Once again the selfishness of Islam has struck non-Muslims. All members of the Tower Hamlets Council in East London have been asked to follow the strict Islamic rules of Ramadan. Muslims continue to show us that they have no respect for the beliefs of non-Muslims nor can they be trusted. They were given trust by being voted into these positions and now they are using the power given to them against non-Muslims. What happens when Muslims become the majority of this council? Will they just vote in a law that says the whole town has to obey the rules of Ramadan? I am sure they will try.....don't vote Muslim.
Muslim council chiefs ban ALL members from 'tea and sandwiches' in meetings which take place during Ramadan
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 1:59 AM on 29th August 2008
Councillors have been ordered not to eat during town hall meetings while Muslim colleagues fast during the holy month of Ramadan.
All elected members at Left-wing Tower Hamlets Council in East London have been sent an email asking them to follow strict Islamic fasting during September no matter what their faith.
As well as restricting food and drink until after sunset, the authority's leaders have decided to reduce the number of meetings throughout the month so they do not clash with the requirements of Ramadan.
The seven remaining meetings scheduled to take place will also include special prayer breaks to accommodate Muslim councillors.
But some members of the Labour-run council say the demands favour one religious group over the others.
Dr Stephanie Eaton, leader of the Liberal Democrat group, said she would ignore the restrictions.
She said: 'The Liberal Democrats have enormous respect for the contribution of all faith groups and cultures to the life of the community of Tower Hamlets.
'But we fervently believe that the rules of any one religion should not be imposed upon others.
'I was rather disconcerted to see that the arrangements put in place for Ramadan, which we support for Muslim colleagues, have been imposed upon all councillors.
'We object to the request that non-Muslim councillors observe the fasting rules for Ramadan. This sends out the wrong message to our community.
'Our community consists of a huge number of different religions, all of which should be valued, and no one religion should be accorded more status or influence than others.'
This is not the first time the council, which has a broad ethnic make-up, has courted controversy.
It has been criticised in the past for being 'overly politically correct' after calling its staff Christmas meal a 'festive meal'.
And it has also staged a Bonfire Night party which featured a Bengal tiger instead of Guy Fawkes.
During Ramadan, strict Muslims are obliged to fast between sunrise and sundown.
They must abstain from all food, drink, gum chewing, tobacco, and any kind of sexual contact.
The holy period falls on the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, and this year it begins at the start of September, which means there are more daylight fasting hours than if it fell in later months.
Most of the council's debates are scheduled to start at 6.30pm.
But with the sun not setting until an hour later, devout Muslims will be unable to break their fast - known as Iftar - until midway through the meeting, where they will be given a 45-minute break.
Food and refreshments, such as sandwiches and biscuits, are normally laid on at town hall meetings.
Controversy has arisen because all members have been told not to eat until after sunset, out of courtesy to their Muslim colleagues, and so there will be food left for them later in the evening.
In the memo to councillors, John Williams, the council's head of democratic services, said: 'It is requested that members do not partake of any refreshments until after the Iftar refreshments are served.'
Council bosses said the arrangements were in place 'where it is not reasonable to expect members observing Ramadan, and who are required to attend a formal committee or other meeting, to travel home in time for sundown in order to break fast and undertake prayers'.
Link to Article
It's time for European citizens to start imposing civilization of Muslims - by banning Islam, ,mosque building and Islamic immigration.
That is exactly what needs to happen. It has started already in Italy and hopefully it will spread across Europe.
Hopefully it will spread accross Europe, Asia, Africa, America...whatever!
If someone is on a diet, you don't eat a burger right in front of them.
If someone is trying to quit smoking/drinking, you don't smoke/drink in front of them.
If someone is fasting, you don't drink or eat food in front of them.
Just be courteous, that's all!
That might be the dumbest post ever. If you go to a restaurant there are always people who are on a diet and people who are not. What one person is doing should not be imposed on others. But you as a Muslim obviously do not care. Well we are not Muslims and will not live by your rules. Stop being so selfish.
1) Bacon
2) Sandwiches
If someone is on a diet, they can expect everyone around them to be eating, it is that persons fault they got fat and needed to diet in the first place. The comparison therefore is stupid, and Muslim-like.
