New Sharia Court Exposé
Muslims living in Britain are under orders from Sharia courts to regard “fighting with Britons and Americans as a religious duty” a shocking new report on Sharia courts in Britain has claimed.
Issued by independent think tank Civitas, the new report, called “Sharia Law or ‘One Law for All’?” and authored by Islamic specialist Denis MacEoin, also says that there are now around 85 Sharia courts in Britain.
The open declaration of war - Jihad - against ordinary British and American people by Islamic law courts is a damning indictment of the treason committed by the Tory and Labour parties in allowing millions of Muslims to settle in Britain.
In addition to the horrifying declaration of holy war against British and American people, the Sharia courts operating in Britain have also ordered that:
- Sharia law must override the judgements of British courts;
- Muslims living in this country are under orders to disobey Britain’s laws when it contradicts Islamic values;
- Muslims are forbidden to take out insurance, even if required by (UK) law.
- There is no requirement to register a marriage according to the law of the country;
- Polygamous marriage (that is, two to four wives) is legal; and
- A Muslim lawyer has to act contrary to UK law where it contradicts Sharia.
According to a press release issued today by Civitas, the courts operate inside the rapidly spreading network of mosques throughout Britain.
In the press release, Mr MacEoin wrote that it is extremely difficult to find out what goes on in these 85 courts, so he has relied on a range of fatwas issued by popular online fatwa sites, run out of or accessed through mosques in the UK as an indication of the sort of rulings these Sharia courts are making.
Only five of the Sharia law courts are publicly known and run by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, a body whose rulings are enforced through the state courts under the 1996 Arbitration Act.
However, Mr MacEoin said that “Sharia courts should not be recognised under the Arbitration Act.
“Sharia courts operating in Britain may be handing down rulings that are inappropriate to this country because they are linked to elements in Islamic law that are seriously out of step with trends in Western legislation,” Mr MacEoin wrote.
The revelation that Sharia rulings or fatwas are being enforced through state courts by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT) has alarmed many, especially as the Arbitration Act, under which this takes place, specifically excludes divorce and childcare cases.
“Under most interpretations of Islam a person who leaves the faith is an apostate who can be put to death. While this threat remains, it cannot be accepted that Sharia councils are nothing more than independent arbitrators guided by faith,” the Civitas press release continued.
“The reality is that for many Muslims, Sharia courts are in practice part of an institutionalised atmosphere of intimidation, backed by the ultimate sanction of a death threat. The underlying problem is that Sharia law reflects male-dominated Asian and Arabic cultures. It cannot therefore be accepted as a legally valid basis even for settling private disagreements in a country like ours, where our law embodies the equal legal status of everyone, regardless of race, gender or religion.”
Mr MacEoin wrote in his conclusion that the “introduction of Sharia law into this country is a recipe for a dichotomous legal system that holds Muslims and non-Muslims to different standards.
“This is not a matter of eating halal meat or seeking God’s blessing on one’s marriage. It is a challenge to what we believe to be the rights and freedoms of the individual, to our concept of a legal system based on what Parliament enacts, and to the right of all of us to live in a society as free as possible from ethnic-religious division or communal claims to superiority and a special status that puts them in some respects above the law to which we are all bound.”
* In their coverage of the Civitas press release, all of the mainstream media deliberately suppressed the part dealing with the Sharia courts’ declaration of Jihad against British and American people.
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Monday, June 29, 2009
America Hating Dems. Caught on Tape~Video
Most of us on the right fully admit that leftists hate America as we know it. Well they do not even hide it. Watch as Democratic NY State Senators will not stand for our Pledge of Allegiance, and even stop one from doing so. Like President Obama, they are truly a disgrace to America.
Hat tip to NY Daily Balance.
Hat tip to NY Daily Balance.
Press Turns on Obama and Co.~Video
As President Obama continues to lie and lie to the American public, more and more of the country is turning on him. Even those that once supported him. First it was Rachael Maddow who tore Obama apart. Now watch this White House press conference where a member of the media will not back down and laughs as White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs tries to spin his way out of the Obama lie that he will not tax anyone who makes less than $250,000. Obama, enjoy the next 3 1/2 years. You fooled the country once, it will not happen again.
LAPD Names 1St Muslim Chaplin in Effort to Learn About Islam

Near the end of 2007 the LAPD dropped its "Mapping Program" in the which they were going to monitor the local Muslim community. The program was dropped because Muslims said that they were "offended". Now the LAPD has fallen into the same trap as many other governmental departments have. Expecting a Muslim to be honest with them about Islam. This never works.
LAPD names its first Islamic chaplain
Police leaders hope that the new chaplain, who has a history of building bridges between Muslims and law enforcement, can help officers understand his community better.
By Duke Helfand
June 29, 2009
American Muslims have never been much of a presence in the Los Angeles Police Department, accounting for less than 1% of its nearly 10,000 officers.
But now, with department leaders eager to improve relationships with local Muslims, top brass have named the force's first Islamic chaplain: a Pakistani-born spiritual leader who has spent much of the last decade trying to build bridges between law enforcement and Los Angeles County's diverse Muslim communities.
Sheik Qazi Asad, 47, will serve as a reserve chaplain at the LAPD's North Hollywood station. The volunteer post requires about eight hours of service each month. But to Asad and his LAPD patrons, it represents an opportunity to expose officers to a culture and faith that many may find unfamiliar, even foreign.
And that, Asad and LAPD leaders hope, will enhance relations that have been strained at times, particularly in the aftermath of a much-criticized plan by the department in 2007 to map the city's Muslim population. The plan, which some critics equated to religious profiling, was scrapped after a week of protests.
"We need to establish very good communication . . . where both parties are talking to each other," Asad said. "This is just opening up the door."
Asad arrived in the United States at age 24, with virtually no money and speaking very little English. He learned to speak the language by taking classes at Los Angeles City College and by watching the news on television. And he learned a profession, the insurance claims business. Meanwhile, he began serving informally as a religious advisor to other Muslims -- presiding over weddings and funerals, heading a nonprofit organization whose members prepare the dead for burial, conducting weekly spiritual classes at a storefront office space in Inglewood.
He got involved with law enforcement after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca asked Asad to join a news conference at which Baca and other elected leaders demonstrated their solidarity with the embattled Muslim community. Baca had met Asad in the 1990s at dinners with elected officials and community leaders in the South Bay, where Asad lives.
The bearded Asad, a U.S. citizen, came to the news conference wearing traditional Muslim attire -- a turban, long collarless shirt and trousers ending above the ankle. Soon after, he was asked to join Baca's Executive Clergy Council. He brought about a dozen other American Muslim leaders with him.
Baca said that Asad helps establish a bridge of trust between Muslims and police. "It doesn't surprise me that the LAPD would reach out to Qazi and give him a chance to continue his work," the sheriff said.
About two years ago, Asad joined an advisory panel for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that included representatives from the immigration service, Border Patrol, FBI, L.A. County Sheriff's Department and LAPD. That's where he and LAPD leaders first talked about Asad becoming involved with the force.
"I asked, 'How do I become a chaplain?' " he recalled. " 'What are the requirements?' "
Like other candidates, Asad underwent an extensive background check that included fingerprinting, a review of his finances and employment history, and an interview with the department's senior chaplains.
LAPD leaders view Asad's chaplaincy work as an extension of his previous roles with law enforcement. Although chaplains are expected to serve in a nonsectarian capacity, LAPD authorities said they believe that Asad could be a source of information for officers curious about Muslims and their religion.
"Officers don't know about Islam or Muslim communities in Los Angeles. He's going to be a person who can educate them to that," said Lt. Mark Stainbrook, who oversees community outreach for the department's counter-terrorism and criminal intelligence bureau.
Some Muslim religious and civic leaders who belong to an LAPD Muslim advisory panel grumbled privately about not being consulted about Asad's selection, although they did not take issue with him. LAPD officials said that Asad applied for the post on his own, and that the department generally does not run chaplain appointments by outside advisory groups.
Even those Muslim leaders who voiced some disappointment with the process, however, said they believed that Asad's appointment would help nurture an emerging relationship with the Police Department.
"The position needs someone who has the basic knowledge and skills to bring people together, especially someone who understands the culture and nature of law enforcement," said Hussam Ayloush, Southern California executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "I think Mr. Asad has such abilities."
Asad will spend the next six months working under two senior chaplains in the North Hollywood station.
Asad said he intends to wear traditional clothing when appropriate -- for example, when presiding at the funeral of a fellow Muslim. But he expects to show up most often in suit and tie.
He acknowledged that officers may be surprised to see him in their station.
"It will take time for them to adjust," he said. "I have to earn my stripes."
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85 Sharia Courts in UK, Says Report

