Saturday, November 21, 2009

Obama Sides With Iran Over Families of Beirut Bombing Victims

Obama and his pro-Islamic Department of Justice (DOJ), have stabbed the families of the Beirut bombing victims in the back. Just like he did the families of the 911 victims, when he had the DOJ fill a brief to shield the Saudi Royal Family from any 911 lawsuits. Any questions where his loyalties lie?

Hat tip to Bare Naked Islam.

Adding insult to infamy
26 years after attack on Marine barracks in Beirut, families stymied again in bid for restitution

On Veterans Day, Christine Devlin stood in the cold in Westwood for the unveiling of a new memorial to local soldiers lost overseas, including her son Michael, one of the 241 servicemen killed in the bombing of the US Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983.

Devlin is among 30 Massachusetts relatives of victims of the Beirut attack who have been fighting for more than a decade to get compensation for what many consider the first major terrorist attack against the United States. After a federal judge ruled in 2007 that Iran was liable for $2.65 billion in damages to be shared by 150 families seeking restitution, they believed they were on the cusp of victory.

But now, the Obama administration is going to court to try to block payments from Iranian assets
that the families’ lawyers want seized, contending that it would jeopardize sensitive negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program and establish a potentially damaging precedent.

In a little-noticed filing in federal court, the Justice Department is arguing that giving the money to the victims “can have significant, detrimental impact on our foreign relations, as well as the reciprocal treatment of the United States and its extensive overseas property holdings.’’

The Obama administration’s position is a blow to those like Devlin, who is still waiting for some measure of justice for her son, who was 21 when Hezbollah terrorists rammed a suicide truck bomb into the peacekeepers’ headquarters.

“It is offensive that our government - the government that [the Marines] were fighting for, who sent them there - are against us collecting from Iran,’’ Devlin said in an interview this week. “I felt justice was going to be served, but so far it hasn’t.’’

“We can’t go on with our lives,’’ said Marlys Lemnah, 62, of St. Albans, Vt., whose husband, Richard, a Marine sergeant nearing his 20-year retirement, was killed in Beirut. “It’s not about the money. We need something tangible: responsibility and accountability. We will fight until we have no more fight left.’’


The Justice Department declined to comment further on the administration’s position, but as the congressional analysis stated, “The issue has pitted the compensation of victims of terrorism against US foreign policy goals and some business interests.’’

Link to Article


American Delight said...

The feds are seizing four mosques and an Iran-backed office building in New York. To me it's a no-brainer to take some of the proceeds from those seizures and compensate the Beirut families.

It is stunning that the the Department of Justice would disregard that option because of foreign policy sensitivities. So much for "justice" from DOJ.

Ben said...

No such thing as Justice while the world is run by men. AssWholliness rules. Always has; always will.

Those men died because Reagan sent them to save Arafat's sorry ass from his just desserts. The worst of fool's errands!!! He should have been impeached.

What DOJ is doing in this case is long standing policy.

for a recent precedent and more details.

Mohammed Abdel kareem said...

With the coming of the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, a new competition begins between all believers who aspire for closeness to their Lord and forgiveness of their sins. These blessed days occupy a special place in the sight of Almighty Allah.

David Duke said...

Ben is right! Jeremiah 30:3 tells that Jesus isn't going to return until all the Jews return to Israel. Once we force them all back and kill anyone who doesn't want to go then Jesus the Lord will return and we will live under God, not men. Praise Jesus!

Ben said...

Clarification: I have no commerce with nor affinity for David Duke and his antisemitic groupies.

I take no stock in any antisemitic schemes, including the suggested expulsion of Jews.

It is the Muslims we need to expel.

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Anonymous said...

I'm ecstatic Obama is at least standing up to the Islamophobia in the world and doing what is right. He is certainly not "siding with the bad guys" here.

The more inroads Islam makes into the Western world, the more I hope people in high places (like Obama) will better understand and appreciate them and what their culture has to offer.

This is one of the most horridly biased articles I've read in a while. I think people should stop fearing Islam and start embracing it, for your own good.

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masallah obama!!

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