It is curtious when in someone else's country to observe that countries law, if it is good enough to live in a country is good enough to show respect to, if I ever go to a Muslim country I would respect that countries way's.
Likewise, if Muslim's are in my country I expect them to observe our laws.
I live in a christian country and therefore expect my feast and holy day's observed, such as christmas, Easter and the Nativity in particular.
I find it somewhat strange that Muslims flee here to the U.K to get away from their laws and cruel ways, then proceed to bring them over here.
If Ramadan must be observed it then must follow that it needs to be observed in Muslim countries, not here in christian countries.
Joan of Ark.
You got it Joan!!
The councilors will have 7 town hall meetings during the month of Ramahdan. Each meeting starts around 6.30pm. Muslims break their fast 7.30pm at beginning of the month, and 6.30pm at the end.
Now, are you telling me you cannot resist your nasty, filthy bacon sandwich for at least 1 - 60 minutes?
"If someone is on a diet, they can expect everyone around them to be eating, it is that persons fault they got fat and needed to diet in the first place."
Ok, a lot women do get big after pregnancy. So, a christian like you will say "Its your fault. I'll eat a cake right in front of you. I don't care if you are on a diet or a bicycle. It dosen't matter!" And am selfish
Yes, you are selfish to impose your Religion on Christians.No we cannot resist eating for over an hour, as in why should we ? Will you observe our Religious laws, such as show respect for Christmas ? Our custom is to eat Bacon, yet you call it
"our nasty, filthy bacon sandwiches"
what a selfish little creep you are,You observe Ramadan, so we all must observe it, even 1hr, why should we ? what is it to do with our Religion soft lad ?
You will have to excuse me now I am off for a Traditional English Breakfast,
Bacon, egg and Pork sausages.when in England if you can't do as the English do then off you pop by home to observe your religious and Ramadam freedom.
If we ask you to observe our cultural heritage you say no. Yes you are selfish.
As for the diet, so you all diet with us do you ?
And you don't feel offended at Christmas ?
So we can have our Nativity crib in our windows can we ?
Where mine always goes, speaking of what, I need a bigger one would you like a link ?
Joan of Ark
To the anonymous Muslim,
Islam is YOUR religion and it should not effect non-Muslims. But Muslims are the most selfish people in the world who show no respect for the beliefs of others, so you just do not care. Non-Islamic countries do not have to change to suit Islam. If you do not like that, move to an Islamic country. You will not be missed.
This is just one of the many ways muslims try to impose their ramadan fasting on non-muslims. In my son's medical school, where muslims are a fringe minority, the muslim students association went to every class 'inviting' non-muslims to join them in their fast. A lot of students did. Not just that, the muslims had a sign up sheet for those who are fasting, and subsequently 'requested' other students to 'please' join them in the fast. This is just bullshit. Why should this be allowed in our secular, state funded institutions? Should a Christian or a Jew or Hindu were to do this, the whole issue of separation of Church and State comes into the picture. Not if muslims do it.
Not sure if I am allowed to post this, but if not the administrater can delete.
Calling all christians.
Joan of Ark
Hi Joan,
Thanks for posting that.
Hey Chetha,
The is an obvious separate set of rules for Islam and we must speak up to put and end to it.
This is ridiculous. Lucky for Christians in the United States, these type of concessions would not even be an option.. . .at least not yet. I just pray that the U.S. does not follow Western Europe in it's current path. Religious tolerance should not mean imposing Muslim restrictions on Christians, just so we don't hurt their feelings. Let the crybabies watch others eat right in front of them. . . . it should make their fasting all the more meaningful.
Here is another link for you.
Joan of Ark
British -infront of journalism,
never came out there.
"Islam is YOUR religion and it should not effect non-Muslims. But Muslims are the most selfish people in the world who show no respect for the beliefs of others, so you just do not care. Non-Islamic countries do not have to change to suit Islam. If you do not like that, move to an Islamic country. You will not be missed."
How are we selfish? Christians are the only monotheistic religion that don't fast. Muslims & Jews fast because we are aware that not everyone is fortunate enough to have food and water. You care more about bacon than those people who can't afford bacon.