Back in October of last year the UK foolishly opened Pandora's Box by allowing Muslims to open Sharia Courts there. Then there were five. Now moving at a seemingly unstoppable rate there are as many as 85 of them. Wake up people, this is not about them wanting their "rights", this is about them wanting to takeover.
85 sharia courts in UK, says report
Monday June 29 2009
There are as many as 85 sharia courts operating in Britain, according to a new report.
Academic Denis MacEoin, the report's author, said the existence of the courts practising Islamic law could lead to different legal standards being applied to Muslim and non-Muslim citizens.
He said many of the courts operate out of mosques and their rulings are closed off to non-Muslims.
In previous reports it was claimed there were only five sharia courts in the UK, working in London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Nuneaton.
He said: "This is not a matter of eating halal meat or seeking God's blessing on one's marriage. It is a challenge to what we believe to be the rights and freedoms of the individual, to our concept of a legal system based on what parliament enacts, and to the right of all of us to live in a society as free as possible from ethnic-religious division or communal claims to superiority and a special status that puts them in some respects above the law to which we are all bound."
His report, published by the think-tank Civitas, includes a list of previous sharia judgements which he believes give an indication of the type of ruling being handed down by the courts working in the UK.
Among the examples quoted are laws banning a Muslim woman from marrying a non-Muslim unless he converts to Islam and the removal of a wife's property rights in the event of divorce.
The report states: "Among the rulings ... we find some that advise illegal actions and others that transgress human rights standards as they are applied by British courts."
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Sunday, June 28, 2009
Obama's man Eboo Patel~Islamic Propagandist

By Christopher Logan
In my daily Internet travels I occasionally come across articles written by American Muslims which are clearly written to put a positive spin on Islam. Clearly written by an Islamic propagandist. Since the information aspect is a big part of this war, I will start exposing these authors as I come across them. My first in the series was "My Exchange With Hollywood Filmmaker Kamran Pasha" .
Today I will write about Eboo Patel who is a member of President Barack Obama's Administration's New Faith Advisory Council. Recently Mr.Patel wrote an article entitled "When Muslims Saved Jews".
His article promotes the new book "Besa: Muslims who Saved Jews in World War II". The story is about Albanian Muslim families that protected Jews during the Holocaust. I applaud them for doing this, but individual acts of kindness by some Muslims does not change the fact that Islam itself promotes hatred of Jews. Judging from Patel's past articles, providing a smokescreen for Islam is why this article was written.
Of course Patel failed to mention several important facts.
Patel makes no mention what so ever that the Mufti of Jerusalem played a big role in the Holocaust.
At the Nuremberg Trials , Eichmann's deputy Dieter Wisliceny (subsequently executed as a war criminal) testified:
The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan. ... He was one of Eichmann's best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard him say, accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chamber of Auschwitz.
Patel also does not mention that the Albanian government and other Albanian Muslims helped kill Jews during the Holocaust. They even had their own SS Division.
In regards to Islam, Patel conveniently does not bring up the fact that the Islamic scriptures call for Muslims to kill Jews to reach judgement day.
Nor does Patel mention this verse from the Hadiths, which shows us that the Islamic threat to Jews has been going on for over 1000 years.
Hadith Malik 511:1588 The last statement that Muhammad made was: “O Lord, perish the Jews and Christians. They made churches of the graves of their prophets. There shall be no two faiths in Arabia.” (During the caliphates of the first four Caliphs this edict was fully carried out and all non-believers were removed from Arabia.)
Unfortunately the threat to Jews stemming from Islam today is still alive and well. Leading the charge is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei the Supreme Leader of nuclear ambitious Iran who recently stated that Israel is "cancerous tumor in the heart" of the Islamic world.
Mr.Patel you should be ashamed of yourself, but obviously you are not.
American Muslims,
Eboo Patel,
Islamic Propagandists,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Official Opening Of Saudi Funded Boston Islamic Center

