Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Electronics Galore!

In this ever changing fast paced world it is very important that those in business keep up with the competition, while also being able to stay in touch with their loved ones. Especially in the case of an emergency. To do so, we need to have top of the line electronic communication devices, and I have found this great website to purchase such items.

The website is entitled, and they sell all kinds of communications devices. From mobile phones to BlackBerries, and have all of the latest brands and styles. If you are also looking for iphone accessories an iphone case or an iphone dock MobileFun is the place to shop.
While traveling on public transportation do you occasionally get bored, like many of us do? Well then download some ring tones or video games, right to your phone from the MobileFun website. You can even download film clips from hilarious movies such as "Dumb and Dumber", or the Bruce Lee's classic "Enter the Dragon Don't forget to pick up some top of the line headphones, so you do not bother those traveling near you.

Beside have the best communication devices available, MobileFun is stocked full of video game accessories for systems such as Nintendo Wii, the Xbox 360, and the Sony PlayStation 3.
MobileFun, is your one stop shopping electronic site, and the best part of it all is that you do not even have to leave your home to shop. If you order before 6 PM, they can even ship out your order that day, and they ship to countries across Europe. It does not get any easier than. Quality products, great prices, and quality service is what MobileFun is all about. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Obama Sides With Iran Over Families of Beirut Bombing Victims

Obama and his pro-Islamic Department of Justice (DOJ), have stabbed the families of the Beirut bombing victims in the back. Just like he did the families of the 911 victims, when he had the DOJ fill a brief to shield the Saudi Royal Family from any 911 lawsuits. Any questions where his loyalties lie?
Hat tip to Bare Naked Islam.
Adding insult to infamy
26 years after attack on Marine barracks in Beirut, families stymied again in bid for restitution
On Veterans Day, Christine Devlin stood in the cold in Westwood for the unveiling of a new memorial to local soldiers lost overseas, including her son Michael, one of the 241 servicemen killed in the bombing of the US Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983.
Devlin is among 30 Massachusetts relatives of victims of the Beirut attack who have been fighting for more than a decade to get compensation for what many consider the first major terrorist attack against the United States. After a federal judge ruled in 2007 that Iran was liable for $2.65 billion in damages to be shared by 150 families seeking restitution, they believed they were on the cusp of victory.
But now, the Obama administration is going to court to try to block payments from Iranian assets that the families’ lawyers want seized, contending that it would jeopardize sensitive negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program and establish a potentially damaging precedent.
In a little-noticed filing in federal court, the Justice Department is arguing that giving the money to the victims “can have significant, detrimental impact on our foreign relations, as well as the reciprocal treatment of the United States and its extensive overseas property holdings.’’
The Obama administration’s position is a blow to those like Devlin, who is still waiting for some measure of justice for her son, who was 21 when Hezbollah terrorists rammed a suicide truck bomb into the peacekeepers’ headquarters.
“It is offensive that our government - the government that [the Marines] were fighting for, who sent them there - are against us collecting from Iran,’’ Devlin said in an interview this week. “I felt justice was going to be served, but so far it hasn’t.’’
“We can’t go on with our lives,’’ said Marlys Lemnah, 62, of St. Albans, Vt., whose husband, Richard, a Marine sergeant nearing his 20-year retirement, was killed in Beirut. “It’s not about the money. We need something tangible: responsibility and accountability. We will fight until we have no more fight left.’’
The Justice Department declined to comment further on the administration’s position, but as the congressional analysis stated, “The issue has pitted the compensation of victims of terrorism against US foreign policy goals and some business interests.’’
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Friday, November 20, 2009
Pelosi Calls Afghan Karzai "unworthy partner"

Today elitist Nancy Pelosi has thrown Afghan President Karzi into the meat grinder. Besides this, back in October Obama opened up his bottomless checkbook to the Taliban. Also stating that in the future, Taliban members will be allowed into the Afghan government. Is it clear whose side the left is on?
Pelosi calls Afghan Karzai "unworthy partner"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Afghan President Hamid Karzai is an "unworthy partner" who does not deserve a big boost either in U.S. troops or civilian aid, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.
Pelosi, a skeptic on sending more troops to Afghanistan, also said in an interview with National Public Radio aired on Friday that there was not strong support among her fellow Democrats in Congress for "any big ramp-up of troops" to oppose resurgent Taliban forces.
She told NPR she had asked fellow Democrats to give President Barack Obama room to decide his Afghan strategy, which is expected to be announced in the coming weeks. Once Obama, also a Democrat, announces his decision, lawmakers would "not be shy" about responding, she said.
"The president of Afghanistan has proven to be an unworthy partner. We cannot fund a mission where we don't have a reliable partner and where whatever civilian investments we want to make, which are so necessary, will be diverted for a corrupt purpose," Pelosi told NPR News' Morning Edition.
"How can we ask the American people to pay a big price in lives and limbs and also in dollars if we don't have a connection to a reliable partner?"
Pelosi's comments came a day after Karzai was sworn in for his second five-year term. He has faced tough pressure from Western leaders to clamp down on widespread corruption and replace former guerrilla leaders and cronies with able technocrats in his new government.
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Congressman Gerry Connolly Stands up For Islam

