Sunday, August 9, 2009

Help Obama get Health Care Passed, Make Bank

Besides bullying the opposition into silence, Obama and Co. are paying people to help get his health care bill passed. What I want to know is why doesn't the GOP counter this with their own street team? Here are some ads from Craigslist.

Hat tip to Tara.

Aug 7 - Make social change - Help Pass Obama's Health Care Reform!! - (Sacramento) img et cetera

Jul 31 - Help Pass Obama's Health Care Reform! Earn $325-550 per week - (Sacramento) img et cetera

Jul 29 - Work to Pass Obama's Plans this Summer! Earn $9-14/hr! - (Sacramento) img et cetera

Jul 28 - Build Support for Obama's Plans!!! Earn $325-550 a Week!- (Sacramento) img nonprofit

Jul 27 - HELP PASS OBAMA'S PLANS AND EARN $325-550 A WEEK!!! - (Berkeley) img nonprofit

Jul 27 - HELP PASS OBAMA'S PLANS AND EARN $325-550 A WEEK!!! - (Sacramento) img et cetera

Jul 23 - HELP PASS OBAMA'S PLAN TO FIGHT GLOBAL WARMING! EARN $9-14/HOUR!!! - (Sacramento) img et cetera

Jul 21 - BUILD PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR OBAMA'S PLAN & EARN $9-14 AN HOUR!!! - (Sacramento) img nonprofit

Jul 15 - Make $350-550 per Week Working for OBAMA's PROGRESSIVE AGENDA!!!- (Sacramento) img nonprofit

Jul 14 - SUMMER CAMPAIGN STAFF POSITIONS AVAILABLE!!! EARN $350-550 A WEEK! - (Sacramento) img et cetera

Link to original.