They councillors where not forcing them to go the mosque & pray. They asking for some courtesy. The problem with you Christians is that you don't understand other religons. You rather create a funny/stupid blog called "Islam Watch," than question a muslim face to face (Chris & Joan).
You just showed how self centered you are. As it does not even cross your mind that others might not like Muslims imposing their religion on them. Jews who are fasting don't go around telling non-Jews not to eat. Jews do not eat pork either, yet they have no problem handling if working in a store, unlike some Muslims. The difference is that Jews have respect for others and are not looking to impose their religion on the world, unlike Muslims.
As for you last comment, is that supposed to be a threat and why should I go question a Muslim? I understand their religion very well, it is all about dominating and imposing on non-Muslims. So I do not care what they want. I am not a Muslim and will not live by their rules, keep your religion to yourself. If you did so many people would not dislike you guys.
Where is the common courtesy from Muslims? Where is the courtesy to respect that others want to eat when THEY want? Of course that never comes into your mind.
Not to mention, the anonymous muslim just shows their ignorance of Christianity when they said we don't fast. MANY Christians, including most Catholics, fast for at least some part of Lent. We just don't make a big deal out of it by trying to make other people do the same thing as us!
anonymous Muslim, that says it all. You are making veiled threats to myself and Christopher Logan, saying we would not question a Muslim face to face.
What is your name and we will, you sign as anonymous so no one will know your identity, yet you speak about someone that gives a real name and someone who gives an internet identity, you are too cowardly to give either, and yet you criticise people who do.
As for cowardly acts, you do not get more cowardly than to blow people to bits on the underground
or fly hi jacked planes into people's workplace that are either at work or travelling to work.
Do you then, anonymous Muslim denounce such filthy murderous acts ? Are these murderous and vile acts, denounced in general by Muslims ? Or do you glory in the slaughter you commit.
As for Jihad watch, it alerts us to what is going on,why should we not have it, do you Muslims not have anti christian sites ? I think so, I think you have filthy murderous anti christian sites, and to show how foul Muslims and Islam is you post the beheadings you commit. I refer to Daniel Pearl and Ken Bigley.
You tery to force your disgusting and filthy ways on the west.
Also the Bali and Madrid bombings.
You sre as tainted as your misguided faith, or so called faith
I stand with my American brothers and sisters.
If we are so vile, go to Dover, take a right turn, and piss off back home to your beloved Muslim countries and worship your false God's there.
Joan of Ark
To the anonymous muslim:
If you had even a little bit of conscience left you would agree that muslims are the most discriminating, hateful people on earth. Your hatred for mankind: starting with 'kafirs', Jews, Christians, even fellow muslims - branding them as shia, sunni etc., is intuitively obvious around the world. And it it has nothing to do with muslims as humans. It is that vile, evil, filthy cult ideology - islam, that has reduced muslims to that state.
Why the heck would 'believing' muslims migrate to kaffir lands, live off the hard work of their hosts, while slowly encroaching on every civil right that the West has taken for granted for a long, long time. Why on earth should non-muslims show 'courtesy' by fasting with muslims? Most of us consider your god and prophet as satan incarnate. As such it would be partaking of a satanic ritual for me to fast with you. And it is a dubious fasting at that since muslims are known to actually gain weight during Ramadan. Due to pigging out after the fasting period.
Fasting during Lent.
"Christians used to fast (give up food) but now a days some people try to give up their favourite food, such as chocolate, and not giving into temptation. Others might give up all dairy products. The Orthodox Church keeps Lent more strictly and people give up both meat and dairy products."
Wow...you call this fasting?
The problem with you Christians today is that you forgot how to fast, and you no longer understand the difficulty and the meaning of fasting. The Muslim Councillors simply asked Non-Muslims to show some courtesy, and not eat for a short period while they are in a meeting (together). Fasting is difficult and thats the reason why Chrisitans don't do it anymore.
"As for cowardly acts, you do not get more cowardly than to blow people to bits on the underground
or fly hi jacked planes into people's workplace that are either at work or travelling to work.
Do you then, anonymous Muslim denounce such filthy murderous acts ? Are these murderous and vile acts, denounced in general by Muslims ?"