This past Friday was the official grand opening of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. Local non-Muslims fought for years to try and stop this center from becoming a reality, but as usual Muslims did not care about what anyone else wants. They also showed this by rudely broadcasting the call to prayer outside the Mosque for all to hear and back in November of 2008 when the Mosque reinstated Walid Fitaihi to their board. Fitaihi's anti-Semitic statements in the past led to public pressure which forced him to resign.
Dissent greets mosque opening
Hundreds attend afternoon service, as a few protest
With the cutting of a taut green ribbon and the haunting chant of a call to prayer, a crowd of hundreds of local Muslims inaugurated a large new mosque yesterday in Roxbury Crossing.
The official opening of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, which has been in use since last fall, was greeted with relief by many Muslims, who had faced enormous controversy and financial challenges that caused the planning and construction to drag on for two decades. The building remains incomplete - many decorative elements have not yet been added, and a second phase with a school building remains just a dream - but Muslim leaders decided it was time to open.
A handful of protesters stood on the other side of Malcolm X Boulevard holding signs reading “Prayer, Yes. Extremism, No!’’ A group of Muslims marched from an interfaith breakfast over to the protest carrying white roses, which they gave to the protesters as a sign of peace. A brief argument ensued between Charles Jacobs, the leading critic of the mosque, and supporters of the mosque, and along the sidewalk a few mosque advocates carried on parallel debates with demonstrators. Eventually, the groups retreated to opposite sides of the street.
For local Muslims, it was a day for celebration, particularly because the construction had been so difficult. An estimated 1,800 worshipers packed into the building for the Friday afternoon worship service, which normally draws about 600.
“This is a big event, especially given what the Muslim community has been through,’’ said worshiper Ahmed Jabrane of East Boston, carrying a toddler on his shoulders. “This shows what America is about - pluralism, and diversity.’’
And Siham Jihad of Winthrop, wheeling her child into the mosque in a stroller, said she feels she now has a place she can call home.
“Finally I can call myself a citizen of Boston. To us, this is very significant - the end of one era, and the beginning of a new one,’’ she said. “We are here, we are here to stay, and we are here to help build this community.’’
Bilal Kaleem, the executive director of the Muslim American Society’s local chapter, pointed out that the celebrants vastly outnumbered the protesters, “and that speaks volumes about America.’’ Kaleem elliptically acknowledged that the mosque’s backers - some of whom have been accused of saying hateful things - have made mistakes. “There have been shortcomings on our part,’’ he said.
Despite the controversy, a number of dignitaries were present, including Mayor Thomas M. Menino and some city councilors and state lawmakers.
Although many speakers focused on the mosque’s triumph over controversy, others cited different reasons to celebrate. Imam Taalib Mahdee, of the Mosque of the Quran in Roxbury, noted that local Muslim institutions have not previously been highly visible in African-American parts of the city and said, “Finally we have you over in the ’hood.’’
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CAIR:Obama has Inspired us to Distribute 100,000 Korans

The pro-Islamic speech that President Obama recently gave in Cairo has inspired the terrorist supporting organization, the Council on America Islamic Relations (CAIR) to increase their proselytization efforts. Right in the middle of this movement is CAIR Chairman, State Sen. Larry Shaw (NC).
Hat tip to Jihad Watch.
U.S. Muslims to Offer Qurans to 100,000 American Leaders
WASHINGTON (Map) - Major educational initiative prompted by President's quoting of Islam's revealed text.
WASHINGTON, June 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Tuesday, June 30, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will hold a news conference in Washington, D.C., to announce the launch of a major campaign to distribute free copies of the Quran, Islam's revealed text, to 100,000 local, state and national leaders.
WHAT: CAIR News Conference to Announce Launch of "Share the Quran" Campaign
WHEN: Tuesday, June 30, 11 a.m.
WHERE: CAIR National Headquarters, 453 New Jersey Ave., S.E., Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787, 202-744-7726, E-Mail:
CAIR's "Share the Quran" educational campaign was prompted by President Obama's recent address to Muslims worldwide in which he quoted from that holy text.
In the multi-year initiative, American Muslims will sponsor Qurans for distribution to governors, state attorneys general, educators, law enforcement officials, state and national legislators, local elected and public officials, media professionals, and other local or national leaders who shape public opinion or determine policy.
"Through this ground-breaking outreach initiative, we hope not only to educate policy-makers and opinion leaders about Islam, but also to provide an opportunity for American Muslims to reach out to their fellow citizens of other faiths," said CAIR Board Chairman State Sen. Larry Shaw (NC).
The "Share the Quran" initiative is an outgrowth of CAIR's successful "Explore the Quran" campaign and is part of the celebration of the Washington-based council's 15th anniversary. CAIR was founded in June of 1994.
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Jihadist Urges Muslims to Cannibalize US Soldiers

The US government is closing down Gitmo and sending the prisoners from there to island resorts. One of the reasons for doing this is that it will hopefully save our soldiers from being tortured. Apparently this well known jihadist is not willing to reciprocate.
Jihadist urges Muslim soldiers to cannibalism
Muslim fighters are being told they may be justified in cannibalizing U.S. soldiers, it emerged Friday.
The chilling message is contained in a recent jihadist Internet entry that quotes from the work of a prominent jihadist ideologue, Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi.
In one section of his work, Maqdisi discusses the idea of having to do something that is otherwise forbidden, including eating food "sacrificed for an idol," according to the Washington-based SITE Intelligence Group, which translates jihadist "chat" sites. Maqdisi adds some scholars believe this has evolved to mean that Muslims, faced with hunger, are allowed to kill an enemy and "cannibalize him."
In a bid to instil fear into U.S. soldiers, the entry says Americans should be told that Muslim fighters "smack their lips to eat the flesh of . . . the eaters of hamburgers and Pepsi."
But some jihadist respondents made light of the entry, which appeared on the al-Fallujah forum June 12. "If we are forced to eat Americans, we will make them (into) kabsa," said one posting, referring to a family of rice dishes served mainly in Saudi Arabia. This contributor said the kabsa would have "the taste of gunpowder," and added that the "limbs of apostates" could be turned into appetizers.
Another jihadist said the "slaughter" of Americans must be carried out in accordance with Shariah law, and posted a picture of the beheading of Nick Berg, an American businessman murdered in Iraq in 2004 after he went there to seek telecommunications work.
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Friday, June 26, 2009
Obama's pro-sharia Legal Advisor Confirmed

This is an update to the "Obama's Top Legal Pick Supports Sharia" article. One world government, here we come.
Harold Koh Confirmed After Long GOP Delay
Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh was confirmed as the State Department Legal Advisor in a roll call vote, 62-35.
Koh was tapped for the job nearly four months ago, but has faced criticism from some conservatives for an alleged "transnational" approach to the law. But ranking Senate Foreign Relations Committee Republican Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) threw his support to Koh, in a statement Thursday: "After reading his answers to dozens of questions, attending his hearing in its entirety, meeting with him privately, and reviewing his writings, I believe that Dean Koh is unquestionably qualified to assume the post for which he is nominated."
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Maine Fines Christian org. in Support of Islam

