The endless list of crimes associated with Oakland's Your Black Muslim Bakery continues. This time with the captured stating the that police should of martyred him.
Hat tip to Insane Flyer Fan.
Former Your Black Muslim Bakery associate arrested in Missouri
By Josh Richman
Oakland Tribune
A former Your Black Muslim Bakery associate wanted in two California counties has been arrested in St. Louis.
A St. Louis Metropolitan Police spokeswoman confirmed Friday the arrest of Ajuwon Fardjamaal Muhammad, 25, but couldn't immediately provide any details on the circumstances. An online court records system indicates he's charged there with misdemeanor interference with legal process.
Muhammad is wanted in Alameda County for his alleged role in the New Year's Eve beating of an East Oakland man; he's charged with battery with serious bodily injury and criminal threats. Police case notes say victim Jerome Muhammad reported eight to 12 men attacked him Dec. 31 at the home he rented on Hamilton Street.
"One suspect sat on top of him while the others beat him," the notes say, adding Ajuwon Muhammad allegedly told Jerome Muhammad "that if he retaliated in any way they would kill him" and also "had grabbed a pair of pliers and threaten (sic) to rip out his tongue and pull out his teeth." The victim told police his assailants threw all of his personal property out of the residence, evicting him.
Muhammad also currently faces two counts of receiving stolen property in San Joaquin County; he missed a March court date for that case, and so a warrant has been issued there for his arrest, too.
Ajuwon Muhammad was charged along with Your Black Muslim Bakery's final CEO, Yusuf Bey IV, and Dyamen Williams, in a case involving alleged attempts to open a bank account and buy cars with bogus IDs; he was convicted last August of filing a false financial statement and sentenced to five years of probation.
Williams and Ajuwon Muhammad also were arrested together in October 2006 in San Jose after police saw Muhammad throw a 9 mm handgun from a car. Muhammad was arrested after a brief struggle, according to an Oakland officer's affidavit describing the San Jose police report: "Muhammad stated that he wished officers had 'put a bullet in him' because he wanted to be a martyr." Muhammad fled town but was arrested in St. Louis in December 2007 and extradited to face the San Jose charges; he pleaded guilty to felony possession of stolen property and misdemeanor carrying a loaded firearm, and was sentenced in April 2008 to 198 days in jail with credit for time served and three years of probation.
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