How old are you? Do you think I like those who kill innocent people. My problem is with people like you who pretend that Muslims are responsible of all evils. Muslims were not responsible Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. It was your friend George Bush.
Would you cowards go to Iraq & Afganistan if they nuclear weapons? Don't say yes because you have not attacked Iran, North Korea & Russia.
"I stand with my American brothers and sisters.
If we are so vile, go to Dover, take a right turn, and piss off back home to your beloved Muslim countries and worship your false God's there."
Why are you telling me stuff the Native American told you.
"Muslims are the most discriminating, hateful people on earth. Your hatred for mankind: starting with 'kafirs', Jews, Christians, even fellow muslims - branding them as shia, sunni."
What are you talking about? Shia/ Sunni is the same Catolics & Protestants? We don't hate Kafirs! Kafirs are those who don't belive in Islam. If you belive in Jesus & Moses than you belive in Islam.
you missed out my observation about your filthy peodophile prophet or whatever you call him, the one that married a child at seven years old and had sex with her at nine years old.
Joan of Ark
"You missed out my observation about your filthy peodophile prophet or whatever you call him, the one that married a child at seven years old and had sex with her at nine years old."
As I said on my other post. During those times, the common age for marriage was not 18 or 16. It was much lower. And, unlike your Priets,Mohammed did not have sex with boys!
so that makes it o.k then ?He had sex with a little girl at the age of 38, a filthy pervert.
If the common age then for marriage was much lower, that i could accept, if both parties were around the same age then on maturity did consummate the marriage.
I reject a 38 year old having sex with a 9 year old.
Priests are not a God, those were supposed to be his servants and so human, your God is based on a pervert, ours is not.
I condemn those priests, and I condemn th so called God who was a peodophile and pervert.
Joan of Ark
During those times, men used to marry women at a younger age you stupid idiot. You just don't know your history. This still dosen't change the fact that male priests in modern day, rape young children, both male and female.
Now, Now, anonymous Muslim, temper, temper.
Marrying women at a much younger age, so you call a seven year old child a woman and a nine year old, a woman old enough to have sex.
Your disgustinf pervert of a prophet was evil, as are his followers.
You sound like a stupid schoolboy, going on about priests, most right minded people condemn child abuse, what you are saying is it is allright for your evil prophet as priests did it.
You are looking for excuses to let off your evil and wicked prophet, and his vile and disgusting actions.
Joan of Ark
It also does not change the fact that Muslims behead people in modern day either. As well as stoning to death. Savages.
Joan of Ark
Anonymous Muslin said: "During those times, men used to marry women at a younger age you stupid idiot." While this statement is correct about the arabs 1400 years ago, it should not be the same today. But in the your islamic countries, it is still going on. You have no recourse but to denounce this as barbaric. I used to wonder why muslims come to western countries, fleeing the stupid laws in there own, but when they get here, they bring these same stupid laws and tradidtions with them. Then I realized that these immigrants are not fleeing. They are just another type of jihadist. There mission is to bring islam to the whole world. And by immigrating to the civilized world and when they get to be enough muslims in that country, they begin to demand that they be givin special rights over the non-mulims. Then when they get enough of these rightd and there are more muslims, then they intend to make us all mulsims or make us pay Jizya or humiliation tax if we do not convert. JihadSpinAdmin
Thank you, Jihadspin.Admin, for your explanation.
I see some sense at last.
Muslims flee their country on the pretext of wanting to escape those laws, then they want to try and bring those laws here, and impose them on us.
Joan of Ark
To the Muslim poster.
1.Muslim leaders of today preach that is OK to sleep with young girls. That goes against the laws of the West.
2.No one here is defending those sick Priests. What they did has nothing to do with Christianity.
3.Stop giving your lame opinion on 911. PROVE that Bush did Katrina.
4.There are millions of Sunnis and Shiites that preach against non-Muslims. Believing in Christianity does not mean one believes in Islam. Is this supposed to be some con to get Christians to accept Islam?
5.Muslims are causing violence in the name of their religion across the world. You should read some international news sources instead of just listening to what they tell you at your Mosque.
You fasting is YOUR business, I will continue to eat whenever I want and so would anyone else that I know.
The truth is that the Islamic world is the most discriminating group of people on the planet.