Recently we saw the Obama led Department of Justice sue Essex county in a show of support for Islam. Today the state of Maine has joined in on the Islam love fest and fines the Christian Action Network.
Hat tip to Creeping Sharia.
Maine Fines Group for ‘Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Message’
June 25, 2009 - by Patrick Poole
An organization in the national spotlight recently for producing a documentary identifying several dozen potential terrorist training compounds in the U.S. has offended the sensibilities of Maine bureaucrats, who have fined the organization $4,000, alleging among other things that the group sent out mailings containing an “inflammatory anti-Muslim message.”
The group in question, the Christian Action Network (CAN), received notice of the fines and the fundraising ban in a May 6 letter from Elaine Thibodeau of the State of Maine’s Department of Professional and Financial Regulation. Enclosed in the letter was a prepared consent agreement for CAN to sign agreeing to all of the state’s allegations, waiving all rights to appeal, and agreeing to pay the $4,000 fine. As part of the consent agreement, CAN is required to agree to all of the state’s allegations, including their assertion that their mailing amounted to hate speech.
“These bogus charges and fines the State of Maine has imposed are nothing but an attempt to stifle our free speech and silence our organization from speaking out about the steady creep of radical Islam in America,” CAN president Martin Mawyer told Pajamas Media. “We fully intend to appeal the state’s penalties because if they successfully silence us here, we will quickly find that we won’t be able to speak out anywhere.”
But what has Maine bureaucrats roiling is a fundraising mailing sent by CAN (a copy of which was provided to Pajamas Media) regarding a public school curriculum used in California requiring students to pray to Allah, dress up as Muslims, adopt Muslim names, and learn the five pillars of Islam. Since Christians and Jews are not given similar accommodations, CAN encouraged their supporters to send a petition to Maine Gov. John Baldacci asking him to prevent such instruction in Maine public schools.
Among the stated allegations in Thibodeau’s letter and the consent agreement is that this amounted to hate speech, claiming:
5. The correspondence contained an inflammatory anti-Muslim message.
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Iranian Cleric Says "rioters" Should be Executed

Hardcore Islamic cleric Ahmad Khatami is calling for the Iranian protesters to be executed. Unfortunately under Islamic law what he wants is legal. As Koran verse 5 32 allows for the death of anyone who is "spreading mischief in the land". Mischief can obviously be anything that they say it is.
Iranian cleric says "rioters" should be executed
By Parisa Hafezi
TEHRAN (Reuters) – A hardline Iranian cleric on Friday called for the execution of "rioters," in a sign of the authorities' determination to stamp out opposition to the June 12 presidential election result.
Iran's top legislative body, the Guardian Council, said it had found no major violations in the election, which it called the "healthiest" vote since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
The council had already rejected a call for the annulment of the vote by moderate former Prime Minister Mirhossein Mousavi, who has led mass protests since he was declared a distant second in the election behind incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
"I want the judiciary to ... punish leading rioters firmly and without showing any mercy to teach everyone a lesson," Ahmad Khatami told worshippers at Tehran University.
Iranian state television said on Thursday eight Basij militiamen were killed by "rioters" during the protests. State media previously said 20 people were killed in the marches.
The Group of Eight foreign ministers, meeting in Italy, said they "deplored" the post-election violence and called on Iran to settle the crisis soon through democratic dialogue and peaceful means.
"The crisis should be settled soon through democratic dialogue and peaceful means on the basis of the rule of law," said a final draft statement by the G8 ministers. "We call on the Iranian government to guarantee that the will of the Iranian people is reflected in the electoral process."
Iranian authorities have accused Mousavi of being responsible for the bloodshed, while the moderate former prime minister says the government is to blame.
Khatami, a member of the Assembly of Experts, said the judiciary should charge the leading "rioters" as being "mohareb" or one who wages war against God.
"They should be punished ruthlessly and savagely," he said. Under Iran's Islamic law, punishment for people convicted as mohareb is execution.
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Thursday, June 25, 2009
Obama Pulls a Slick One~Iran Related

Well I am sure that he thinks that it is slick. Recently word had come out that not one Iranian diplomat had taken Obama up on his offer for a Fourth of July dinner in America. So instead of admitting that the Iranian government does not care what Obama has to say, Obama and Co. act like they all of a sudden care about what is happening in Iran.
Obama's July 4 Invites To Iranian Diplomats Rescinded
June 24, 2009
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has rescinded an offer for Iranian envoys to attend U.S. embassy Fourth of July parties as the violent crackdown in Tehran continues.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday notified diplomats and other department employees overseas that her earlier invitations had been withdrawn.
"Unfortunately, circumstances have changed and participation by Iranian diplomats would not be appropriate in light of the unjust actions that the president and I have condemned," she said in her message sent overseas. "For invitations which have been extended, posts should make clear that Iranian participation is no longer appropriate in the current circumstances. For invitations which have not been extended, no further action is needed."
Clinton had authorized U.S. envoys abroad some weeks ago to invite Iranian diplomats to attend the annual celebration. Her authorization was required because Washington has no formal diplomatic relations with Iran, department spokesman Ian Kelly said.
Presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs noted earlier in the day that the invitations were withdrawn.
"Given the events of the past many days, those invitations will no longer be extended," Gibbs said.
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'Crush them': 100,000 North Koreans Rally against U.S.

While President Obama is either out playing golf, or bowing down to the Islamic world, the tensions with North Korea are ratcheting up. Didn't the left say that Obama is going to united the world?
NKorea vows nuke attack if provoked by US
SEOUL, South Korea — Punching their fists into the air and shouting "Let's crush them!" some 100,000 North Koreans packed Pyongyang's main square Thursday for an anti-U.S. rally as the communist regime promised a "fire shower of nuclear retaliation" for any American-led attack.
Several demonstrators held up a placard depicting a pair of hands smashing a missile with "U.S." written on it, according to footage taken by APTN in Pyongyang on the anniversary of the day North Korean troops charged southward, sparking the three-year Korean War in 1950.
North Korean troops will respond to any sanctions or U.S. provocations with "an annihilating blow," one senior official vowed — a pointed threat as an American destroyer shadowed a North Korean freighter sailing off China's coast, possibly with banned goods on board.
A new U.N. Security Council resolution passed recently to punish North Korea for conducting an underground nuclear test in May requires U.N. member states to request inspections of ships suspected of carrying arms or nuclear weapons-related material.
In response to the sanctions, the North pulled out of nuclear talks and has ramped up already strident anti-American rhetoric. And the isolated regime may now be moving to openly flout the resolution by dispatching a ship suspected of carrying arms to Myanmar.
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Hardliners and Reformers Both Want to Keep Iran a Theocracy

