Saturday, June 20, 2009

Michigan Supreme Court Kicks Islam in the you Know What!

For the second time in just three months the Michigan court system has put Islam under its boot heel. The first was when the courts said that Islamic divorcees are not legal in Michigan.

Muslims Reaction to Court Ruling
Jun 19, 2009
Reporter: Heather Biance

A supreme court ruling in Michigan now gives judges the authority over how witnesses dress in court, an issue that came about after a Muslim woman refused to remove her veil while testifying.

The judge argued he needed to see her face to judge her truthfulness, but local Muslims say the coverings are not just a religious sign, they are a religious obligation for women.

"If a nun would have done it, people wouldn't make remarks on that on why she had to remove. If nun can wear it. Same thing. They're supposed to where, Muslim women, they're supposed to wear it," says practicing Muslim Behzad Shah who lives in Tallahassee.

Shah says he does agree, if it's the law, people should obey.

Currently Florida and Georgia do not have this court ruling.

For more information about the Michigan Court Ruling, go HERE.

Link to Article

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

"If a nun would have done it, people wouldn't make remarks on that on why she had to remove. If nun can wear it. Same thing...."

No, it's not. A nun doesn't swaddle her face.