They do not allow other religions to prosteltize and they even discriminate against their own women.
Anonymous Muslim poster seems pre occupied with Priests and Gay's.
I have made quite clear that I condemn those Priests and what they did, also anyone who does abuse children.
My opinion on Gay's is that as long as they do not force their opinions and ways on non Gays, and practice what they do in private and both are consenting it is no one else's business.
Gay's are not trying to blow us to bits and the red herring thrown in is irrelevant.
Gay's are much more preferrable to Muslims.
Looking forward to Dispatches are you ?It starts in 25 minutes. It will be on the channel 4 site after broadcast.
Joan of Ark
I agree with everything that you just said. I am sure someone will put it up on YouTube and then I can watch it.
Nice seeing you again.
1. If the majority of Muslims are terrorist, don't you think there would be more 9/11. The problem with you guys is that you look at the minority Muslims who may be radicals, and assume its an accurate reflection of the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world.
2. Bush was warned before Katrina struck. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11627394/ Therefore, he was responsible.
3. "I condemn those Priests and what they did, also anyone who does abuse children." I condemned 9/11 but you are to stupid to understand that. Also, I don't believe Muslims were responsible for 9/11. So does millions of Christians too!
4."Muslims are causing violence in the name of their religion across the world." Who are these Muslims & why area they doing it? If you live in the UK, then probably remember the IRA. Were they not Christians?
5."Islamic world is the most discriminating." You Christians killed Martin Luther King. You Christians have more blacks & Latinos (the minority of the population) in jail, then University. Until 1964, African-Americans were not considered full citizens with equal rights...correct?
You Christians refuse to vote for Obama just because hes black & supposedly "a Muslim". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-q4MDQ0cDI
You Christians supported the South African apartheid until it was abolished in 1994.
6."They even discriminate against their own women." I'm pretty sure Hilary Clinton wants equal pay for equal work.
7."Muslims flee their country on the pretext of wanting to escape those laws." We flee to your country to earn more money and bring it back home ;)
8. "Believing in Christianity does not mean one believes in Islam." The Quran says Jesus was messenger a of God "Allah". Therefore, if you believe in Christianity, then you believe in Islam.
9. "There are millions of Sunnis and Shiites that preach against non-Muslims." Fox News preach hate towards blacks, Muslims & Latinos. A "news channel" with an audience of millions btw.
What do Muslims plan to do with the Jews on getting their dream of a super state ?
Joan of Ark
"What do Muslims plan to do with the Jews on getting their dream of a super state ?"
What are you talking about?
1.I never said that the majority of Muslims are terrorists. But millions are self centered like you are think that we should conform to your religion. The two worlds do not mix and it is impossible for Sharia and Western laws to coexist within the same country.
2.They were told to evacuate and they did not. Not his fault they did not.
3.In case you did not notice 911 is not the only attack that took place by MUSLIMS.
4.In 30 years the IRA conflict killed approx. 3000 people. 911 did that in one shot and Muslims are planning much worse. Excusing one bad behaviour by pointing out another does not cut it.
5.I am not religious and what individual Christians do is not in the name of Christianity. There are plenty of white people at the Obama rallies. I think it is safe to say that a lot of them are Christian.
6.Hillary Clinton has nothing to do with the way women are treated under Islam.
7.You are delusional. Christians do not believe in Islam or the laws of Islam. Save the con that your Imam told you.
8.About FOX: Reporting news about illegals is not preaching hate towards Hispanics. Since they make up most of the illegals, they are just telling the facts.
Same thing for pointing out the actions of Muslims. FOX is also not telling anyone to go kill people or that they are subhuman.
All you are doing is trying to get the focus off of Islam. Personally I do not care what you think about any issue and I am not trying to convince you to change your mind, but this conversation is going to come to end. Going back and forth is just a waste of time.
That documentary on that Mosque, shows us what Islam is all about.
So your con will not outweigh the facts.
1. I don't want "Sharia Law" to be imposed on Non-Muslims.
2. "They were told to evacuate and they did not. Not his fault they did not."
How can you evacuate if you are poor? Like I said before, you Christians care more about your bacon than those who can't afford bacon. Also, the people of New Orleans were told that the levees won't break. Did the levees break? YES!