While the post-election protests and beatings continue in Iran, the reality for now is that both camps, the hardliners and the reformers have one main thing in common. They are both are committed to Islam.
Under the Islamic umbrella: Hardliners and reformers both want to keep Iran a theocracy
Thursday, June 25th 2009
Nearing the two-week mark, Iran's postelection drama continues to unfold as the government seeks to restore national stability in the wake of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed victory. A standoff continues between the main political factions: hard-line conservatives against reformists.
The two camps differ over the future ideological vision for the Islamic Republic - with reformists seeking greater social, political and economic liberalization, while hard-liners hope to stay true to the revolutionary principles proffered by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 30 years ago.
It is a profound struggle. But rather than focusing only on these differences, Americans must also understand what both camps have in common. The common ground is not insignificant.
Most importantly, both camps remain committed to the Islamic umbrella holding the theocratic republic together. As a result, whatever the outcome, it is clear that for now, the Islamic Republic will stay intact.
Promises in defense of Islamic ideals rain down as both factions compete to be the defenders of the Iranian faithful. Night after night in Tehran, cries of "Allahu Akbar," or "God is Great," have resonated throughout the city, emulating similar calls heard during the 1979 revolution. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in his Friday prayer sermon, invoked the help of the Hidden Imam to assist in resolving this conflict.
On the other side, Mir Hossein Mousavi, the reformist hopeful, has also been careful not to cross the threshold in criticizing the Islamic foundations of the Islamic Republic, stating in his manifesto, "With trust in God and hope for the future . . . we are not up against our sacred regime and its legal structures; this structure guards our independence, freedom and Islamic Republic. We are up against the deviations and deceptions, and we want to reform them, a reformation that returns us to the pure principles of the Islamic revolution."
Mohammad Khatami too, the former reformist president, has stated, "In resolving this problem why not look to the approach and methods of our dear Imam \[Khomeini\], who was faced with similar situations. The primary objective should be to denounce violence and to replace the current environment of animosity, spite and accusations in favor of a new atmosphere based on truth and honesty with kindness, friendship and cooperation. It is then that no matter what the price, the Islamic Republic and all its values will be safe and immune."
The world has witnessed days of intense protesting, violence and death, in which demonstrations have been muted with the help of the government's heavy hand and in which journalists, activists and politicians have been arrested and detained. From abroad, interpreting the actions and events surrounding this political unrest has become more of a challenge as the regime has restricted Internet, cell phone and satellite access while also barring international reporting.
But beneath the bloodshed, this inconvenient - for the West - truth remains: Despite the hardened divide between the two factions, both sides remain united in their loyalty to the theocratic system. Held together by the fusion of Islamic justice and independence, the factions have both invoked the banner of Islam as a rallying cry and unifying umbrella in defense of their political cause.
The use of Islamic imagery coupled with calls to resurrect the lost ideals of Khomeini's revolution suggest that there will be no dramatic revision to the Iranian political system. Indeed, by respecting the integrity of the Islamic system, hard-liners and reformists alike have adeptly navigated through these tense political waters, allowing room for compromise between them.
What remains uncertain, though, is how these two camps, composed of one-time allies and revolutionary contemporaries, will reconcile their countering ideological visions. This is the true conflict that lies under the banner of Islam and poses the greatest challenge for the future of Iran.
Vakil is a visiting scholar and adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies in Washington and Bologna, Italy. She is writing a book on female and civil society activism in Iran.
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Israel Cancels US~Israel Meeting

Despite President Obama and VP Biden repeatedly trying to bully Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not caved in.
US-Israel talks in Paris aborted
A meeting between Israel's prime minister and a senior US envoy has been cancelled amid growing differences over settlement building in the West Bank.
Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot said the US put off the meeting in response to Benjamin Netanyahu's refusal to heed US demands to halt settlement activity.
But Mr Netanyahu's aides say it was the prime minister who cancelled Thursday's meeting with George Mitchell in Paris.
They said "more professional work" was needed, without adding further details.
Instead, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak is now scheduled to travel to Washington on Monday to meet Mr Mitchell.
Mr Netanyahu has arrived in Paris from Rome, on his first trip to Europe since he took office.
He is promoting his hawkish line on Iran, seeking harsher sanctions over its nuclear programme.
US State Department officials confirmed that the bilateral talks in Paris had been postponed, but they did not explain why it was necessary for their envoy to see Mr Barak on Monday instead.
'Unnatural growth'
US President Barack Obama has called for a freeze on construction of settlements, which are widely viewed as illegal under international law.
Mr Netanyahu has said he will not build additional enclaves in occupied Palestinian territory - but he wants to continue building within existing settlements to foster what Israel views as their "natural growth".
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
UN Says World Should Honor Sharia in Regards to Refugees

The pro-Islamic United Nations which has already banned any criticism to Islam in regard to human rights has stepped up their support for Islam a notch. They want the world to honor the part of Sharia that says that countries must take in refugees.
(Obviously when an Islamic country does this, a non-Muslim still has to live under their rules.)
The catch is that "Today, the majority of refugees worldwide are Muslims,". Sorry, not interested in using Sharia law, or having more Muslims come into my country. No thanks.
Islam Laid Basis of Refugee Laws: UN
CAIRO — Islam has influenced and enriched modern-day international refugee laws more than any other source, a United Nations study said on Tuesday, June 23, lamenting that Muslims make up a large bulk of the world refugees.
"The international community should value this 14-century-old tradition of generosity and hospitality and recognize its contributions to modern law," UN High Commission for Refugees Chief Antonio Guterres wrote at the forward of the study.
The study, "The Right to Asylum Between Islamic Shari`ah and International Refugee Law", sought to assess the impact of Islamic laws and values on modern-day legal framework upon which UNHCR bases its global activities on behalf of tens of millions of uprooted people.
It concluded that Shari`ah, 14 centuries ago, created the bases for many of the refugee-related international laws.
It noted that under Shari`ah Muslims and non-Muslims alike have the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution.
"Today, the majority of refugees worldwide are Muslims," notes Guterres.
According to the UNHCR, there are a total of 16 millions refugees and asylum seekers and 26 million internally displaced people in the world today.
Half the world refugees come from two Muslim countries: Iraq and Afghanistan.
Guterres regretted that Muslim refugees are deprived from guaranteed rights because of the growing racism and xenophobia in the world.
"These attitudes have also contributed to misperceptions about Islam, and Muslim refugees have paid a heavy price," Guterres wrote.
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United Nations
ACLU Sues Prison Over Muslim Prayers

