After the mass demonstrations in Iran the ruling Mullahs hanged numerous opposition supporters. Today the Shiite leaders of Iran have continued with their Islamic blood lust and have hanged over a dozen of their Sunni rivals.
13 members of Sunni Muslim rebel group executed by hanging in Iran
Tuesday, July 14th 2009
Authorities in southeastern Iran on Tuesdayhanged 13 members of a Sunni Muslim rebel group convicted of bombingsand killings in the area, the official IRNA news agency reportedTuesday.
The report said Abdulhamid Rigi,brother of Abdulmalik Rigi, leader of the group known as Jundallah orSoldiers of God, had been scheduled to be hanged along with the 13 menon Tuesday but his execution was postponed. It gave no reason for thepostponement.
Earlier on Tuesday, state radio reported that Abdulhamid Rigi was one of 14 men hanged.
There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy.
Theexecutions, according to the state radio, took place in the city ofZahedan, some 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) southeast of Iran's capitalTehran and scene of some of the deadliest attacks blamed on Jundallah,which has carried out bombings, kidnappings and killings in the area inrecent years.
The group is composed of Sunnisfrom the Baluchi ethnic minority who complain of persecution by theoverwhelmingly Shiite and Persian Iranian government.
IRNAsaid all 13 men were supposed to be hanged in public but authoritieschanged their mind at the last minute and decided to execute theminside Zahedan's main prison. The state radio had earlier reported thatthe executions took place in public.
The areain southeast Iran where Jundallah is active also is a key smugglingpoint for drugs - mainly opium - and is the scene of frequent clashesbetween police and traffickers.
Iranianauthorities say Jundallah has close ties to "foreign forces" inneighboring Afghanistan, a possible reference to the al-Qaida terrornetwork.
Iran has faced several ethnic andreligious insurgencies that have carried out sporadic, sometimes deadlyattacks in recent years - though none have amounted to a serious threatto the government.
In May, a suicide bombingtargeting a Shiite mosque in Zahedan killed 25 worshippers. In 2007, acar bomb killed 11 members of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards nearZahedan, capital of the large Sistan-Baluchistan province and home toabout a million of Iran's five million Sunni Muslims.
The remainder of Iran's 70 million people are mostly Shiite Muslims.
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