3. Unlike you, I'm aware of other attacks by Muslims as well as Non-Muslims. I don't blame one religion for the evils in this world. George Bush was responsible for 9/11, not Muslims!
4. "Fox Reporting news about illegals is not preaching hate towards Hispanics." It is because they don't tell you that you need illegal immigrants. Did you honestly think that the majority of Americans want to do the work they do? Also, ask black people if the like Fox News.
4."In 30 years the IRA conflict killed approx. 3000 people". How many Iraqis have you killed?
5. If women are treated badly under Islam, they always have the option to leave the religion. You would love to think that we got them in chains, but the reality is far from it. United States never elected a woman as their president. But a Muslim country such as Indonesia did! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megawati_Sukarnoputri
6. Where are those loudspeaker mosques you talked about? Don't tell me this was lie.
7. The truth shall set you free!
"That documentary on that Mosque, shows us what Islam is all about."
Again, you look at the minority of Muslims and think its accurate reflection of the 1.5 billion Muslims.
If this is the case then all your churches have child molesting, racist popes/priests.
The true meaning of your posts are being hi jacked and you are being thrown off topic and time is being wasted.
This will go on for ever and the whole issue is being deflected and manipulated by the pro Muslim schoolyard crap,as in comments section we are seeing recently.
The heat being taken off what is the truth by all this Priests abuse and tit for tat idiotic nonsense we are answering.
You said the conversation is over, now lets get on with what we are here for.
It is obvious you are hitting the nail on the head.
Let us not be sidetracked.
Trying to say Christians do the same and Priests is bullshit, just giving these idiots a licence to carry on.
Next we will be getting told it is our fault the Towers and London underground got blown up, as it is the foreign policy crap.
Mohammed was a pervert and peodophile.
End of conversation.
1.You don't want Sharia but you want to tell us when we can eat. Either way what you want does not matter, it is a fact that there a plenty of Muslims in non-Islamic countries who do want it and it becomes a problem.
2.The Mayor is at fault for not making them evacuate and it does not take a lot of money to drive out of town. Once again I am not religious. If you have a problem with Christians go to an Islamic country.
This is not what the article is about and I done commenting on it.
3.You are the one who brought up the IRA and now you want to use it in circular logic. Like I said this conversation is coming to an end. I am not for the Iraq war, so do not speak about what you do not know.
4.Women in Islamic countries are scared to death to leave Islam. The sentence for apostasy is death, save your spin. The US has not had a women President is an OLD Islamic excuse. There are plenty of women here in positions of power and this has nothing to do with the treatment of women under Islam DOES IT? Just another attempt to get the focus off of Islam.
5.There are plenty of Mosques in non-Muslim countries with the calls to prayers being broadcast. So stop implying that is not what Muslims want.
6.It does not have to be all Muslims and what is preached in that Mosque is Islam. We can see that by viewing Islamic countries and Christian preachers are not telling anyone to sleep with 9 years olds.
You attempts to get the focus off of Islam are not going to work and you are not going to get me to change my mind.
When you can't answer the questions, you say you are being thrown off topic. SMH
Islam is the fastest growing religion, so deal with it! Neither Jihad Watch nor Islam in Action can stop the movement. Good Night!
Here is one in the UK.
Sleepy Cornish village kept awake by 700-strong party of Muslims broadcasting 5am call to prayer by loudspeaker.
No I have answered your questions and I am just not going to go in circles with you over Katrina.
Most converts leave Islam with in the first 5 years and we will not submit.
Islam grows because of birthrate and because other religions are not allowed to prosletize in Islamic countries. Obvious Islamic leaders are scared to death of the freedoms of other religions.
Muslims Leaving Islam in Droves
Islam used to represent … Africa’s main religion and there were 30 African languages that used to be written in Arabic script. The number of Muslims in Africa has diminished to 316 million, half of whom are Arabs in North Africa. So in the section of Africa that we are talking about, the non-Arab section, the number of Muslims does not exceed 150 million people. When we realize that the entire population of Africa is one billion people, we see that the number of Muslims has diminished greatly from what it was in the beginning of the last century.