About a week ago, Pat Robertson stated that Islam is a "violent political system."
He happens to be correct, but as usual one of our politicians has to come running to stand up for a religion/political system that they know little about.
Virginia's 11Th District Congressman Gerry Connolly (D), has issued this statement calling for Pat Robertson to apologize for his comments about Islam.
“In the week since Mr. Robertson’s statement that Islam is ‘not a religion’ but a ‘violent political system’ whose adherents should be treated like members of the communist or fascist party, I have heard from hundreds of outraged Northern Virginians – Muslim and non-Muslim. Here in the 11Th Congressional District of Virginia and, in fact, across our Commonwealth, Muslim-Americans are a vibrant part of our communities. They serve in our nation’s military, contribute to our economic growth, and in myriad other ways, help form the diverse tapestry that is Virginia in the 21st century.
“Some will dismiss Mr. Robertson’s comments as the strange ramblings of a man stuck in a bygone era. But when a prominent Virginian chooses to engage in hate-filled rhetoric that divides us and has the potential to fuel real discord in our polity, leaders cannot remain silent. That is why I am calling on Mr. Robertson to apologize to my constituents – Muslim and non-Muslim – for the hurt he has caused and the damage he has done. It is a week overdue.”
Of course Robertson should never apologize for speaking the truth. But I was curious if the Congressman had any sound evidence to back up his statement. So I called his Washington DC office today.
When I called a staff member named Nick answered. I stated that I am calling in regards to the Congressman telling Robertson to apologize and why does he believe that Robertson's comments were not accurate? I mentioned this site, what is was about and if I could ask a few questions. Nick stated that he didn't know about the issue, but he would write down the questions and give them to the Congressman.
These were the three questions.
1. The"Justice" chapter of Reliance of the Traveller
A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, describes Jihad as the following.
o9.0 JIHAD
(O: Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and it etymologically derived from the word mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad.
Does the Congressman think that this is non-violent?
2. The Congressman spoke of division. Koran verse 9:29 specifically calls for Muslims to dominate and extort non-Muslims (jizya). Is that not division?
YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
3. Congressman Connolly mentioned "hate-filled rhetoric" coming from Robertson. Saying that he "hurt" Muslims. I stated that under Islam, Jesus will come back as a Muslim and destroy Christianity. I am "hurt" and "offended", will Connolly make a statement against Islam now?
Of course he will not, but we have to pressure our politicians and let them know that Muslims are not the only ones living here. As for staff member Nick, he was very polite and interested in what I had to say. He said that I shall receive an answer in the mail. I wouldn't be holding my breath though.
Congressman Gerry Connolly,
Fort Hood,
Pat Robertson
Holder: Protect Rights of all Americans, Including Muslims

Once again Eric Holder has reached out to the Muslim community. Holder speaks of treating people equally. Then how about him and the rest of our leaders stop bowing down to Islam, and acting like Muslims are the most important people here in America? Who protected the victims of the Fort Hood attack?
Holder: Protect rights of all Americans, including Muslims
Attorney General speaks in Detroit
Reaching out to Arab Americans and Muslims, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder strongly declared in a Detroit speech Thursday night that their full rights must be protected while the country battles security threats.
“We are committed to protecting the rights of all Americans, including Muslims,” Holder told a crowd of hundreds at the Detroit Marriot in the Renaissance Center. “This is not blind adherence to political correctness. It is devotion to our founding documents.”
In recent days, conservatives have assailed the Obama administration for what it sees as a political correctness in dealing with the issue of Islamic extremism.
Holder addressed the Republican criticism head on, saying that it’s vital that all ethnic and religious groups in America be treated equally. He attacked racial profiling, saying it was bad policy that breeds mistrust and division.
“For the last nine months, I’ve heard from Muslim and Arab-Americans who feel uneasy about their relationship with their government, who feel isolated and discriminated against by law enforcement,” Holder said. “This is simply intolerable. No American should feel denied the tenets of our Constitution or of the government that created it… It is inconsistent with what America is all about.”
Holder also addressed tensions locally that have emerged over the Oct. 28 shooting death of a Muslim leader by federal agents who were going to arrest him on suspicions he dealt with stolen goods. Holder did not mention specifically the case of Luqman Ameen Abdullah, the head of a Detroit mosque. But he said:
“The dialogue between law enforcement and those in the Muslim and Arab-American communities has been tested in recent weeks by events here in Michigan and events far away.”
But, he added, “Our resolve must not waver. We must renew our commitment to open communication even when we disagree.”
Holder also touched upon the Fort Hood shootings, in which an Arab-American Muslim serving in the U.S. Army shot dead 13 members of the military.
“We need answers,” said Abdullah’s son, Omar Regan. “Islam is a target.”
Not really Omar, but it should be.
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