For the second time in just over a week the Christianity erasing ACLU has taken a stand for the religion of Islam. The first case involved one of the five pillars of Islam~zakat. (Giving to charities)
ACLU sues over limits on Muslim prayers in prison
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Two Muslim inmates held in a special unit at the federal prison in Terre Haute say they aren't allowed to pray in groups as often as their religion commands and have asked a federal judge to ease worship limits imposed by the Bureau of Prisons.
The prison in western Indiana houses several high-security inmates, including American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh, who is serving a 20-year sentence for aiding Afghanistan's now-defunct Taliban government.
The June 16 lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana challenges limits on Islamic worship in the prison's restrictive Communications Management Unit, where about 30 of the 40 inmates are Muslim.
Muslims are required to pray five times a day, but the lawsuit, filed on behalf of inmates Enaam Arnaout and Randall T. Royer, says inmates in the CMU are allowed to pray as a group just one hour a week. The ACLU claims that violates a federal law barring the government from restricting religious activities without showing a compelling need.
The lawsuit echoes a 2007 complaint from convicted shoe bomber Richard Reid that he was denied access to group prayer at the Supermax federal prison in Florence, Colo.
The Indiana lawsuit is one of two the ACLU has filed in the past week concerning conditions in the CMU. Its other lawsuit claimed the unit was created in secrecy and keeps its mostly Muslim inmates in virtual isolation.
A Justice Department spokesman said last week that the government followed federal rules in creating the special unit in November 2006. Designed to house prisoners who require additional security, the unit closely monitors inmates' outside contacts.
Bureau of Prisons officials declined Tuesday comment on the prayer lawsuit.
Ken Falk, legal director of the ACLU of Indiana, questioned policies allowing prisoners out of their cells to watch television, play cards or engage in other group activities but limiting group worship to one hour on Fridays.
"That means four people can sit around the table playing cards or talking about the basketball game but they can't worship," Falk said.
Lindh's attorney George Harris confirmed Tuesday that Lindh, a convert to Islam, is held in the CMU. He declined to comment on the lawsuit or say whether Lindh has had problems practicing his religion at the prison.
The lawsuit asks the Bureau of Prisons to reinstate daily prayers that were held in a multipurpose room for several months after the CMU opened.
Louay Safi, director of leadership development with the Plainfield-based Islamic Society of North America, said Muslims try to pray in groups whenever possible.
"Muhammad said there is a much greater reward for people who pray in congregation than those who pray individually," he said.
Arnaout, 46, a Syrian-born U.S. citizen, is serving a 10-year sentence for racketeering after admitting in 2003 that he defrauded donors to his Benevolence International Foundation by diverting some of the money to Islamic military groups in Bosnia and Chechnya.
Royer, 36, a former spokesman for the Muslim American Society, is serving 20 years for his participation in what prosecutors called a "Virginia jihad network." The group used paintball games in 2000 and 2001 as military training in preparation for holy war against nations deemed hostile to Islam, prosecutors say.
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Southern Thailand:Sharia in the Works

The Pakistani Taliban has been slaughtering anyone in their way and they were rewarded with Sharia law in the Swat Valley. Muslims in Chechnya have been at war with non-Muslims in Russia for over a decade and they are rewarded with Islamic rule. Now the same pattern is about to take place in Southern Thailand where violent Muslims are close to living their Sharia law dream. In the past they were allowed to use sharia for family aspects (just like in the UK), but of course it is never enough. Will the world ever wake up?
Thailand May Extend Shariah Law in Violence-Ridden Muslim South
By Haslinda Amin and Daniel Ten Kate
June 23 (Bloomberg) -- Thailand may allow more local autonomy and consider extending Shariah law to defuse a separatist insurgency in Muslim provinces that border Malaysia, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said.
“More decentralization and provisions that respond to specific needs are fine,” Abhisit said in an interview in Singapore yesterday. “We can respond to needs on Shariah law, on the education system.”
Abhisit, 44, is seeking to undermine suspected separatists in four southernmost provinces who have attacked teachers, Muslim worshippers and policemen this month, leaving at least 31 dead and more than 50 injured. The prime minister, who took office in December, has insisted any decentralization of power wouldn’t be tantamount to autonomy, which the government opposes.
“Most of the local Malay Muslims just want a more autonomous, more decentralized administration so that they have political space for their own cultural and religious identity,” said Srisompob Jitpiromsri, a political science lecturer at the Prince of Songkhla University in Pattani province. “So far the local identity has been suppressed by the central government.
Shariah law is a system that operates under a code of Islamic principles first established in the Arab world by the prophet Muhammad in the seventh century. Under a 1946 law, Thailand allows Revolutionary Guard limited use of Islamic rules in the mostly Muslim provinces for settling family and inheritance issues.
Former Sultanate
Abhisit has advocated a reconciliatory approach with more development aid for the region, where separatists have fought for an independent state since Thailand formally annexed the autonomous Malay-Muslim sultanate in 1902. A planned development plan that would create jobs in the region “will go a long way to contribute to stability,” he said.
Large-scale military operations in June 2007 cut the number of violent incidents in the south in half to an average of fewer than 100 per month last year, according to Deep South Watch, a group that tracks the attacks. They have started to increase again in the first six months of this year.
“It appears that the improvement in counter insurgency tactics did as much as it could do and has ceased to make significant inroads,” said Anthony Davis, a Thailand-based security analyst for Jane’s Information Group. “The insurgents are essentially regrouping and as this month shows, they have a significant organizational capacity.”
Negotiations ‘Impractical’
Abhisit said negotiations with separatists were impractical because the movement was “not integrated.” Insurgents in the area, which is about twice the size of the Palestinian territories, were supported by funds from drug cartels, human trafficking rings and other criminal syndicates, he said.
Separatist groups target “devout, hard-working, well- mannered students” from private Islamic schools to join the insurgency, the International Crisis Group said in a report yesterday. Some undergo frontline military training while others are used for psychological warfare, it said.
“Recruiters appeal to a sense of Malay nationalism and pride in the old Patani sultanate,” says Rungrawee Chalermsripinyorat, Crisis Group’s Thailand analyst. “They tell students in these schools that it is the duty of every Muslim to take back their land from the Buddhist infidels.”
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Mousavi Praises the Revolutionary Guard & Basij

Even though dozens of his supporters have been murdered and beaten, Mr. Mousavi has come out with a statement of support for the brutal Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, or as Western media likes to call them the Revolutionary Guard.
Signs Mousavi's rebel stature being eroded in Iran
CAIRO – Mir Hossein Mousavi is still nominally the guiding force of the fury over Iran's disputed election. But there are ample signs his rebel stature is being eroded by his hesitation to shift from campaigner to street agitator as his supporters challenge security forces.
The questions over Mousavi's standing are part of a larger debate over the direction of the unprecedented assault on Iran's Islamic leadership.
The size of the demonstrations has fallen sharply since Mousavi led hundreds of thousands through Tehran last week over claims of vote rigging in the June 12 presidential election. At the same time, the growing threats and firepower from security forces leave little doubt that authorities are prepared to strike back hard.
A gathering of about 200 people on Monday was quickly broken up by tear gas and shots fired into the air. On Tuesday, protesters retreated to much milder methods: honking car horns, chanting from rooftops and holding up posters denouncing the crackdown and alleged vote fraud.
It gave the clear impression of authorities gaining the upper hand, at least for the moment. Crushing the protesters' spirits and ability to regroup would likely mean even greater rewards and power for Iran's Revolutionary Guard — the Islamic regime's main military muscle and backer of hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And it could put reformists under relentless pressure for years to come.
He left many followers bewildered with twin messages this week. He called on his backers to maintain the cries to annul the election results that showed a landslide victory for Ahmadinejad. But he also declared full respect for Iran's Islamic system and even described as "our brothers" the pro-regime militias who have beaten demonstrators and been blamed by protesters for gunning down marchers last week.
It was an odd match. Mousavi lacked the charisma and grand visions the pro-reform voters craved. Still, he was their best shot at winning.
"An accidental hero," said Rasool Nafisi, a professor of Iran studies at Strayer University in Virginia.
"He really doesn't have the credentials to be the leader for the reformists or for the opposition," he added. "Even up to the election, Iranian intellectuals and political leaders did not support him, except one or two like (former President Mohammad) Khatami."
The grumbling appears now to be spreading among those who voted for Mousavi and then took to the streets in the most serious internal unrest since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
"People have risked their lives for him and some have died," said a protester in Tehran contacted by phone by The Associated Press. She withheld her name for fear of reprisals from authorities.
"Is he our leader? I want to say yes. But I really don't know how to answer that now."
Mousavi says he only wants to rattle the country's Islamic rulers, not take them down. In messages posted on his Web site in recent days, he groped for some common ground in a nation increasingly polarized.
He vowed to stand by the protesters "at all times," but set some boundaries — saying he would "never allow anybody's life to be endangered because of my actions."
Mousavi then called the feared Revolutionary Guard and their volunteer militia corps, the Basij, "our brothers" and "protectors of our revolution and regime."
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Somalia:Sharia Amputations:Postponed by Heat Delay