On the other hand, the number of Catholics has increased from one million in 1902 to 329 million 882 thousand (329,882,000). Let us round off that number to 330 million in the year 2000.
As to how that happened, well there are now 1.5 million churches whose congregations account for 46 million people. In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. These numbers are very large indeed.
From a friend in the UK who watched the documentary on that Mosque.
The Dispatches has finished, it was as follows.
Killing Jews,
100 lashes for sex before marriage,
Death for gays and lesbians.
stoning and throwing people from high buildings then stoning to death,
only carried out in the future in the Islam state not in present day U.K
From Medina Mosque in Saudi Arabia, books come with their state stamp on to schools and Mosques here.
They have to hate what Allah hates and what displeases Allah, Christians and Jews.
Muslims must stay separate and women stay in the house wearing the veil and not work.
They see non Muslims as sub human.
They are permitted to be sly and tell lies to us.
Same books and DVDs as last year in the basement.
Jews are Monkey's that have to be killed for their beliefs their time will come.
Sharia, public beheadings, when hands and feet roll down the street then it will be a warning to others.
Lashings as a deterrent.
sovereign Islamic state when one exists all this will be done.
Saudi funding in schools and Mosques to spread the preaching in the U.K
when a kaffir dies, Jew or Christian, the whole of humanity is relieved.
same teachings for boys school as in Saudi Arabia, and same books.
other religions are worthless.
Monkeys are Jews and Pigs are Christians.
children are asked to describe Jews as they are in the Koran.
Books kept in mosques in locked basement,
killing gays and lesbians and taking their belongings.
The last day will not come until all the Jews are killed.
Saudi Arabia is called the "religious establishment"
Anti Jew, anti western and anti gay is taught,
crucifixions returned in the super nation.
Everything you say has no evidence/facts.
1. We told you to show some courtesy but are too selfish for that.
2. You blame the mayor but Bush said it was his fault. Lie No. 1
3. I brought up the IRA because they are Christian terrorists. Unlike you, I don't assume every Christians are like them.
4. Muslims treat women better than you Christians. In the UK as well as the U.S. you swear at your mother when you don't get what you want. Stuff like that is not allowed in Islam. You say women are afraid of Islam, where are they? I'm pretty sure BBC or Dispatches has interview at least one of them. Also, its not an old Islamic excuse, its a fact! You never had a female president because they are not considered equal to males.
5. Where is your source? Lie No. 2
6. Where is your source? Lie No. 3
"On the other hand, the number of Catholics has increased from one million in 1902 to 329 million 882 thousand (329,882,000). Let us round off that number to 330 million in the year 2000."
The reason why the number for Christian increased in Africa is because of slavery. And for your information Islam is still the fastest growing religions in Africa.
Number of Christians today in Africa. 350 million
Number of Muslims today in Africa. 402 million.
Last time with Katrina....I do not support Bush and I did not say my country is perfect. But this has NOTHING to do with the problems that Islam brings to the non-Muslim world.
The IRA has stopped with the killings,Islam has not. Christians are not a threat to me, they are not looking to impose Sharia Law on me.
Sources for Mosques with calls to prayers. So save the lie comment just because you are ingnorant.
Calls to prayers in Switerland.
Calls to prayers in Brooklyn NY.
Here is one in the UK.
Sleepy Cornish village kept awake by 700-strong party of Muslims broadcasting 5am call to prayer by loudspeaker.
6.Here are just SOME of the Mosque that are preaching hate. You see just because Muslims contiunally lie and Islam instructs them to, does not mean that I am lying.
This bill came about after numerous Mosques were caught in America.
Study: 3 in 4 U.S. mosques preach anti-West extremism
Secret survey exposes widespread radicalism
Right slavery has to do with it.....
Prove that Islam is the fastest growing in Africa. Higher numbers do not prove which is currently growing at a faster rate. Also for the 3rd time, I am not religious.
The Islamic poster said,
1. We told you to show some courtesy but are too selfish for that.
There you have it folks, we were TOLD. The intolerance of Islam is shown once again....
4.Prove that women are not considered equal to men here. I guess Condi Rice is an example of that. I guess Senator Hillary Clinton is another example.
