Saudi Arabian Muslim Student Raed Al-Saif at Univ. of Tampa Tries To Get On Plane With 7 inch Butcher Knife in His Carry On Bag, the last name "Al-Saif" is linked to Al-Qaeda.

Fifteen of the nineteen on 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia they used box cutters and small knives to take over control of the 4 airplanes on 9/11. The United States government determined that al-Qaeda, headed by Osama bin Laden, bore responsibility for the attacks, with the FBI stating "evidence linking al-Qaeda and bin Laden to the attacks of September 11 is clear and irrefutable".
The Government of the United Kingdom reached the same conclusion regarding al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden's culpability for the September 11 attacks.
Abu Omar Al-Saif , Saudi Arabia, was an informal name of a Saudi Wahhabist Islamist and militant operating first in Afghanistan (1986-1988) and later in the North Caucasus (1996-2005) as the mufti of Arab fighters in Chechnya, allegedly with close ties to Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda.
Abu Al-Saif seems to have been the trustee of Arab financiers, receiving money from them through some institution in Dagestan (likely the Makhachkala office of Benevolence International Foundation, a KSA-based terrorist charity, now banned), and distributing it to paramilitary forces and terrorists across southern Russia.
Raed Abduhl-Rahman Al-Saif is a student at the University of Tampa and has been arrested at least twice before in the last 8 months on Felony drug charges in Hillsborough County. SEE ARREST REPORTS
Raed Abduhl-Rahman Alsaif appears to have shaved his Muslim beard before trying to get on the Tampa plane he altered his appearance, see his booking photo in October 2008, he tried to get on the plane June 4th 2009 with a butcher knife.
Raed Alsaif was a Graduate of the Islamic Saudi Academy Alexandria, VA Class of 2003. Sen. Charles E. Schumer questioned whether the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Virginia, is another example of radical Islamic madrassas funded by and linked to terrorism here and abroad. Yesterday it was reported that a recent graduate, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, of the Academy was indicted and convicted on charges of providing material support to terrorists and in conspiring to assassinate the President of the United States. Sen. Schumer immediately called for an investigation into the funding of the Academy by the Justice Department, and is now urging the Saudi Arabian Ambassador, Prince Bandar, to further disclose the nature and funding of the school.
Raed Abduhl-Rahman Alsaif was arrested June 4 as he tried to board US Airways flight 1077 from Tampa to Phoenix and Portland, Ore., according to a criminal complaint. During the screening process, an officer spotted a large chef's knife in one of Alsaif's carry on bags, the complaint states. The knife was concealed between the outside fabric and the expandable pull handles of the bag.
Bill Warner
private investigator
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