This is an update on the "Sharia in Somalia:Amputations Ordered" story. Sometimes we see rain delays during baseball games. But apparently when it comes to sharia enforced amputations there are heat delays.
Somali court postpones amputations, citing weather
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — An Islamic court in Somalia that sentenced four men to have a hand and a leg cut off postponed the punishment Tuesday, saying the sweltering weather could cause them to bleed to death.
The court sentenced the men Monday in the capital, Mogadishu, after accusing them of stealing mobile phones and guns. The court is run by al-Shabab, a powerful insurgent group that is trying to topple the U.N.-backed government and install a strict form of Islam.
"The sentence will be carried out later," an al-Shabab official said, requesting anonymity because he was not allowed to speak publicly. "It was postponed because of the hot weather and fears that the victims will bleed to death."
No date was set for the punishments to be carried out.
Amnesty International has appealed to al-Shabab not to carry out the "cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments."
The U.S. considers al-Shabab a terrorist group with links to al-Qaida, which al-Shabab denies. The group, which controls much of Somalia, is boosted by hundreds of foreign fighters.
Somalis traditionally observe Sufi Islam, a relatively moderate form of worship. But in recent years, insurgents have begun to follow austere Wahabi Islam — rooted in Saudi Arabia and practiced by Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.
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What Obama Could Learn From Sarkozy About Islam

During President Obama's Cairo speech he told the West, "Likewise, it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit, for instance, by dictating what clothes a Muslim woman should wear". While showing absolutely no concern for how oppressing the burqa is. Sarkozy stands against it, Obama fully supports it.
Burqa ban: What Barack Obama could learn from Nicolas Sarkozy about Islam
James Delingpole at Jun 23, 2009
Almost every idea that ever came out of France has been bad for America, from the structuralist philosophical gibberish which has poisoned US academe to the grotesquely over-regulated tax and spend socialism which is now ruining the US economy. But if there's one area where the French do get it SO right it's in their uncompromising approach to Islam.
President Sarkozy once again showed the way yesterday when in a presidential address to France's two houses of parliament, he said the burqa is not welcome in his country and should be banned.
As he rightly went on to say the full-body garment which makes women in Afghanistan look like a cross between a prison cell and a walking tent is "not a sign of religion" but a "sign of subservience." He added: "We cannot have in our country women who are prisoners behind netting, cut off from all social ife, deprived of identity."
Compare and contrast, the appalling cultural appeasement of President Obama's speech in Cairo on June 4 when he boasted that the United States prized freedom of religion and would not "tell people what to wear." And there was I thinking it was the French who were supposed to be the surrender monkeys, not the Americans.
Was there ever greater proof that, where the great clash of civilisations is concerned, President Obama is turning out to be the Islamists' useful idiot par excellence?
Does Barack Hussein Obama really not understand that supposed "freedom" he is granting US Muslim women to wear the veil is in fact the most surefire way of guaranteeing their continued subservience to their men folk and their failure to integrate with the broader society?
It's for precisely this reason - would that the rest of Europe had the courage! - that France bans religious head coverings in state schools. France understands, as so many in the pusillanimous, multi-culti West do not, that female Muslim girls of school age need protecting from the heavy pressure put on them by male relatives to wear the veil. Banning the veil in French schools is not the sign of an oppressive state taking away religious freedom. It is a rare example of a government setting a moral example and standing up for freedom: a girl's freedom to choose whether she wants to spend the rest of her life in a kind of religious apartheid or whether she wants to integrate more closely with the host culture.
That President Obama cannot understand this reflects disgracefully on his supposedly vast intelligence. As a Democrat, he ought at the very least to be championing progressive values, and foremost among those values - for which generations of feminists have fought so hard - is female equality. So here, just to remind you, is what he really thinks about female equality - at least where America's Muslim girls are concerned:
"The U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it. I reject the view of some in the West that a woman who chooses to cover her hair is somehow less equal, but I do believe that a woman who is denied an education is denied equality."
In other words: typical Obama lazy moral equivocation and disingenuous fluff. These "some in the West" who believe that "a woman who chooses to cover her hair is somehow less equal" are straw men. They simply don't exist. In parts of the Islamic world, on the other hand, such men are rife. And hair coverings are the very least of their women folks problems. How does being dressed head to toe in a sack compare with being banned from driving; or murdered for trying to attend school; or being stoned to death for adultery because a bunch of local lads have decided to gang rape you?
America, you won't often hear me say this but in this particular case it's true. Where Islam is concerned, you have a lot to learn from those pesky cheese-eaters.
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Monday, June 22, 2009
Sharia in Somalia:Amputations Ordered