Muslims, man and women are afraid to leave Islam and only a fool would say that women in Islam are not afraid of the men. If they were not afraid they would not allow men to treat the so badly.
Islamic "honor killings" are a good reason for women to be afraid.
Calls to prayers in Brooklyn NY.
Blogs are not accurate sources. Give me a proper news article.
Calls to prayers in Switzerland.
They have NOT built it yet. So there is no call for prayer. Lie No.1
Calls to prayers in Cornish Village.
"Environmental health officials and the park owner agreed a sound level and I have received no more complaints since."
Women in America don't receive equal pay for equal work.Therefore they are not equal to men.
Radical Muslims are just like the Ku Klux Klan Christian Terrorists. No good, no better!
If Rice & Clinton become presidents, then you can talk. Until then, keep quiet.
Slavery & Colonialism was responsible for the growth of Christianity. The colonial rulers did not hesitate to use missionaries to help them subdue and control the colonies.
Prove that Islam is the fastest growing in Africa.
1.Muslims want to impose the calls to prayers in non-Islamic countries. End of story.
2.Women in Islamic countries are the most oppressed women in the world. They actually get the blame for being raped.
3.Women in the USA are free to do what they want and yes their salaries are going up and I never said my country is perfect.
4.You are a radical Muslim who wants to impose Ramadan on non-Muslims.
5.Right, I am going to keep quite because some imposing Muslim said so. LOL!!
6.Slavery is not the cause of the rise of Christianity today.
7.That link just goes to some home page and is this the part were you actually think that I am going to say....OK...I accept Islam? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
Here is another Mosque with the calls to prayers in the USA. The Brooklyn one is true. It does not have to make all the papers though.
You have had your say and I do not care what your opinons are or what you want.
Oh yea,
NONE of this changes the FACT that Muslims are trying to impose Islam on non-Muslims.
The local councils are usually the first to give way to the Muslims in their petty demands.
It should be put a stop to before it goes any further.
The idea that it is politically correct has to come to a stop and common sense has to prevail.
As a nation the UK is losing all heritage it has, as well as identity.
Joan of Ark
I am a muslim and I don't mind if people eat around me. Not all muslims understand islam correctly and the less people know about the religion the more likely they are to make unreasonable demands. I think it is perfectly fine for non-muslims to eat or drink during the meeting and the break should be shorter like 20 minutes, enough to break fast and pray. It might even be better to have the break at a pre-defined time that does not change so non-muslims can also plan for that time. God has given us a lot of flexibility. It is our lack of understanding about our faith that we make life difficult for ourselves and others.
That sounds nice, but where are the all the Muslim protests against the Muslims that want to impose Islam on non-Muslims?
Here are just a few examples.
I would appreciate an answer.
Here is a unknown FACT.
Muslims do not fast.
Those satanists abstain from food in the daytime hours than GORGE themselves as Romans during the night time!
How is that a fast?
This practice is just selectively eating for daytime and makes no sense, as is typical islam.
How dare you muslim turds tell us we need to abstain from any type of foods?
We will eat pork and later crap it out on the koran.
Did you ever hear the multiple rumors that mohammedthemadman had anal sex with goats and boys?
Is that a typical islamic honeymoon?
I currently use a green koran to hold old copies of Hustler and Playboy in my restroom.
What ya think of that buddy?
I can not wait for the deportations to begin when all you skags who abuse our welfare systems are sent home.
Absolutely useless group.
Why did mohammed kill so many people?
Can you tell me now how many did Jesus kill?
End of discussion regarding the true faith for all people.
Hungarian Crusader-1453
You know whats funny?..
Its funny that even after the jews prove to the world how much they have contributed to the advancement of mankind, people still believe to eagerly type something negative about the jews on the media.. Why? No no REALLY why?? Im not saying that they are perfect and error-less. everybody has their own defects but seriously, if you really look at the big picture, the world and everything in it, you would most definitely see that it is quite foolish to speak in such ways about the jews.. If anybody needs some more info about if the jews werent here, then I can tell them exactly what kind of world this would have been without them.. Oh by the way, did you know that the little camera on your cell phone was invented in Israel by the jews.. Funny isnt it :)
It can't work in actual fact, that's what I think.
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