Western governments that have foolishly opened the door for some aspects of Sharia law to be practiced in their countries are only encouraging pro-sharia Muslims to push harder to achieve their goal of a sharia dominated world . If sharia loving Muslims are not defeated, this is what is in store for our future generations.
Extremists sentence Somalis to amputations
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — A court run by an extremist Islamic group sentenced four Somali men on Monday to each have a hand and a leg cut off for allegedly stealing mobile phones and guns. The ruling prompted an outcry from human rights activists.
The court that handed down the sentence in Somalia's capital is run by al-Shabab, one of the nation's most powerful insurgent groups. The U.S. considers al-Shabab a terrorist group with links to al-Qaida, which al-Shabab denies. The group, which controls much of Somalia, is trying to drive out the government and install a strict form of Islam.
"We have convicted them of theft, so they deserve to have their arms and legs amputated," said Sheik Abdul Haq, the al-Shabab judge in the capital, Mogadishu.
Al-Shabab has carried out amputations and other punishments elsewhere in Somalia, but they are rare in the capital.
Amnesty International appealed to al-Shabab not to carry out the "cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments."
"These sentences were ordered by a sham al-Shabab court with no due process or guarantees of fairness," said Tawanda Hondora, Amnesty International's Africa deputy director.
No date was set for the sentences to be carried out. Al-Sabab has been known to carry out stonings, executions and amputations in public outside Mogadishu.
The sentences came as the country's president declared a state of emergency Monday as his fragile, U.N.-backed government struggled to quash a deadly Islamic insurgency.
President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed said the declaration means "our forces are on full alert." It was not clear what difference the declaration will make on the ground.
Somalia's government is under attack by militants who want to topple the administration and install a strict Islamic state. A surge in violence in recent weeks, which diplomats said is a major push by the insurgents to force the government out of its Mogadishu strongholds, has killed about 225 people.
Last week, the national security minister and Mogadishu's police chief were among those killed.
Somalia's defense minister was supposed to be in Paris to meet with French government ministers Monday, but returned to Somalia instead because of "the degradation of the situation on the ground," according to the French Foreign Ministry.
Somali lawmakers pleaded this weekend for immediate international military intervention from countries including Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti to help quash the insurgency. But there was no indication reinforcements would be forthcoming.
African Union Commission Chairman Jean Ping said in a statement that the Somali government "has the right to seek support from AU member states and the larger international community."
But Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua said the neighboring country would not send troops, choosing instead to help Somalia "in other ways." He did not elaborate.
There was no immediate word on whether other countries would answer the call. There already is an AU force in Mogadishu, but its mandate is restricted to guarding government officials and installations.
Nearly 126,000 people have fled their homes since May 7, according to the U.N. refugee agency. The United Nations says an estimated 3.2 million Somalis — almost half the country's population — need food and other humanitarian aid.
Two years ago, Ethiopia deployed troops to support Somalia's fragile, Western-backed government, but they were widely unpopular and finally withdrawn in January after the election of a new president. Last month Ethiopia sent in troops to the border regions of Somalia.
Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti are members of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a regional group that has led past peace talks on Somalia and last month imposed a sea and air blockade to stop supplies reaching the Islamic insurgents in Somalia. It is not clear whether the blockade is effective.
Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991 when the overthrow of a dictatorship plunged the country into chaos.
AP writers Samson Haileyesus in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Tom Odula in Nairobi, Kenya, contributed to this report.
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MilitantMuslim.Com~Prepare our Children for Jihad~Video
I just found out that a new Islamic website called MilitantMuslim.Com is coming soon as it is currently under construction. Here is a video from either the owner of the site or just a contributor. He clearly explains the violent jihad is part of Islam and preaches for Muslims to teach their children to prepare for the call to jihad. I thank him for giving us the same truthful message as the guys over at do.
Hat tip to Creeping Sharia.
Hat tip to Creeping Sharia.
Sarkozy Says Burqas are 'not welcome' in France

This is a followup to the "France Moves to Impose Ban on Burqa" article. President Sarkozy pulls no punches as he states his thoughts on the burqa.
Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France
PARIS – President Nicolas Sarkozy lashed out Monday at the practice of wearing the Muslim burqa, insisting the full-body religious gown is a sign of the "debasement" of women and that it won't be welcome in France.
The French leader expressed support for a recent call by dozens of legislators to create a parliamentary commission to study a small but burqa growing trend of wearing the full-body garment in France.
In the first presidential address in 136 years to a joint session of France's two houses of parliament, Sarkozy laid out his support for a ban even before the panel has been approved — braving critics who fear the issue is a marginal one and could stigmatize Muslims in France.
"In our country, we cannot accept that women be prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity," Sarkozy said to extended applause in a speech at the Chateau of Versailles southwest of Paris.
"The burqa is not a religious sign, it's a sign of subservience, a sign of debasement — I want to say it solemnly," he said. "It will not be welcome on the territory of the French Republic."
In France, the terms "burqa" and "niqab" often are used interchangeably. The former refers to a full-body covering worn largely in Afghanistan with only a mesh screen over the eyes, whereas the latter is a full-body veil, often in black, with slits for the eyes.
Later Monday, Sarkozy was expected to host a state dinner with Sheik Hamad Bin Jassem Al Thani of Qatar. Many women in the Persian Gulf state wear Islamic head coverings in public — whether while shopping or driving cars.
France enacted a law in 2004 banning the Islamic headscarf and other conspicuous religious symbols from public schools, sparking fierce debate at home and abroad. France has Western Europe's largest Muslim population, an estimated 5 million people.
A government spokesman said Friday that it would seek to set up a parliamentary commission that could propose legislation aimed at barring Muslim women from wearing the head-to-toe gowns outside the home.
The issue is highly divisive even within the government. France's junior minister for human rights, Rama Yade, said she was open to a ban if it is aimed at protecting women forced to wear the burqa.
But Immigration Minister Eric Besson said a ban would only "create tensions."
A leading French Muslim group warned against studying the burqa.
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Sunday, June 21, 2009
Philippines:Christians Attacked 1 Dead, 32 Hurt

Just like the Christians in Indonesia are under attack , the Christians in the neighbouring Philippines are also. It is a worldwide problem that is not going away.
Grenade blasts kill 1, wound 32 in Philippines
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Suspected Muslim guerrillas hurled two grenades near a crowded town plaza where a beauty contest was being held in the southern Philippines, killing at least one person and wounding 32 others, security officials said Sunday.
The attack happened late Saturday in Maasim, Sarangani province, about 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of Manila, police chief Abraham Madrid said.
More than 100 policemen and army troops from nearby regions will be deployed to secure Maasim township, which will celebrate a religious festival Sunday, officials said.
Maasim is a predominantly Christian town of more than 30,000 in the Philippines' south, a region which is home to most of the country's minority Muslim population. A bombing there last August was blamed on Muslim rebels, and Madrid told The Associated Press that investigators were trying to determine if the same guerrillas were behind Saturday's attack.
He said two men hurled one grenade each: one at a group of men who were playing a card game at a table, the second at another group of men at a karaoke bar, near the Maasim town plaza, where a beauty contest was being held. At least one person was killed and 32 wounded. The injured were being treated in two hospitals.
Army Lt. Col. Edgardo de Leon later Sunday blamed Moro Islamic Liberation Front guerrillas for the attack.
He said the military had received an intelligence that the rebels planned to carry out bombings in Maasim and nearby regions, but the attacks happened shortly before additional troops arrived in the area.
Regional military commander Maj. Gen. Reynaldo Mapagu condemned the grenade attacks as a "terrorist act," adding that such violence has long hampered economic progress.
The rebels could not immediately be reached for comment.
Last year, they attacked several predominantly Christian towns in the region to protest a failed autonomy deal with the government. The rebel attacks led to the collapse of Malaysian-brokered peace talks and prompted a major military offensive.
The 11,500-strong rebel front has been fighting for decades for self-rule by minority Muslims in the country's south.
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